Forum Discussion

3s1k's avatar
Level 4
11 years ago

Backup Exec 2014 Job Rate is to slow

Last week I was checking how the weekend backups were going and I seen that Backups for our Hyper-V Exchange server have been running for almost 3 days. The Exchange backup looked like it finished but the Catalog job rate was under 200mb.

Everything was going great for months and this happened. I installed the last service pack and restarted all the servers and it's still doing the same thing. The Job rate starts our really good and then slows to a crawl. Right now it's backing up Exchange databases and log files. I haven't been able to run any backups on the local machine since it's set to only run 1 job at a time. 

Here is our setup:

1 Physical Server - Server 2012

2 Hyper-Vm - Exchange and our Appserver (only has sharepoint which is empty)

Backup Exec 2014


Right now we are backing up to a 5tb Seagate External which so far hasn't had any throughput issues. Any ideas?

  • Run a repair on the Backup Exec install from Programs and Features, then recreate the job and run again.

  • Hi,


    Try running a backup of any size to the internal disks of the media server and check the speeds then.

    Also make sure that any antivirus installed isn't perhaps actively scanning either the BE services or the B2D folder, and if so, put in exclusions for the BE services.


  • i have the same problem and this happend to me in all versions since 2010, 2012 and now 2014.

    After i install BE 2014, the jobs runs well, making full backup of 600 Gb exchange Mailbox between 5-6 Hours with job rate 2500/3000 Mb/minute

    a month ago, after some windows updates were applied to the phisical and virtual servers that contain the exchange, the full backup jobs takes more that 1 day, between 28-30 Hours, with job rate of 400-500Mb/ minute.

    this happend equal with 2010 and 2012 versions, for a time works well, after some windows update crash.

  • I ran the repair and recreated the jobs as Imosla suggested and it worked fine for a week. Now the Exchange job on our VM server is running at 44mb per minute and has taken more than 40hrs so far and isn't nearly complete.

    The jobs usually complete succesfully but the problem is all the jobs that are supposed to run get missed because of the slow job rate.


    Also, there is no antivirus software on the server so that isn't the issue.

  • Terrible men, to me happends similar,  two months ago i was working with BE 2012 and the same problem, very slow job rate to Backup Mailbox Database, wath i do is make Full bakcup on mondays, and rest of the days incremental.

    Then i installed the SP3 in the Exchange 2010, and install the BE 2014, and the Job for Full backup of mailbox database runs fine in 5-6 hours 600GB,  but with the lastest windows update the Slow Rate comes again.

    i have 3 years with that exhcnage, and the problems was the same with BE 2010, 2012 and now with the 2014

    Terrible Software.

  • Now that you mention it, i think the problem started after I restarted the Server for recent Updates a few 3-4 weeks ago. We haven't applied Server Updates to our physical Server for 4 months prior. Which was when we installed BE 2014 also.

  • The only way I have found to resolve this problem is to reboot the server that BE is running on. I may have to do this 2 or 3 times to resolve it. This happens every time a Microsoft update occurs regardless if running Server 2003, 2008, or 2012.  Microsoft updates also affect other programs such as UltraVNC (gray screen, comms messed up) and others. Also takes 2 or 3 reboots to resolve these problems.  So not only is BE affected but so are other programs. When BE is running slow you may want to check to see if other programs have been affected.

  • Yeah, that works for me now, just restart the server Twice, jejeje


    i open a case, and symantec support make me Run a lot of test, symhelp reports, sas.exe reports, etc,etc, to finally tell me that my NIC card drivers was the problem, please, they dont have any idea what was the problem.