backup exec agent browser?
I am curious as to what functionality the this actually provides. It appears that even when its port 6101 is blocked, selecting and running backups still work, I found a brief explination on a security warning page from checkpoint, stating it is "responsible for discovering available agents".
Would this be used if the remote agent did not have the media server definition, and the server had to discover which agents were installed when manually adding a server?
The main purpose of Backup Exec Agent Browser service to capture the resources that are publishe by the Remote agent on the remote/local server.
Yes the backups will be successful even when the Agent Browser service is stopped or its port is blocked.
But when this services is stopped or port is blocked, you will not be able to see the Remote server resources under the Favourite Resource tab in the selection list.
Remote Agent will pulish all the resources from the remote server but Agent browser will be responsible to show it under Favourites in the selection.
Publishing will be required for many applications like Lotus, Sharepoint, Enterprise Vault... and this information is captured by the Agent browser service.
Hope I have provided clear information about the service.