Forum Discussion

jason_blake's avatar
13 years ago

Backup Exec Agent Question.


We are going to be using an old Server of ours as a Brick Level Tape Backup solution for 4 VMs on new hardware we are purchasing. 


We have Backup exec 11 D with a Exchange and SQL Agents. These existing agents will handle the SQL and Exhange Databases sitting on 2 of the VMs.

For bricklevel backups of the 4 VMS would I have to Purchase 4 Remote Agents ? Will backup exec 11D be ok to backup a Virtial 2008 Server ? 




  • BE12.0 and above supports Win 2008 Server.

    BE12.5 SP3 and above supports Win 2008 R2 

    If you buy  AVVI or Hyper V agent then you can install remote agent all on VM's configured on the 

    host machine without RAWS license. If the VM's are hosting any application then releavant Agent will

    be required, for eg: to backup SQL you will SQL agent and so on.

    Note: 1 AVVI or Hyper V license per host machine.

  • No you dont need to purchase any remote agent .11d does not support virtual server 2008

  • Yes. With BE 11d you will require 4 Rremote Agent License to backup 4 Virtual Machines. But BE 11d will not support backing Win 2008 macchines. To backup Win 2008 you need to be on atleast BE 12.0 version.




  • Thanks for all your responses.

    Do they offer an upgrade path from 11d to 12.5 along with the corresponding SQL and Exchange Agents ?


  • Technically... upgrade from BE 11d to BE 12.5 is possible.

    For License you need to check with the License dept. and get the new License keys for BE 12.5.

    Free upgrade license is available if there is valid Maintenance contract (not sure if there is Maintenance contract still availabke for BE 11d)




  • If you have a valid maintenance then you may directly upgrade to BE2010 R3