Forum Discussion

Backup_Exec_BAR's avatar
15 years ago

Backup Exec Agent Stuck at Starting

GoodDay, I am trying to install the backup remote agent 12.5 on a windows 2003 SP1 machine and it would not install it keeps giving me an Access Denied error. I tried installing the agent localling by running the setupaofo.exe file and remote agent gets stuck at starting. How can I resolve this issue??? Thanks in advanced!!
  • Hello,

    have you tried running setupaa.cmd or setupaofo.cmd (if installing AOFO) thru a silent install..
  • Sorry I made a mistake it was setupaofo.cmd I ran at the command prompt. After that was done the agent was just stuck at starting and I had to uninstall.

  • Hi,

    You installed BE Agent with Advanced Open File Option, AOFO. If you install BE Agent with AOFO, you need to reboot server after that, service wont start until reboot.

    If you install BE Agent without AOFO option, reboot is not necessary.
  • Ok, so what's the error message when agent wont start?
  • I had put the agent to start manually, after trying to start it I got the error "Could not start the Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows Systems service on Local Computer. Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion."

    There are no error in the event viewer and presently the service is now stuck at starting.
  • Hi there,

    Try adding the service account as a local admin on that particular server and try again.

  • I tried adding a user locally to the machine but I keep getting "event id 57806 does not have the following necessary priveleges - Create Token Object". Why cant I use "Local System" or a network useid that has been set on backup exec for doing my backups?????

    I have over a dozen systems where I am doing backups from and most of them use Local System. We have one win2000 machine where we had tio install the agent locally and that was able to use the network user created on backup exec. What is the difference??? I am a bit confused as to why I cant use this userid on this particular win server 2003 machine.

    This only happened after we upgraded to 12.5, 10d was on the machine before and we where using Local system without any problems.

    Please help!!

  • Take a look here...
  • You should use local system account for remote agent and no other account. Your issue might be related to MS outlook. If MS outlook is installed on this system, make sure it is a default mail client.
