Backup Exec cannot create a recovery checkpoint for the virtual machine
I ask for help from the community. run into a problem when backing up a virtual machine, a search (on vox/ google) did not yield results.
Backup Exec Server: BE version=20.0.1188, OS Windows 2016 ver 1607 (14393.3204)
Hyper-V host: OS Windows 2016 ver 1607 (14393.3204) with role Hyper-V, Agent VBE
VM: OS Windows 2008R2 + MSQL 2012 SP2
GRT - OFF/ Instant Recovery - OFF
I get the following error:
V-79-40960-38691 - Backup Exec cannot create a recovery checkpoint for the 'SQL' virtual machine. Refer to the Windows Event Log on the Hyper-V host for more details or retry the backup job.
Job Completion Status
Job ended: 17/11/2019 . at 13:01:30
Completed status: Failed
Final error: 0xa0009723 - Backup Exec cannot create a recovery checkpoint for the virtual machine. Refer to the Windows Event Log on the Hyper-V host for more details or retry the backup job.
Final error category: Resource Errors
For additional information regarding this error refer to link V-79-40960-38691
Click an error below to locate it in the job log
Backup- hvc-cluster V-79-40960-38691 - Backup Exec cannot create a recovery checkpoint for the 'SQL' virtual machine. Refer to the Windows Event Log on the Hyper-V host for more details or retry the backup job.
Thank you for the suggestion. I attempted to manually checkpoint the VMs from the Hyper-V manager and was unable to do so. After some investigation, it was discovered that the host server's optical drive had been mapped to both VMs. After disconnecting the drive from each and rebooting the host I was able to checkpoint my VMs and successfully run virtual-based backups on them.
If it weren't for you pointing me in a different direction, I would likely still be trying to figure this one out. Your help is much appreciated.