Backup Exec not restoring config
Had some problems with Backup Exec 2010 R3 and had to reinstall it. Just before doing that, I created a copy of the 'catalog' and 'data' folders. After reinstalling it, I stopped the BE services and copied the two folders back to the BE directory, unfortunately the "Backup Exec Device & Media Service" would get stuck at starting.
So I tried another route, reinstalled it again and tried to manually restore the database backup onto the new one, after some (a lot) of work the data is in there. I then copied the 'catalog' and 'data' folders back in (with the services) stopped, started the services and launched BE, but unfortunately it didn't pick up any of the jobs/history/media set that were there before.
Any tips on how to get BE to pickup the pre-existing config?
Thanks in advance.