backup exec reports "jobs summary" include directory details
Does anyone know how to include the directory details in the "jobs summary" report? Or how to create a basic report with directory details in it? Not only how many files and folder exists but the names of the folders in it etc.
The following is a rudimentary perl script which I've used to pull that info out of the detailed TXT job log:
#!c:/perl/bin/perl -w
use strict;my ($in, $out, $buf, @wds, $w);
my $DEBUG = 0;if ($#ARGV != 1) { &usage; }
$in = $ARGV[0];
$out = $ARGV[1];open(IN,$in)||die "Can't open $ARGV[0] ($!)\n";
open(OUT,">$out")||die "Can't create output ($!)\n";
while(<IN>) {
chomp $_;
$buf = $_;
@wds = split /\s+/, $buf;
foreach $w (@wds) {
if ( $DEBUG && ($w=~ /\\/ ) ) {print $w."\n"};
if ($w =~ /\\/ ) {print OUT $w."\n";}
print "Check output file $out\n";
exit 1;
sub usage() {
print "$0 Infile Outfile\n";
exit 1;
}If Symantec hasn't changed the format of the logs from Ver. 12, it'll work for a Windows format. There's a different format for *nix logs.