[4600] 07/18/12 10:46:38 [fsys\shared] - bedsvx.dll could not be loaded
: The specified module could not be found.
[4600] 07/18/12 10:46:38 [fsys\shared] - bedsorcl.dll could not be load
ed: The specified module could not be found.
[4600] 07/18/12 10:46:38 [fsys\shared] - loaded bedssmsp.dll
[4600] 07/18/12 10:46:38 [fsys\shared] - loaded bedsra.dll
[4600] 07/18/12 10:46:38 [fsys\shared] - loaded bedsrman.dll
[4600] 07/18/12 10:46:38 [fsys\shared] - loaded bedsdb2.dll
[4600] 07/18/12 10:46:39 [fsys\shared] - loaded bedsss.dll
[4600] 07/18/12 10:46:39 [fsys\jet] - VirtApi DLL WAS LOADED FROM Virt
[4600] 07/18/12 10:46:39 [fsys\jet] - VirtApi DLL load check succeeded
[4600] 07/18/12 10:46:39 [fsys\jet] - Virtual DB's WILL BE USED!
[4600] 07/18/12 10:46:39 [fsys\shared] - loaded bedsadgran.dll
[4600] 07/18/12 10:46:39 [fsys\shared] - loaded bedsev.dll
[4600] 07/18/12 10:46:39 [inc] - [AgentID:25] ... failed to load
[4600] 07/18/12 10:46:39 [fsys\shared] - FS_DleGen: Failure to create deb
ug trace object at line number 105
[4600] 07/18/12 10:46:39 [inc] - [AgentID:2a] ... failed to load
[4600] 07/18/12 10:46:39 [fsys\shared] - FS_DleGen: Failure to create deb
ug trace object at line number 105
[4600] 07/18/12 10:46:39 [fsys\shared] - loaded bedsvrtsrv.dll
[4600] 07/18/12 10:46:39 [fsys\shared] - loaded bedsvmvcb.dll
[4600] 07/18/12 10:46:39 [fsys\shared] - loaded bedsspn.dll
[4600] 07/18/12 10:46:39 [inc] - [AgentID:2b] ... failed to load
[4600] 07/18/12 10:46:39 [fsys\shared] - FS_DleGen: Failure to create deb
ug trace object at line number 105
[4600] 07/18/12 10:46:39 [fsys\shared] - loaded bedsNTFSArchive.dll
[4600] 07/18/12 10:46:39 [fsys\mb2] - MapiDll::Initialize() ... outloo
k mapi 'C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~1\Office12\OLMAPI32.DLL' is loaded.
[4600] 07/18/12 10:46:39 [fsys\mb2] - MapiDll::Initialize() is success
[4600] 07/18/12 10:46:39 [fsys\mb2] - MapiDll::Initialize() ... outloo
k mapi 'C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~1\Office12\OLMAPI32.DLL' is loaded.
[4600] 07/18/12 10:46:39 [fsys\mb2] - MapiDll::Initialize() is success
[4600] 07/18/12 10:46:39 [fsys\shared] - loaded BedsExchMailArchival.dl
[4600] 07/18/12 10:46:39 [fsys\shared] - loaded bedsevm.dll
[4600] 07/18/12 10:46:39 [fsys\shared] - bedsdfsr.dll could not be load
ed: The specified module could not be found.
[4600] 07/18/12 10:46:39 [fsys\shared] - Initializing FSs
[4600] 07/18/12 10:46:39 [fsys\mb2] - calling mapi initialize
[4600] 07/18/12 10:46:46 [fsys\mb2] - MapiInitialize returned 80004005
[4600] 07/18/12 10:46:46 [fsys\mb2] - Mailbox: InitializeDAPI failed.
[2496] 07/18/12 10:46:46 [fsys\mb2\edbprov] - Event: Global\RxService CREATED
[4600] 07/18/12 10:46:46 [fsys\notes2] - Notes Agent:CLNPartitions::Initi
[4600] 07/18/12 10:46:46 [fsys\notes2] - Notes Agent:CLNPartitions::Initi
alizeLNUCJWrapper - Exiting[0]
[4600] 07/18/12 10:46:46 [fsys\notes2] - Notes Agent:CLNPartitions::Initi
[4600] 07/18/12 10:46:46 [fsys\notes2] - Notes Agent - CLNVolume::InitIns
tance - ReturnValue[0]
[4600] 07/18/12 10:46:46 [fsys\notes2] - Notes Agent - CLNVolume::InitIns
tance - ReturnValue[0]
[4600] 07/18/12 10:46:46 [fsys\notes2] - Notes Agent:CLNPartitions::Initi
alizeAllVolumes - Exiting[0]
[4600] 07/18/12 10:46:46 [fsys\notes2] - Notes Agent:CLNPartitions::InitI
nstance - Exiting[2]
[4600] 07/18/12 10:46:46 [fsys\oracle] - Function called: RMAN_InitFileSy
[4600] 07/18/12 10:46:46 [engidrapi] - IsIDRInProgressPriv: 0x0
[4600] 07/18/12 10:46:46 [engidrapi] - IsIDRInProgressPriv: 0x0
[4600] 07/18/12 10:46:46 [fsys\shadow] - Informational: Initializing the
BeDiskFind library 'BEDiskFind.dll' in SHADOW::InitBeDiskFindHelperApis
[4600] 07/18/12 10:46:46 [fsys\shadow] - Informational: BeDiskFind librar
y 'BEDiskFind.dll' initialized in SHADOW::InitBeDiskFindHelperApis
[4600] 07/18/12 10:46:46 [fsys\shadow] - Informational: Initializing the
BeDisk library 'BeDisk.dll' in SHADOW::InitBeDiskHelperApis
[4600] 07/18/12 10:46:46 [fsys\shadow] - Informational: BeDisk library 'B
eDisk.dll' initialized in SHADOW::InitBeDiskHelperApis
[4600] 07/18/12 10:46:46 [fsys\ese] - first load attempt of esebcli2.d
ll failed: The specified module could not be found.
[4600] 07/18/12 10:46:46 [fsys\ese] - Looking for esebcli2.dll in syse
tm path
[4600] 07/18/12 10:46:46 [fsys\ese] - never found EseBcli2.dll
[4600] 07/18/12 10:46:46 [fsys\ese] - esebcli2.dll not loaded
[4600] 07/18/12 10:46:46 [fsys\shared] - *** MSExchangeIS failed to get b
inary path
[4600] 07/18/12 10:46:46 [fsys\protsrvs\cps] - Status Unknown (0x00000002) open
ing Cps registry key 'Software\Symantec\Backup Exec CPS' in CPS::InitCpsHelperAp
[4600] 07/18/12 10:46:46 [fsys\protsrvs\cps] - Informational: Initializing the
Cps library 'C:\Program Files\Symantec\Continuous Protection Server\Services\CPS
Version.dll' in CPS::InitCpsHelperApis:410
[4600] 07/18/12 10:46:46 [fsys\protsrvs\cps] - Status Unknown (0x0000007E) load
ing Cps library 'C:\Program Files\Symantec\Continuous Protection Server\Services
\CPSVersion.dll' in CPS::InitCpsHelperApis:417
[4600] 07/18/12 10:46:46 [fsys\protsrvs\cps] - Status Unknown (0x0000007E) init
ializing Cps library in CPS::InitFsys:93
[4600] 07/18/12 10:46:46 [fsys\db2] - Function called: DB2_InitFileSys
[4600] 07/18/12 10:46:46 [fsys\adc] - ADC_InitFileSys entered
[4600] 07/18/12 10:46:52 [fsys\adc] - ADC_InitFileSys: established top
domain <GC://DC=phdes,DC=com,DC=br>
[4600] 07/18/12 10:46:52 [beutil] - Input Error ( 0) for Type:
[4600] 07/18/12 10:46:52 [fsys\spnbeds] - InitFsys
[4600] 07/18/12 10:46:52 [fsys\ev] - Function called: EVM_InitFileSys
[4600] 07/18/12 10:46:52 [ndmp\ndmpsrvr] - Checking whether to initialize t
he tape server or not ...
[4600] 07/18/12 10:46:52 [ndmp\ndmpsrvr] - Win32AllowTapeServer: Could not
open the key 'Software\Symantec\Backup Exec For Windows\Backup Exec\Tapeserver',
error: 2
[4600] 07/18/12 10:46:52 [ndmp\ndmpsrvr] - QueryIfServiceIsPresent: Status
for service 'BackupExecDeviceMediaService': 1(0x1) { 'SERVICE_STOPPED' }, Proces
s PID: 0(0x0)
[4600] 07/18/12 10:46:52 [ndmp\ndmpsrvr] - NDMPDMainThreadFunc: We are part
of a Media Server installation, so dis-allowing the Tapeserver to initialize!
[4600] 07/18/12 10:46:52 [ndmp\ndmpcomm] - Could not resolve the "bews-ndmp
" or the "ndmp" service, error code: 10109, using port 10000
[4600] 07/18/12 10:46:52 [BESocket] - Could not create an IPv6 socket
at this time, reason:An error occurred during a socket creation operation: Error
Code: 10047, System Error Message: An address incompatible with the requested p
rotocol was used.
[4600] 07/18/12 10:46:52 [BESocket] - @@@@@@@MyCloseSocket called with
sockfd = 952(0x3b8) retval = 0
[4600] 07/18/12 10:46:52 [BESocket] - SocketService::IsSystemDualIP: N
o support found for IPv6 currently
[4600] 07/18/12 10:46:52 [ndmp\ndmpcomm] - Started NDMP Listener on port 10
[6036] 07/18/12 10:46:52 [push] - Service status: Starting, error
= 0, checkpoint = 6, wait hint = 20000
[6036] 07/18/12 10:46:53 [writermanager] - IDS_INSTLIST_DEDUPE not installe
[6036] 07/18/12 10:46:53 [writermanager] - {ERROR} PDDE::StartWriterProcess
() return=[0x80070490 UNKNOWN ERROR]
[6036] 07/18/12 10:46:53 [push] - Service status: Starting, error
= 0, checkpoint = 7, wait hint = 20000
[6036] 07/18/12 10:46:53 [push] - Service status: Running, error =
0, checkpoint = 0, wait hint = 0
[6036] 07/18/12 10:46:53 [push] - Running... 'Q' to stop
[4844] 07/18/12 10:47:02 [ndmp\ndmpcomm] - NrdsAdvertiserThread: advertisem
ent cycle started.
[4844] 07/18/12 10:47:02 [fsys\ntfs\mnet] - Informational: Restrict Anonymou
s Support is enabled
[4844] 07/18/12 10:47:02 [fsys\ntfs\mnet] - creating DLE for local machine
[4844] 07/18/12 10:47:02 [BESocket] - BENetConfigEx: Successfully refr
eshed adapter information.
[4844] 07/18/12 10:47:02 [fsys\ntfs\mnet] - EnumClusterDLEs: Could not openi
ng cluster : The system could not find the environment option that was entered.
[4844] 07/18/12 10:47:02 [ndmp\ndmpcomm] - NrdsAdvertiserThread: EnumSelfDL
E for file system 7 returned 0(0x0) and 1 DLEs
[4844] 07/18/12 10:47:03 [fsys\ese] - AreYouSureThisIsAnExchangeServer
[4844] 07/18/12 10:47:03 [fsys\ese] - AreYouSureThisIsAnExchangeServer
[4844] 07/18/12 10:47:03 [fsys\ese] - AreYouSureThisIsAnExchangeServer
[4844] 07/18/12 10:47:03 [fsys\ese] - AreYouSureThisIsAnExchangeServer
[4844] 07/18/12 10:47:03 [fsys\ese] - AreYouSureThisIsAnExchangeServer
[4844] 07/18/12 10:47:03 [fsys\ese] - AreYouSureThisIsAnExchangeServer
[4844] 07/18/12 10:47:03 [ndmp\ndmpcomm] - NrdsAdvertiserThread: Nrds Messa
ge Len : 4076.
[4844] 07/18/12 10:47:03 [fsys\oracle] - RMAN_EnumSelfDLE: AgentConfig Ge
tOracleDBNames returned error. If Oracle Agent is installed, please run AgentCon
[4844] 07/18/12 10:47:03 [ndmp\ndmpcomm] - NrdsAdvertiserThread: EnumSelfDL
E for file system 14 returned 0(0x0) and 0 DLEs
[4844] 07/18/12 10:47:03 [ndmp\ndmpcomm] - NrdsAdvertiserThread: EnumSelfDL
E for file system 37 returned 0(0x0) and 0 DLEs
[4844] 07/18/12 10:47:03 [ndmp\ndmpcomm] - NrdsAdvertiserThread: EnumSelfDL
E for file system 39 returned 0(0x0) and 0 DLEs
[4844] 07/18/12 10:47:03 [ndmp\ndmpcomm] - NrdsAdvertiserThread: EnumSelfDL
E for file system 42 returned -536805816(0xE000FE48) and 0 DLEs
[4844] 07/18/12 10:47:03 [ndmp\ndmpcomm] - NrdsAdvertiserThread: EnumSelfDL
E for file system 43 returned -536805816(0xE000FE48) and 0 DLEs
[4844] 07/18/12 10:47:03 [nrds] - ConnectToServerEndPoint: dest=PR
IMEIRUS, service=6101
[4844] 07/18/12 10:47:04 [BESocket] - BETCPConnection::LoopThroughList
AndConnect: Could not connect to remote address "" Error:10061.
[4844] 07/18/12 10:47:04 [BESocket] - @@@@@@@MyCloseSocket called with
sockfd = 764(0x2fc) retval = 0
[4844] 07/18/12 10:47:04 [BESocket] - BETCPConnection::CreateConnectio
nFromHostAndPort: Remote Host: "PRIMEIRUS": There were no addresses returned, be
longing to family: IPv6
[4844] 07/18/12 10:47:04 [BESocket] - BETCPConnection::CreateConnectio
nFromHostAndPort: Could not create a connection to "PRIMEIRUS" because attempts
with both IPv4 and IPv6 protocols failed
[4844] 07/18/12 10:47:04 [nrds] - Could not create a BETCPConnecti
on object from address: PRIMEIRUS error=An error occurred during a socket connec
t operation: Error Code: 10061, System Error Message: No connection could be mad
e because the target machine actively refused it.
[4844] 07/18/12 10:47:04 [ndmp\ndmpcomm] - NrdsAdvertiserThread: connect to
target=PRIMEIRUS port=6101 failed
[4844] 07/18/12 10:47:04 [ndmp\ndmpcomm] - NrdsAdvertiserThread: Retrying i
n 60 seconds
[5532] 07/18/12 10:47:07 [ndmp\ndmpcomm] - NrdsAdvertiserThread: negative (
purge) advertisement cycle started.
[5532] 07/18/12 10:47:07 [ndmp\ndmpcomm] - NrdsAdvertiserThread: no purge i
s pending.
[5532] 07/18/12 10:47:07 [ndmp\ndmpcomm] - NrdsAdvertiserThread: negative (
purge) advertisement cycle complete. Waiting 240 minutes before advertising aga
[4844] 07/18/12 10:48:04 [nrds] - ConnectToServerEndPoint: dest=PR
IMEIRUS, service=6101
[4844] 07/18/12 10:48:05 [BESocket] - BETCPConnection::LoopThroughList
AndConnect: Could not connect to remote address "" Error:10061.
[4844] 07/18/12 10:48:05 [BESocket] - @@@@@@@MyCloseSocket called with
sockfd = 752(0x2f0) retval = 0
[4844] 07/18/12 10:48:05 [BESocket] - BETCPConnection::CreateConnectio
nFromHostAndPort: Remote Host: "PRIMEIRUS": There were no addresses returned, be
longing to family: IPv6
[4844] 07/18/12 10:48:05 [BESocket] - BETCPConnection::CreateConnectio
nFromHostAndPort: Could not create a connection to "PRIMEIRUS" because attempts
with both IPv4 and IPv6 protocols failed
[4844] 07/18/12 10:48:05 [nrds] - Could not create a BETCPConnecti
on object from address: PRIMEIRUS error=An error occurred during a socket connec
t operation: Error Code: 10061, System Error Message: No connection could be mad
e because the target machine actively refused it.
[4844] 07/18/12 10:48:05 [ndmp\ndmpcomm] - NrdsAdvertiserThread: connect to
target=PRIMEIRUS port=6101 failed
[4844] 07/18/12 10:48:05 [ndmp\ndmpcomm] - NrdsAdvertiserThread: Retrying i
n 60 seconds
[3880] 07/18/12 10:48:58 [push] - ^C
[2800] 07/18/12 10:48:58 [push] - ^C
[3120] 07/18/12 10:48:59 [push] - ^C
[6036] 07/18/12 10:48:59 [push] - Service status: Stopping, error
= 0, checkpoint = 1, wait hint = 5000
[4152] 07/18/12 10:48:59 [push] - Service status: Stopping, error
= 0, checkpoint = 2, wait hint = 5000
[4600] 07/18/12 10:48:59 [BESocket] - @@@@@@@MyCloseSocket called with
sockfd = 956(0x3bc) retval = 0
[4600] 07/18/12 10:48:59 [fsys\shared] - FS_RemoveFileSys
[4600] 07/18/12 10:48:59 [fsys\shared] - EMSDB32.dll not found
[4600] 07/18/12 10:48:59 [fsys\oracle] - Function called: RMAN_DeInitFile
[4600] 07/18/12 10:48:59 [fsys\shadow] - Informational: De-initializing t
he BeDiskFind library 'BEDiskFind.dll' in SHADOW::DeInitBeDiskFindHelperApis
[4600] 07/18/12 10:48:59 [fsys\shadow] - Informational: De-initializing t
he BeDisk library 'BeDisk.dll' in SHADOW::DeInitBeDiskHelperApis
[4600] 07/18/12 10:48:59 [fsys\protsrvs\cps] - Informational: De-initializing t
he Cps library 'CPSVersion.dll' in CPS::DeInitCpsHelperApis:553
[4600] 07/18/12 10:48:59 [fsys\db2] - Function called: DB2_DeInitFileS
[4600] 07/18/12 10:48:59 [fsys\adc] - ADC_DeInitFileSys entered
[4600] 07/18/12 10:48:59 [fsys\spnbeds] - DeInit
[4600] 07/18/12 10:48:59 [fsys\ev] - Function called: EVM_DeInitFileS
[4600] 07/18/12 10:48:59 [fsys\shared] - unloading bedsxchg.dll
[4600] 07/18/12 10:48:59 [fsys\shared] - unloading bedssmsp.dll
[4600] 07/18/12 10:48:59 [fsys\shared] - unloading bedsmbox.dll
[4600] 07/18/12 10:48:59 [fsys\shared] - unloading bedsnote.dll
[4600] 07/18/12 10:48:59 [fsys\notes2] - Notes Agent:CLNPartitions::Destr
[4600] 07/18/12 10:48:59 [fsys\shared] - unloading bedsrman.dll
[4600] 07/18/12 10:48:59 [fsys\shared] - unloading bedssql2.dll
[4600] 07/18/12 10:48:59 [fsys\shared] - unloading bedsmdoc.dll
[4600] 07/18/12 10:48:59 [fsys\shared] - unloading bedsshadow.dll
[4600] 07/18/12 10:48:59 [fsys\shared] - unloading bedsupfs.dll
[4600] 07/18/12 10:48:59 [fsys\shared] - unloading bedssps2.dll
[4600] 07/18/12 10:48:59 [fsys\shared] - unloading bedsra.dll
[4600] 07/18/12 10:48:59 [fsys\shared] - unloading bedsoffhost.dll
[4600] 07/18/12 10:48:59 [fsys\shared] - unloading bedscps.dll
[4600] 07/18/12 10:48:59 [fsys\shared] - unloading bedsdb2.dll
[4600] 07/18/12 10:48:59 [fsys\shared] - unloading bedsss.dll
[4600] 07/18/12 10:48:59 [fsys\shared] - unloading bedsadgran.dll
[4600] 07/18/12 10:48:59 [fsys\shared] - unloading bedsadc.dll
[4600] 07/18/12 10:48:59 [fsys\shared] - unloading bedssps3.dll
[4600] 07/18/12 10:48:59 [fsys\shared] - unloading bedsvrtsrv.dll
[4600] 07/18/12 10:48:59 [fsys\shared] - unloading bedsvmvcb.dll
[4600] 07/18/12 10:48:59 [fsys\shared] - unloading bedsnt5.dll
[4600] 07/18/12 10:48:59 [fsys\shared] - unloading bedsev.dll
[4600] 07/18/12 10:48:59 [fsys\shared] - unloading bedsspn.dll
[4600] 07/18/12 10:48:59 [fsys\shared] - unloading bedsevm.dll
[4600] 07/18/12 10:48:59 [fsys\shared] - unloading BedsExchMailArchival
[4600] 07/18/12 10:48:59 [fsys\shared] - unloading bedsNTFSArchive.dll
[4600] 07/18/12 10:48:59 [fsys\shared] - unloading bedsxese.dll
OpenThreadToken failed, lastError = 000003F0, An attempt was made to reference a
token that does not exist.
[4152] 07/18/12 10:49:01 [push] - Service status: Stopping, error
= 0, checkpoint = 3, wait hint = 5000
[4152] 07/18/12 10:49:04 [push] - Service status: Stopping, error
= 0, checkpoint = 4, wait hint = 5000
[6036] 07/18/12 10:49:04 [writermanager] - OpenEvent() Unable to open the e
vent: [0x2=2] The system cannot find the file specified.
[6036] 07/18/12 10:49:04 [writermanager] - {ERROR} PDDE::EventHandle::Open(
) return=[0x80070002 ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND]
[6036] 07/18/12 10:49:04 [writermanager] - Handle not open
[6036] 07/18/12 10:49:04 [writermanager] - {ERROR} PDDE::WriterRunning() re
turn=[0x80070002 ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND]
[6036] 07/18/12 10:49:04 [writermanager] - PDDE Writer is currently not run
[6036] 07/18/12 10:49:04 [push] - Service status: Stopped, error =
0, checkpoint = 0, wait hint = 0
[6036] 07/18/12 10:49:04 [push] - Exit with code 0
I couldn't get the rest, because it rolled so fast, and MS-DOS "ate"... lol
Ok... Can you see something wrong?