Forum Discussion

pmajon's avatar
Level 3
9 years ago

Backup Exec support failure

Has anyone else had trouble reaching Backup Exec support since the split from Symantec? I tried to upgrade a site from 2010 to 15 last week. I created a case last Monday and received a call on Tuesday. I worked with support and they decided the case need to be escalated. I was told I'd get a call in 24 hours. When that didn't happen I emailed the support rep, updated the case, and requested escalation. No response.

I was never assigned a Veritas rep so I reached out to Symantec. They got me in touch with a Veritas rep that in turn got me in touch with the higher level support rep assigned to my case. He confirmed that I would get a call this morning at 9 AM CST. That was over an hour and a half ago with no response. I've been trying to get ahold of anyone at Veritas or Symantec. At this point I've waited a week with no communication from support. It's as if no one cares.

  • Since you've already removedd Backup Exec 2010, you should follow the 3rd party link below to ensure that everything is completely removed, including the BEDB if you are NOT going to use this at all...


  • Thanks Craig. That article applies to 11d but it did help point me in the right direction towards manually removing the corrupted SQL instance. I searched the registry for instances of BKUPEXEC and removed many of the keys. I also deleted the MSSQL.1 folder which contained the files for that instance. Once that was done I restarted and was able to successfully install BE15 and perform a full backup. I will need help importing our Data and Catalogs from the BE2010. Hopefully support is at least able to help me do that.

    The sad thing is that this case has been open since December 14th, and the latest suggestion was to uninstall DLO 8, which uses SQL 2012. I knew that simply would have no bearing on this problem, since the issue was with the 2005 to 2008 SQL migration that was performed when BE was upgraded.

    At this point I've lost all confidence with Veritas' support. I'm on CDW's Advisory Board and I recently started a discussion about this. Most of the other IT Managers/Network Admins had nothing but horror stories about Backup Exec, and they have long since moved on to other products. I've been using BE for almost 20 years (since Seagate!) and I consider myself a BE expert. It has come through for me on so many occasions. Given this latest merry-go-round / goose chase with Veritas' support and the consensus that it is no longer a worthy solution, we will have to look at other options.

  • ...what's your issue? Maybe we can help you here?


  • Thanks, Craig. I'm attempting to upgrade a site from BE 2010 R3 to 15 FP2. The install failed to create the BKUPEXEC instance. Below is the end of log right around the time the error occurs. The sad thing is that I spent most of my time arguing with support today because they said BE2010 R3 to 15 is not a supported upgrade route, which is completely false. Let me know if you need to see more log data. As it stands I have a Symantec System Recovery backup of this server from before this happened but I'd like to avoid rolling back if we can resolve this issue. Again, thanks for your willingness to check this out:


    12-14-2015,16:52:50 : SVRFS03
    12-14-2015,16:52:50 : DRIVER={SQL Server Native Client 11.0};SERVER=SVRFS03\BKUPEXEC;Trusted_Connection=Yes
    12-14-2015,16:52:50 : SQL Server version 9
    12-14-2015,16:52:50 : SQL version returned: 9
    12-14-2015,16:52:50 : BE using NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM to install SQL Express.
    12-14-2015,16:52:50 : "F:\Setup\Symantec\Backup Exec 15 14.2 FP2\BE\WINNT\INSTALL\SQLExpress\SQLEXPR_x86_ENU.exe" /ACTION=Upgrade /Q /Hideconsole /SkipRules=RebootRequiredCheck /INSTANCENAME=BKUPEXEC /IACCEPTSQLSERVERLICENSETERMS
    + 12-14-2015,16:59:14 : V-225-302: ERROR: Failed to install SQL Express BKUPEXEC instance with error -2068119551. ***To search for information about this error, click here
    + 12-14-2015,16:59:14 : Please review C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Setup Bootstrap\LOG\Summary.txt for more details.
    12-14-2015,16:59:14 : The return value for Microsoft SQL Express returned error code: 2226847745
    12-14-2015,16:59:14 : Clean up Symantec installer keys.
    12-14-2015,16:59:14 : Terminal Services enabled.
    12-14-2015,16:59:14 : Terminal Services server has been set to Execute mode.
    12-14-2015,16:59:14 : Failure Detected during Install Progress
    12-14-2015,16:59:14 : Running BE_RollbackBEDB
    12-14-2015,16:59:14 : Param file C:\ProgramData\Symantec\Backup Exec\{CB639F34-57DC-4413-9762-C4450D5E1262}\BEInstParams.prm is not available.
    12-14-2015,16:59:14 : Executing BE_DetachDB.
    12-14-2015,16:59:14 : Executing Detach_BEDB.
    12-14-2015,16:59:14 : SQL_GetServiceName. GetComputerName
    12-14-2015,16:59:14 : SVRFS03
    12-14-2015,16:59:14 : SQLBrowser service is not running. Starting service.
    12-14-2015,16:59:15 : Successfully started service - SQLBrowser
    + 12-14-2015,16:59:16 : V-225-204: Could not start the SQL server SVRFS03\BKUPEXEC with service name of MSSQL$BKUPEXEC ***To search for information about this error, click here
    + 12-14-2015,16:59:16 : V-225-210: Unable to connect to SQL Server SVRFS03\BKUPEXEC. ***To search for information about this error, click here
    12-14-2015,16:59:16 : Stopping BEDB SQL service
    + 12-14-2015,16:59:16 : ERROR: Failed to detach BEDB database from SQL server instance. Unable to update BEDB files with current BEDB MDF and LDF files.
    12-14-2015,16:59:16 : Running BE_AttachDB
    12-14-2015,16:59:16 : GetClusterUpgradeState returning 0
    12-14-2015,16:59:16 : Param file C:\ProgramData\Symantec\Backup Exec\{CB639F34-57DC-4413-9762-C4450D5E1262}\BEInstParams.prm is not available.
    12-14-2015,16:59:16 : Executing Attach_BEDB.
    12-14-2015,16:59:16 : SQL_GetServiceName. GetComputerName
    12-14-2015,16:59:16 : SVRFS03
    + 12-14-2015,16:59:16 : V-225-204: Could not start the SQL server SVRFS03\BKUPEXEC with service name of MSSQL$BKUPEXEC ***To search for information about this error, click here
    + 12-14-2015,16:59:16 : V-225-210: Unable to connect to SQL Server SVRFS03\BKUPEXEC. ***To search for information about this error, click here
    12-14-2015,16:59:16 : Installer will start the BE services
    12-14-2015,16:59:17 : Successfully started service - bedbg. Elapsed time: 1076 ms.
    12-14-2015,16:59:17 : ERROR: Failed to start service - MSSQL$BKUPEXEC. Elapsed time: 78 ms. Error: StartService 2.
    12-14-2015,16:59:22 : Successfully started service - BackupExecAgentAccelerator. Elapsed time: 5413 ms.
    12-14-2015,16:59:22 : ERROR: Failed to start service - BackupExecDeviceMediaService. Elapsed time: 110 ms. Error: StartService 1068.
    12-14-2015,17:00:30 : Skipping push of remote servers and agents due to failed local install.
    12-14-2015,17:00:30 : BeSeqDlgs::DlgInstallComplete
    12-14-2015,17:00:30 : AgentSeqDlgs::Misc_BE_CommonOps
    12-14-2015,17:00:30 : Dialog Sequence Returning errorlevel -2068119551
    12-14-2015,17:00:30 : Setting up failed completion dialog.
    12-14-2015,17:00:30 : Setting up failed completion dialog (Install).
    12-14-2015,17:00:30 : Initialize the telemetry items on the dialog
    12-14-2015,17:00:30 : GetClusterUpgradeState returning 0
    12-14-2015,17:00:30 : GetClusterUpgradeState returning 0
    12-14-2015,17:00:30 : Skipping push of remote servers and agents due to failed local install.
    Here is the summary.log in the Setup Bootstrap\Log folder:

    Overall summary:
      Final result:                  SQL Server upgrade failed. To continue, investigate the reason for the failure, correct the problem, and then repair your installation.
      Exit code (Decimal):           -2068119551
      Exit facility code:            1211
      Exit error code:               1
      Exit message:                  SQL Server upgrade failed. To continue, investigate the reason for the failure, correct the problem, and then repair your installation.
      Start time:                    2015-12-14 16:54:31
      End time:                      2015-12-14 16:59:04
      Requested action:              Upgrade
      Log with failure:              C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Setup Bootstrap\Log\20151214_165335\Detail.txt
      Exception help link: 

    Machine Properties:
      Machine name:                  SVRFS03
      Machine processor count:       24
      OS version:                    Windows Server 2008 R2
      OS service pack:               Service Pack 1
      OS region:                     United States
      OS language:                   English (United States)
      OS architecture:               x64
      Process architecture:          32 Bit
      OS clustered:                  No

    Product features discovered:
      Product              Instance             Instance ID                    Feature                                  Language             Edition              Version         Clustered
      Sql Server 2005      BKUPEXEC             MSSQL.1                        Database Engine Services                 1033                 Express Edition      9.3.4060        No       
      Sql Server 2005      BKUPEXEC             MSSQL.1                        SQL Server Replication                   1033                 Express Edition      9.3.4060        No       
      Sql Server 2005      BKUPEXEC             MSSQL.1                        SharedTools                              1033                 Express Edition      9.3.4060        No       
      Sql Server 2005      ARTIOSCADEXP2005     MSSQL.2                        Database Engine Services                 1033                 Express Edition      9.4.5000        No       
      Sql Server 2005      ARTIOSCADEXP2005     MSSQL.2                        SQL Server Replication                   1033                 Express Edition      9.4.5000        No       
      Sql Server 2005      ARTIOSCADEXP2005     MSSQL.2                        Full-Text Search                         1033                 Express Edition      9.4.5000        No       
      Sql Server 2005      ARTIOSCADEXP2005     MSSQL.2                        SharedTools                              1033                 Express Edition      9.4.5000        No       
      Sql Server 2005                                                          Tools                                    1033                 Express Edition      9.3.4060        No       
      Sql Server 2005                                                          ToolsClient                              1033                 Express Edition      9.3.4060        No       
      Sql Server 2005                                                          ToolsClient\Connectivity                 1033                 Express Edition      9.3.4060        No       

    Package properties:
      Description:                   SQL Server Database Services 2008 R2
      ProductName:                   SQL Server 2008 R2
      Type:                          RTM
      Version:                       10
      Installation location:         f:\ce69e918633d29f25667ca891d7fa6\x86\setup\
      Installation edition:          EXPRESS

      Slipstream:                    True
      SP Level                       2

    User Input Settings:
      ACTION:                        Upgrade
      AGTDOMAINGROUP:                <empty>
      BROWSERSVCSTARTUPTYPE:         Automatic
      CONFIGURATIONFILE:             C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Setup Bootstrap\Log\20151214_165335\ConfigurationFile.ini
      ENU:                           True
      ERRORREPORTING:                False
      FARMACCOUNT:                   <empty>
      FARMADMINPORT:                 0
      FARMPASSWORD:                  *****
      FTSVCACCOUNT:                  <empty>
      FTSVCPASSWORD:                 *****
      FTUPGRADEOPTION:               Import
      HELP:                          False
      INDICATEPROGRESS:              False
      INSTANCEID:                    BKUPEXEC
      INSTANCENAME:                  BKUPEXEC
      ISSVCACCOUNT:                  NT AUTHORITY\NetworkService
      ISSVCPASSWORD:                 *****
      ISSVCSTARTUPTYPE:              Automatic
      PASSPHRASE:                    *****
      PCUSOURCE:                     f:\ce69e918633d29f25667ca891d7fa6\PCUSOURCE
      PID:                           *****
      QUIET:                         True
      QUIETSIMPLE:                   False
      RSUPGRADEPASSWORD:             *****
      SQLDOMAINGROUP:                <empty>
      SQMREPORTING:                  False
      UIMODE:                        AutoAdvance
      X86:                           False

      Configuration file:            C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Setup Bootstrap\Log\20151214_165335\ConfigurationFile.ini

    Detailed results:
      Feature:                       Database Engine Services
      Status:                        Failed: see logs for details
      MSI status:                    Passed
      Configuration status:          Failed: see details below
      Configuration error code:      0x0A2FBD17@1211@1
      Configuration error description: The specified user group 'SQLServer2005MSSQLUser$SVRFS03$BKUPEXEC' does not exist.
      Configuration log:             C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Setup Bootstrap\Log\20151214_165335\Detail.txt

      Feature:                       SQL Server Replication
      Status:                        Failed: see logs for details
      MSI status:                    Passed
      Configuration status:          Failed: see details below
      Configuration error code:      0x0A2FBD17@1211@1
      Configuration error description: The specified user group 'SQLServer2005MSSQLUser$SVRFS03$BKUPEXEC' does not exist.
      Configuration log:             C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Setup Bootstrap\Log\20151214_165335\Detail.txt

    Rules with failures:

    Global rules:

    Scenario specific rules:

    Rules report file:               C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Setup Bootstrap\Log\20151214_165335\SystemConfigurationCheck_Report.htm

  • might want to refer to the TN below as well. Although it refers to an upgrade failing from BE 2010 to BE 2012, the error message might be the same and might help you get it resolved:


  • If you are not on BE 2010 R3 SP4, then the tech is correct in that your version cannot be upgraded to BE 15 directly. Also, your media server must be 64-bit because this is a BE 15 requirement.
  • We met all those requirements. More than two weeks later and this case is still open. We uninstalled Backup Exec 2010 yesterday but it didn't clean up the SQL instance which is causing BE15 installation failure.

  • Since you've already removedd Backup Exec 2010, you should follow the 3rd party link below to ensure that everything is completely removed, including the BEDB if you are NOT going to use this at all...


  • Thanks Craig. That article applies to 11d but it did help point me in the right direction towards manually removing the corrupted SQL instance. I searched the registry for instances of BKUPEXEC and removed many of the keys. I also deleted the MSSQL.1 folder which contained the files for that instance. Once that was done I restarted and was able to successfully install BE15 and perform a full backup. I will need help importing our Data and Catalogs from the BE2010. Hopefully support is at least able to help me do that.

    The sad thing is that this case has been open since December 14th, and the latest suggestion was to uninstall DLO 8, which uses SQL 2012. I knew that simply would have no bearing on this problem, since the issue was with the 2005 to 2008 SQL migration that was performed when BE was upgraded.

    At this point I've lost all confidence with Veritas' support. I'm on CDW's Advisory Board and I recently started a discussion about this. Most of the other IT Managers/Network Admins had nothing but horror stories about Backup Exec, and they have long since moved on to other products. I've been using BE for almost 20 years (since Seagate!) and I consider myself a BE expert. It has come through for me on so many occasions. Given this latest merry-go-round / goose chase with Veritas' support and the consensus that it is no longer a worthy solution, we will have to look at other options.