Thanks, Craig. I'm attempting to upgrade a site from BE 2010 R3 to 15 FP2. The install failed to create the BKUPEXEC instance. Below is the end of log right around the time the error occurs. The sad thing is that I spent most of my time arguing with support today because they said BE2010 R3 to 15 is not a supported upgrade route, which is completely false. Let me know if you need to see more log data. As it stands I have a Symantec System Recovery backup of this server from before this happened but I'd like to avoid rolling back if we can resolve this issue. Again, thanks for your willingness to check this out:
12-14-2015,16:52:50 : SVRFS03
12-14-2015,16:52:50 : DRIVER={SQL Server Native Client 11.0};SERVER=SVRFS03\BKUPEXEC;Trusted_Connection=Yes
12-14-2015,16:52:50 : SQL Server version 9
12-14-2015,16:52:50 : SQL version returned: 9
12-14-2015,16:52:50 : BE using NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM to install SQL Express.
12-14-2015,16:52:50 : "F:\Setup\Symantec\Backup Exec 15 14.2 FP2\BE\WINNT\INSTALL\SQLExpress\SQLEXPR_x86_ENU.exe" /ACTION=Upgrade /Q /Hideconsole /SkipRules=RebootRequiredCheck /INSTANCENAME=BKUPEXEC /IACCEPTSQLSERVERLICENSETERMS
+ 12-14-2015,16:59:14 : V-225-302: ERROR: Failed to install SQL Express BKUPEXEC instance with error -2068119551. ***To search for information about this error, click here
+ 12-14-2015,16:59:14 : Please review C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Setup Bootstrap\LOG\Summary.txt for more details.
12-14-2015,16:59:14 : The return value for Microsoft SQL Express returned error code: 2226847745
12-14-2015,16:59:14 : Clean up Symantec installer keys.
12-14-2015,16:59:14 : Terminal Services enabled.
12-14-2015,16:59:14 : Terminal Services server has been set to Execute mode.
12-14-2015,16:59:14 : Failure Detected during Install Progress
12-14-2015,16:59:14 : Running BE_RollbackBEDB
12-14-2015,16:59:14 : Param file C:\ProgramData\Symantec\Backup Exec\{CB639F34-57DC-4413-9762-C4450D5E1262}\BEInstParams.prm is not available.
12-14-2015,16:59:14 : Executing BE_DetachDB.
12-14-2015,16:59:14 : Executing Detach_BEDB.
12-14-2015,16:59:14 : SQL_GetServiceName. GetComputerName
12-14-2015,16:59:14 : SVRFS03
12-14-2015,16:59:14 : SQLBrowser service is not running. Starting service.
12-14-2015,16:59:15 : Successfully started service - SQLBrowser
+ 12-14-2015,16:59:16 : V-225-204: Could not start the SQL server SVRFS03\BKUPEXEC with service name of MSSQL$BKUPEXEC ***To search for information about this error, click here
+ 12-14-2015,16:59:16 : V-225-210: Unable to connect to SQL Server SVRFS03\BKUPEXEC. ***To search for information about this error, click here
12-14-2015,16:59:16 : Stopping BEDB SQL service
+ 12-14-2015,16:59:16 : ERROR: Failed to detach BEDB database from SQL server instance. Unable to update BEDB files with current BEDB MDF and LDF files.
12-14-2015,16:59:16 : Running BE_AttachDB
12-14-2015,16:59:16 : GetClusterUpgradeState returning 0
12-14-2015,16:59:16 : Param file C:\ProgramData\Symantec\Backup Exec\{CB639F34-57DC-4413-9762-C4450D5E1262}\BEInstParams.prm is not available.
12-14-2015,16:59:16 : Executing Attach_BEDB.
12-14-2015,16:59:16 : SQL_GetServiceName. GetComputerName
12-14-2015,16:59:16 : SVRFS03
+ 12-14-2015,16:59:16 : V-225-204: Could not start the SQL server SVRFS03\BKUPEXEC with service name of MSSQL$BKUPEXEC ***To search for information about this error, click here
+ 12-14-2015,16:59:16 : V-225-210: Unable to connect to SQL Server SVRFS03\BKUPEXEC. ***To search for information about this error, click here
12-14-2015,16:59:16 : Installer will start the BE services
12-14-2015,16:59:17 : Successfully started service - bedbg. Elapsed time: 1076 ms.
12-14-2015,16:59:17 : ERROR: Failed to start service - MSSQL$BKUPEXEC. Elapsed time: 78 ms. Error: StartService 2.
12-14-2015,16:59:22 : Successfully started service - BackupExecAgentAccelerator. Elapsed time: 5413 ms.
12-14-2015,16:59:22 : ERROR: Failed to start service - BackupExecDeviceMediaService. Elapsed time: 110 ms. Error: StartService 1068.
12-14-2015,17:00:30 : Skipping push of remote servers and agents due to failed local install.
12-14-2015,17:00:30 : BeSeqDlgs::DlgInstallComplete
12-14-2015,17:00:30 : AgentSeqDlgs::Misc_BE_CommonOps
12-14-2015,17:00:30 : Dialog Sequence Returning errorlevel -2068119551
12-14-2015,17:00:30 : Setting up failed completion dialog.
12-14-2015,17:00:30 : Setting up failed completion dialog (Install).
12-14-2015,17:00:30 : Initialize the telemetry items on the dialog
12-14-2015,17:00:30 : GetClusterUpgradeState returning 0
12-14-2015,17:00:30 : GetClusterUpgradeState returning 0
12-14-2015,17:00:30 : Skipping push of remote servers and agents due to failed local install.
Here is the summary.log in the Setup Bootstrap\Log folder:
Overall summary:
Final result: SQL Server upgrade failed. To continue, investigate the reason for the failure, correct the problem, and then repair your installation.
Exit code (Decimal): -2068119551
Exit facility code: 1211
Exit error code: 1
Exit message: SQL Server upgrade failed. To continue, investigate the reason for the failure, correct the problem, and then repair your installation.
Start time: 2015-12-14 16:54:31
End time: 2015-12-14 16:59:04
Requested action: Upgrade
Log with failure: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Setup Bootstrap\Log\20151214_165335\Detail.txt
Exception help link:
Machine Properties:
Machine name: SVRFS03
Machine processor count: 24
OS version: Windows Server 2008 R2
OS service pack: Service Pack 1
OS region: United States
OS language: English (United States)
OS architecture: x64
Process architecture: 32 Bit
OS clustered: No
Product features discovered:
Product Instance Instance ID Feature Language Edition Version Clustered
Sql Server 2005 BKUPEXEC MSSQL.1 Database Engine Services 1033 Express Edition 9.3.4060 No
Sql Server 2005 BKUPEXEC MSSQL.1 SQL Server Replication 1033 Express Edition 9.3.4060 No
Sql Server 2005 BKUPEXEC MSSQL.1 SharedTools 1033 Express Edition 9.3.4060 No
Sql Server 2005 ARTIOSCADEXP2005 MSSQL.2 Database Engine Services 1033 Express Edition 9.4.5000 No
Sql Server 2005 ARTIOSCADEXP2005 MSSQL.2 SQL Server Replication 1033 Express Edition 9.4.5000 No
Sql Server 2005 ARTIOSCADEXP2005 MSSQL.2 Full-Text Search 1033 Express Edition 9.4.5000 No
Sql Server 2005 ARTIOSCADEXP2005 MSSQL.2 SharedTools 1033 Express Edition 9.4.5000 No
Sql Server 2005 Tools 1033 Express Edition 9.3.4060 No
Sql Server 2005 ToolsClient 1033 Express Edition 9.3.4060 No
Sql Server 2005 ToolsClient\Connectivity 1033 Express Edition 9.3.4060 No
Package properties:
Description: SQL Server Database Services 2008 R2
ProductName: SQL Server 2008 R2
Type: RTM
Version: 10
Installation location: f:\ce69e918633d29f25667ca891d7fa6\x86\setup\
Installation edition: EXPRESS
Slipstream: True
SP Level 2
User Input Settings:
ACTION: Upgrade
CONFIGURATIONFILE: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Setup Bootstrap\Log\20151214_165335\ConfigurationFile.ini
ENU: True
HELP: False
PCUSOURCE: f:\ce69e918633d29f25667ca891d7fa6\PCUSOURCE
PID: *****
UIMODE: AutoAdvance
X86: False
Configuration file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Setup Bootstrap\Log\20151214_165335\ConfigurationFile.ini
Detailed results:
Feature: Database Engine Services
Status: Failed: see logs for details
MSI status: Passed
Configuration status: Failed: see details below
Configuration error code: 0x0A2FBD17@1211@1
Configuration error description: The specified user group 'SQLServer2005MSSQLUser$SVRFS03$BKUPEXEC' does not exist.
Configuration log: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Setup Bootstrap\Log\20151214_165335\Detail.txt
Feature: SQL Server Replication
Status: Failed: see logs for details
MSI status: Passed
Configuration status: Failed: see details below
Configuration error code: 0x0A2FBD17@1211@1
Configuration error description: The specified user group 'SQLServer2005MSSQLUser$SVRFS03$BKUPEXEC' does not exist.
Configuration log: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Setup Bootstrap\Log\20151214_165335\Detail.txt
Rules with failures:
Global rules:
Scenario specific rules:
Rules report file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Setup Bootstrap\Log\20151214_165335\SystemConfigurationCheck_Report.htm