Forum Discussion

baumkuchen's avatar
Level 3
12 months ago

Backup Exec upgrade 15 to 21 fails with V-225-302 Failed to install SQL Express BKUPEXEC instance

Hi, i'm trying to upgrade Backup Exec 15 to 21 and having an error "V-225-302: ERROR: Failed to install SQL Express BKUPEXEC instance with error -2067922411"

Is there any solutions to resolve this problem?

I attached a log below

Thanks for any help in advacne


<div class="error"><b><font color="red"><a name="10-11-2023,16:15:24 ,6803943" style="cursor:hand" onclick="resetfilters('#10-11-2023,16:15:24 ,6803943')"> + </a>10-11-2023,16:15:24 : V-225-302: ERROR: Failed to install SQL Express BKUPEXEC instance with error -2067922411. ***To search for information about this error, click <a href="" target="main">here </a> </font></b><BR></div>

<div class="warning"><b><font color="orange"><a name="10-11-2023,16:15:24 ,890996" style="cursor:hand" onclick="resetfilters('#10-11-2023,16:15:24 ,890996')"> + </a>10-11-2023,16:15:24 : Please review C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\120\Setup Bootstrap\LOG\Summary.txt for more details.</font></b><BR></div>

<div class="info">10-11-2023,16:15:24 : The return value for Microsoft SQL Express returned error code: 2227044885<BR></div>

<div class="info">10-11-2023,16:15:24 : Clean up Product installer keys.<BR></div>

<div class="info">10-11-2023,16:15:25 : Terminal Services enabled.<BR></div>

<div class="info">10-11-2023,16:15:25 : Terminal Services server has been set to Execute mode.<BR></div>

<div class="info">10-11-2023,16:15:25 : Failure Detected during Install Progress<BR></div>

<div class="info">10-11-2023,16:15:25 : Entering RollbackDB<BR></div>

<div class="info">10-11-2023,16:15:25 : RollbackDB - Successfully read 'Upgrade State' value from Software\Veritas\Backup Exec For Windows\Backup Exec\21.0\Install\MigrationStatus<BR></div>

<div class="info">10-11-2023,16:15:25 : Param file C:\ProgramData\Veritas\Backup Exec\{19BFB759-5342-4B0E-99A9-171B6C0600F9}\BEInstParams.prm is not available.<BR></div>

<div class="info">10-11-2023,16:15:25 : Executing BE_DetachDB.<BR></div>

<div class="info">10-11-2023,16:15:25 : Executing Detach_BEDB.<BR></div>

<div class="info">10-11-2023,16:15:25 : SQL_GetServiceName. GetComputerName<BR></div>

<div class="info">10-11-2023,16:15:25 : SELCSFP1<BR></div>

<div class="info">10-11-2023,16:15:25 : DRIVER={SQL Server Native Client 11.0};SERVER=SELCSFP1\BKUPEXEC;Trusted_Connection=Yes<BR></div>

<div class="info">10-11-2023,16:15:25 : Unsuccessful return code from SQL statement: SELECT state_desc DatabaseStatus_sysDatabase FROM sys.databases WHERE name = 'BEDB'<BR></div>

<div class="info">10-11-2023,16:15:25 : Stopping BEDB SQL service<BR></div>

<div class="info">10-11-2023,16:15:25 : Upgrade rollback. Replace damaged BEDB with backed up version of previous BEDB mdf and ldf files.<BR></div>

<div class="info">10-11-2023,16:15:25 : BEDB file D:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\Data\BEDB_dat.mdf has been updated with D:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\Data\DataBackup2023-10-11-04-09-59\Data\BEDB_dat.mdf.<BR></div>

<div class="info">10-11-2023,16:15:26 : BEDB file D:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\Data\BEDB_log.ldf has been updated with D:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\Data\DataBackup2023-10-11-04-09-59\Data\BEDB_log.ldf.<BR></div>

<div class="info">10-11-2023,16:15:26 : RollbackDB - Running BE_AttachDB<BR></div>

<div class="info">10-11-2023,16:15:26 : GetClusterUpgradeState returning 0<BR></div>

<div class="info">10-11-2023,16:15:26 : Param file C:\ProgramData\Veritas\Backup Exec\{19BFB759-5342-4B0E-99A9-171B6C0600F9}\BEInstParams.prm is not available.<BR></div>

<div class="info">10-11-2023,16:15:26 : Executing Attach_BEDB.<BR></div>

<div class="info">10-11-2023,16:15:26 : SQL_GetServiceName. GetComputerName<BR></div>

<div class="info">10-11-2023,16:15:26 : SELCSFP1<BR></div>

<div class="info">10-11-2023,16:15:26 : DRIVER={SQL Server Native Client 11.0};SERVER=SELCSFP1\BKUPEXEC;Trusted_Connection=Yes<BR></div>

<div class="info">10-11-2023,16:15:26 : Connected to SQL Server.<BR></div>

<div class="info">10-11-2023,16:15:26 : Unsuccessful return code from SQL statement: SELECT state_desc DatabaseStatus_sysDatabase FROM sys.databases WHERE name = 'BEDB'<BR></div>

<div class="info">10-11-2023,16:15:26 : Attaching BEDB to SQL Server.<BR></div>

<div class="info">10-11-2023,16:15:26 : EXEC sp_attach_db 'BEDB',@filename1 = N'D:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\Data\BEDB_Dat.mdf', @filename2 = N'D:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\Data\BEDB_Log.ldf'<BR></div>

<div class="info">10-11-2023,16:15:26 : BEDB has been succesfully attached to SQL Server.<BR></div>

<div class="info">10-11-2023,16:15:26 : Change BEDB owner to SA user.<BR></div>

<div class="info">10-11-2023,16:15:26 : Successfully changed BEDB owner to sa.<BR></div>

<div class="info">10-11-2023,16:15:26 : RollbackDB - Installer will start the BE services<BR></div>

<div class="info">10-11-2023,16:15:26 : BE_ControlBEServices<BR></div>

<div class="info">10-11-2023,16:15:26 : Check and configure PDDE services<BR></div>

<div class="info">10-11-2023,16:15:26 : BE_SetPDDEServiceConfig<BR></div>

<div class="info">10-11-2023,16:15:26 : BE_SetPDDEServiceConfigSPAD<BR></div>

<div class="info">10-11-2023,16:15:26 : BE_SetPDDEServiceConfigSPAD: spad service is not found, so dependency will not be set.<BR></div>

<div class="info">10-11-2023,16:15:26 : BE_SetPDDEServiceConfigSPOOLD<BR></div>

<div class="info">10-11-2023,16:15:26 : posgresql-8.3 service not found: dependency will be set to : spad<BR></div>

<div class="info">10-11-2023,16:15:26 : spoold service is not found<BR></div>

<div class="info">10-11-2023,16:15:26 : BE_SetPDDEServiceConfigMTSTRMD<BR></div>

<div class="info">10-11-2023,16:15:26 : mtstrmd service is not found, skipping configuration.<BR></div>

<div class="info">10-11-2023,16:15:28 : Successfully started service - bedbg. Elapsed time: 1516 ms.<BR></div>

<div class="info">10-11-2023,16:15:28 : Successfully started service - MSSQL$BKUPEXEC. Elapsed time: 0 ms.<BR></div>

<div class="info">10-11-2023,16:15:37 : Successfully started service - BackupExecAgentAccelerator. Elapsed time: 9609 ms.<BR></div>

<div class="info">10-11-2023,16:15:45 : Successfully started service - BackupExecDeviceMediaService. Elapsed time: 7687 ms.<BR></div>

<div class="info">10-11-2023,16:15:57 : Successfully started service - BackupExecRPCService. Elapsed time: 12032 ms.<BR></div>

<div class="info">10-11-2023,16:15:59 : Successfully started service - BackupExecAgentBrowser. Elapsed time: 1562 ms.<BR></div>

<div class="info">10-11-2023,16:16:09 : Successfully started service - BackupExecManagementService. Elapsed time: 10469 ms.<BR></div>

<div class="info">10-11-2023,16:16:11 : Successfully started service - BackupExecJobEngine. Elapsed time: 1594 ms.<BR></div>

<div class="info">10-11-2023,16:16:11 : ERROR: Failed to start service - BackupExecLockdownServer. Elapsed time: 0 ms. Error: Service handle null.<BR></div>

<div class="info">10-11-2023,16:17:10 : Skipping push of remote servers and agents due to failed local install.<BR></div>

<div class="info">10-11-2023,16:17:10 : BeSeqDlgs::DlgInstallComplete<BR></div>

<div class="info">10-11-2023,16:17:10 : AgentSeqDlgs::Misc_BE_CommonOps<BR></div>

<div class="info">10-11-2023,16:17:10 : Dialog Sequence Returning errorlevel -2067922411<BR></div>

<div class="info">10-11-2023,16:17:10 : Setting up failed completion dialog.<BR></div>

<div class="info">10-11-2023,16:17:10 : Setting up failed completion dialog (Install).<BR></div>

<div class="info">10-11-2023,16:17:10 : Initialize the telemetry items on the dialog<BR></div>

<div class="info">10-11-2023,16:17:10 : GetClusterUpgradeState returning 0<BR></div>

<div class="info">10-11-2023,16:17:10 : GetClusterUpgradeState returning 0<BR></div>

<div class="info">10-11-2023,16:17:10 : Skipping push of remote servers and agents due to failed local install.<BR></div><BR><HR><BR><BR></div>




  • That might be caused by the account you are using to run the installation or the Backup Exec Service Account itself which in either case might not be a local admin on that machine.

  • That might be caused by the account you are using to run the installation or the Backup Exec Service Account itself which in either case might not be a local admin on that machine.