Forum Discussion

Team_System's avatar
13 years ago

Backup File by date



Before using BE 2012 we used Arcserve and there was an interesting option to backup only recent files (see print screen).  

In my case the filter was "Include files modified within 1 day(s)" 

I extensivly checked the documentation and done many test but i can't find how to do it. At least is there a workaround to do the same with BE 2012 ?





  • I think that the following will give you the desired result but i think that the inc back would be much easier to setup. Please take a look and let me know if it helps

    when creating/editing your selection list you should be able to right click on the drive/folder and select the include/exclude option. 

    Then in the right window under apply to subdirectories you can select only modified files

    click ok

    Then under selection details be sure to remove the entry to backup all and allow the modified selection to remain 

    This way when the backup runs it will only backup files that have been modified since the last backup. This will only happen as the backup runs though so the backup job would have to run every day. 


  • I would like to do a full (complete) backup of all files modified within today - 1 day for example.


    We backup our SAP server on an USB disk then with Arcserve we take only the most recent one on tape (day -1). 


    I know it's possible to set a date range but it's fixed dates, it's a shame that there is now way to put variables instead of fixed values.

  • Hi,


    Fixed dates are not an option because you need to edit job each day.

  • Hey Team, 

             The incremental backup should be able to handle this just fine. Have you looked into that at all?

    Or are you possibly refering to dynamic inclusion ? 

  • Hi Donald,


    Yes i understand it will work using incremental, if there is no other solution ... Anyway i think this option is missing. If anyone have a workaround, let me know.



  • I think that the following will give you the desired result but i think that the inc back would be much easier to setup. Please take a look and let me know if it helps

    when creating/editing your selection list you should be able to right click on the drive/folder and select the include/exclude option. 

    Then in the right window under apply to subdirectories you can select only modified files

    click ok

    Then under selection details be sure to remove the entry to backup all and allow the modified selection to remain 

    This way when the backup runs it will only backup files that have been modified since the last backup. This will only happen as the backup runs though so the backup job would have to run every day. 


    • RomanE's avatar
      Level 1

      Hi there!

      Hope this message finds you well.

      Nine years had passed so far. Veritas Backup Exec still don't have checkbox for "modified last __ days" option in it.

      I have a backup job which is running once a week, other backup activity for it is done by MS SQL.

      All i need is to pick up the latest 1-2 backups (full) and burn it to tapes.

  • You can use the follow to accomplish what you want.  When you edit the selection list, right-click on the server and select include/exclude and you will see this.

    (Ignore the red circles.  This screenshot was created for another discussion).  You can click on Include, check Only modified files and use the date range (second last check box).