Forum Discussion

Marcel92's avatar
Level 0
8 years ago

Backup of Backup Exec 15


we're using Backup Exec 15. We would like to regularly save the configuration of Backup Exec 15 to another server in case that the server that has Backup Exec 15 installed crashes. Is there a way to do this?

All I could find so far to backup the data of Backup Exec was to copy the program file folder, but that would not be our preferred solution.

In this kind of backups, we would like to include all the data that is necessary to recover our servers when some of them crash. It would be great to have the current jobs saved as well, but our priority is more to be able to recover all the servers in case the server with Backup Exec on it fails as well.

I was hoping there would be an export function available in the software, but I couldn't find one.
Or did I just overlook it?

  • The best way to do this is by using SDR feature (Simplified Disaster Recovery). You may specify an alternate path to export .dr file.  Each time that a backup of all critical system components runs, the disaster recovery information files are automatically updated.

    You may then create Simplified Disaster Recovery disk by steps provided in following technote:

    With SDR feature in case of disaster recovery just SDR disk, .dr files and backup media access is required.

    Thanks and Regards,


  • Hi,

    2 ways that I can see of doing this:

    1. Use Backup Exec itself and backup the Data/Catalogs folders. If you need to do a full restore of the server, then install BE from scratch, and then the Data/Catalogs folders from your backup medium after catalogging it;

    2. Create a share to the server you want to backup too, and use a script to run something like Robocopy to the share.
