Backup to Tape, duplicate to Dedupe Disk Opinions?
Hey Guys,
I have upgraded from Backup Exec 2010R3 with just backing up to Tape, to Backup Exec 2012 with a dedupe disk store, AVVI Backups, and duplicate backup jobs from dedupe to tape.
The issue i have is that backups to tape previously ran at 2500MB/Min+ to tape, but now using 2012, backing up to dedupe disk runs at about 1200MB/Min and then once that completes, the duplicate to tape runs at about 250MB/Min as it needs to re-hydrate the data, and then copy to tape. Pretty terrible that the tape speeds are so slow because of that process, hence backups that used to complete in 1h30min, now take 9+ hours to complete.
I had a thought, and wanted to get anyone's opinion.
What if i backup to Tape, and then from tape, run a duplicate job to the Dedupe store. That way backups will be fast, and on tape already, then hopefully from tape to dedupe store, speeds will be much faster as it won't have to re-hydrate the backups. What issues or concerns does anyone foresee with this scenario. One question i have is if i want to restore data, can i do a restore from the disk duplicate job, rather than from the primary tape backup job?
I don't see a problem with what you are trying to, but it seems counter-intuitive. You should be able to use both sets of backups to do your restore. Do test it because some users reported earlier that BE seems to prefer the second set of backups which in your proposed scenario is the dedup'ed set.