Forum Discussion

pgiblin's avatar
Level 2
15 years ago

BackupExec 2010 SQL Log Restore Error

I am running Backup Exec 2010 on Windows 2003 Standard Server.  I am performing a major SQL restore project requiring the restore of multiple full and log backups.  I had been having no problems until I started getting the error below when trying to restore a log job.

From the restore job log: V-79-57344-65072 - Connection to the restore target has been lost.  Operation canceled.

From the Application Event Viewer on the Target server:

SQLVDI: Loc=SignalAbort. Desc=Client initiates abort. ErrorCode=(0). Process=1464. Thread=3436. Client. Instance=MyInstance. VD=Global\MyInstance_00__5c942899_fe70_49fb_b11d_164e0eb8accb__SQLVDIMemoryName_0.

The restore job will reach 99% complete in less then 10 minutes then sit at that point for about 1 hour before failing with the above errors.  The Remote Agent on the target server DOES NOT FAIL prior to this error.

This is a business critical project and I have been waiting on hold with Symantec Tech support for hours and still have not spoken to anyone.

Any assistance is greatly appreciated.



  • Hi,

    Can you see if the RAWS agent on the target server is stopping during the restore?

    Furthermore, download and install the latest SP1 for BE 2010/BE 2010 R2. Once done, do a push-install out to any remote servers, and then try the restore again!



  • Thank you for your quick response.

    As noted in my original post, the agent does not stop/fail on the target server.  SP1 is installed and the only update I have not installed is Hotfix 141686.


  • I do have SP1 installed already along with all Hotfixes except HF141686.  When you say "the latest SP1"...have there been changes to the service pack since it was originally released?
