Forum Discussion

agentejulio007's avatar
5 years ago

Battlecard BE against ArcServe

Hi everyone.

I'm looking for a battlecard between BE vs Arcserve. So, can you help me please?


  • agentejulio007 

    Veritas will never publish battlecards in a public forum. 
    You will need to contact Veritas via your local reseller.

    My 2c about battlecards:
    They are extremely subjective and most of the time old and not relevant to latest software versions.

    Best to do your own investigations - download latest datasheets for the 2 products that you want to compare. 
    Look at the features of each product. Compare with your own environment - which product fulfills all of your requirements? 

    Next, look at licensing options - which product has the most comprehensive and flexible licensing options? 

    You can look at product comparisons on the internet  - users share their own experience, what they like and what they dislike about each product.
    Just type in Google 'Backup Exec vs Arcserve'.

    Look at Gartner and other industry-leading reviews.