BE 15 old systems keep reappearing
I'm having an annoying issue with our BE 15 system (one CAS and one managed server). Before I started with this company, another admin built these two systems and tried getting backups moved over to them. For many reasons, the other admins moved back to the older 2014 server, and I was asked to get the new servers up after I started. That project was started and stalled repeatedly over the last year because of a corporate acquisition and many changes in IT management and priorities. Well, it finally came back up, and I got it going again. First, I cleaned up the server from all the old server and desktop entries in the server list and deleted all the old backups and backup jobs. (The old admin had them convinced they could do desktop backups to the managed server, then that proved a bad idea.) I also blanked all the old job logs. Then I got all the server backup jobs moved over to the CAS, and finally got the managed server attached with clean storage.
Ever since reattaching the managed server, I have seen both server and desktop entries in the server list keep reappearing. It has been over a month, and it has been like weeding a garden in fast forward. The entries for many old servers and desktops, many of which were never actually backed up to these machines, keep reappearing. Here's the kicker on this, though: every single one of the machines that keep reappearing are no longer even around. The desktop machines (Executive, Development, and HR machines) have been reformatted or completely replaced due to the changes in management, and our old service and Exchange servers that have been replaced due to upgrades. So, it's not the agents talking to the server. It's not from old backup jobs because those are all deleted. It's not from job logs because the job logs are only set to save for 30 days. I can't find where they keep coming from.
I also have an issue where the systems were renamed and still think they have their old names in certain places. I can't seem to root those out either.
Given the chance, I would have formatted and completely rebuilt the systems so they'd be clean of these issues, but I was told specifically NOT to do that, as it supposedly would be a waste of time. So, here I am trying to root out this old information.