Forum Discussion

riverupdude's avatar
12 years ago

BE 2010 R3 - RAMS agent & PowerPC architecture

Everything I'm seeing points to us not being able to bring the older G5's that we have (PowerPC's). 


Is there another way, eg: using a version RALUS, 2012 RAMS agent, I saw a thread that suggest the 2012 RAMS, but no subsequent posts.


There are other platforms out there using Pwr PC , just wondering, appreciate ALL responses.


Darwin { 8.11.0 Darwin Kernel Version 8.11.0: Wed Oct 10 18:26:00 PDT 2007; root:xnu-792.24.17~1/RELEASE_PPC Power Macintosh powerpc






  • I think you are mixing BE 12 with BE 2012

    here is the version order 

    11d > 12>12.5> 2010>2012

    The Darwin kernel that you have 8.11 means OS 10.4 

    This was supported in BE release 12.0 (

    however with BE 2010 (

    the support  10.4 POWER PC ended and it only supported 10.4 on x86 32bit and 64 bit.

    So basically using BE 2010 you cannot backup 10.4 PowerPC architectures.

     I am thinking you must have gotten a suggestion to install the 12.0 agent (old RAMS) on the power PC and work it out.

    This may or may not work but worth giving it a shot.

    Here is the link from where you can download the old 12.0 agent


    Edit : I dont gurantee that this will work as this configuration is not a supported configuration.



  • Even if you managed to get the BE 12 agent to work, it is still an unsupported configuration.