BE 2010: Tape drive offline again
Hi all. An issue occurs from time to time where the external SAS single LTO5 tape drive attached to a server powers off, for example if the tape operator accidently hits the power button rather than Eject or something. The server stays up, of course. The result, after powering back on the tape drive is that the drive shows as offline in BE. Even if you right-click and mark it Online, it goes back to offline in a few seconds. So far the only solution I've found is simply to reboot hte server.
Speaking from a BE perspective, or even just froma general servertape drive hardware angle, what's up with this? Is there some trick I'm misisng? This is a Dell server, with aDell tape drive. It's as common a setup as you'll get anywhere and I can't imagine everybody runs into this same problem. The tape drive firmware is up to date I believe, though I will check into that to be sure.
Does this seem more a BE thing or a server/hardware thing?
Thank you.
Have you tried to rescan for new hardware in Windows, and then followed this up with a service restart using BEutility.exe for BE?
If power to the drive goes down and BE marks it as offline, then a service restart (sometimes a server restart) might be necessary...but if Windows doesn't see the drive, neither will BE.