BE 2012 - Unfathomably slow to check credentials - on server it's running on! Failing because can't logon... But can!?
I have 4 server backed up via BE. Last 2 days backups failed, "couldn't logon to server". Performing a credential test literally takes 20 minutes to complete checking each item, but says is all successful.
Why is it saying it can't logon to backup... To the server it's running on... when the test says it can?
Why is it taking 20 minutes to test the credentials, again, on itself. All the other servers run the test in seconds.
And really, is it too ridiculous for your product to just work OK for at least a week without yet another thing to make me lose more hair??
Oh. And I also have items in the backup selection, that aren't there anymore. But they never remove from the selections.. I've unticked them, I can confirm they are not present on the server, but they just stay in BE... Why aren't they going away?