BE2014 - Duplicate Error - Unkown Error
i am relly frustrated and i don't know what i should do to solve this issue.
- BackupExec 2014 (all Hotfixes installed)
- HP StoreEver MSL4048 LTO5 Library
- HP StoreOnce Virtual Tape Libary
I do a daily backup first to my VTL and duplicated the Backups after finishing the Backup Job to my physical MSL Tape Library at another Fire Protection Area. Everything ist conneted over FC.
Since a few weeks 99,9% of my Duplication Jobs failed with following Error (Translated from German Installation):
On Device "HP LTO5 LW1" was a unknown Error.V-79-57344-3403614.1.1786.1093eng-ntfs-setcopyV-79-57344-34036DERetailWindows_V-6.1.7601_SP-1.0_PL-0x2_SU-0x112_PT-0x3 - Unknown Error.
The first time i think there is a issue with my tape Library. After doing some Test with HP Library and Tape Tools, everythink seems to be ok.
So i checked my Backup Exec 2014. I did also some Test-Backups and realized a strange thing. If i do a backup directly to my MSL, everythink works. No Problems or Erros. If i do a Backup to VTL and Duplicate the Backups to MSL, my lovely Error comes back again.
Any Ideas?
Kind Regards
Problem solved.
After doing some other test i was confused about the fact that sometimes the Copy Job works and sometimes not. I wrote previously a absolutly new Job is running perfect. This was not always the case. After rerunning the Job again and again, the error suddenly returns.So i tooked a look at the tapes which were used.
I realized all Jobs who failed are using the same Tapes. So i checked the Tapes with HP Library and Tape tools and realized some Tapes are defective.So i exchanged the Tapes with new one. Since that everything works.
Kind Regards