BE2014 - W2012R2 -> Exchange 2010 - E00027
Enviroment :
- Both, Exchange and BE Server are VM on the same VMWare Host.
- Backup Strategy - direct using RAWS
- BE Server
- BE2014
- W2012R2
- 16 GB Ram
- TEMP - 2 TB free space
- BE Global Options
- Dedupe B2D 10 TB iSCSI NAS System
- Backup Target
- Exchange 2010 R3
- W2008R2
- 32GB RAM
- Exchange Job Options :
- GRT on,
- B2D Dedupe,
- Server-side dedupe,
- Catalogue after the job immed.
- AOFO off
- Backup Schema
- Full - GRT ON
- Inc. Daily - GRT ON
- Inc. Nightly - GRT ON
- Problem
- Full Backup will end successful and the catalogue job after it.
- Incr. Backup will end successful but not the catalogue job after it. Error E00027
- Final error: 0xe00002f7 - Cannot extract mailbox messages from the Exchange backup. Review the job log for more information. Final error category: Resource Errors
- V-79-57344-759 - Unable to complete the operation for the following reason: VFF Open Failure. This can be caused by low memory or disk resources.
- Backup break always after 118GB of data.
- Tried solutions which didnt help
- Antivurs off
- Registry change : OnHostTemp
- Restart
- Updates
- Next steps
- SGMON full debug starts shortly
Last Sunday the DB of the Exchange goes offline and was not anymore able to get mounted.
After 8 hours of looking and searching we achieve to mount the DB after we moved the DB to a new vHD. ( Exchange is a VM)
After that we was able again to run Inc and Diff Backups with successful Catalog jobs.
But the whole process created a new problem, in the meantime of looking I try a whole restore of the DB.
The Backup job of the DB ( ~700 GB ) is done after 2 hours and 20 Min.
Job rate is arround ~5GB pro min.The Restore job was running with 20-30 MB PRO Minute and that mean about 3-4 days to restore the whole DB.
I wasnt able to take a closer look why it was so slow but any comment could lead me faster to the solution.Exchange errors was : 3154 , 215 , 231, 1016,14035, 5000
and the error from the Exchange Consoel during the mount process was "I/O error bad disk" that triggert the idea to
move the DB to a new virtual hard disk and the problem was solved.Now I have to find out why a restore wasnt possible..
I appreciate your hard work,