Forum Discussion

Spiros_K_'s avatar
Level 4
10 years ago

BE2014 - W2012R2 -> Exchange 2010 - E00027

Enviroment :


  • Both, Exchange and BE Server are VM on the same VMWare Host.
  • Backup Strategy - direct using RAWS 
  • BE Server
    • BE2014
    • W2012R2
    • 16 GB Ram
    • TEMP - 2 TB free space
  • BE Global Options
    • Dedupe B2D 10 TB iSCSI NAS System
  • Backup Target
    • Exchange 2010 R3
    • W2008R2
    • 32GB RAM
  1. Exchange Job Options :
    1. GRT on,
    2. B2D Dedupe,
    3. Server-side dedupe,
    4. Catalogue after the job immed.
    5. AOFO off
  1. Backup Schema
    1. Full - GRT ON
    2. Inc. Daily - GRT ON
    3. Inc. Nightly - GRT ON
  • Problem
    • Full Backup will end successful and the catalogue job after it.
    • Incr. Backup will end successful but not the catalogue job after it. Error E00027
      • Final error: 0xe00002f7 - Cannot extract mailbox messages from the Exchange backup. Review the job log for more information. Final error category: Resource Errors
      • V-79-57344-759 - Unable to complete the operation for the following reason: VFF Open Failure. This can be caused by low memory or disk resources.
      • Backup break always after 118GB of data.
  • Tried solutions which didnt help
    • Antivurs off
    • Registry change : OnHostTemp
    • Restart
    • Updates
  • Next steps
    • SGMON full debug starts shortly


  • Last Sunday the DB of the Exchange goes offline and was not anymore able to get mounted. 

    After 8 hours of looking and searching we achieve to mount the DB after we moved the DB to a new vHD. ( Exchange is a VM) 

    After that we was able again to run Inc and Diff Backups with successful Catalog jobs. 


    But the whole process created a new problem, in the meantime of looking I try a whole restore of the DB.
    The Backup job of the DB ( ~700 GB ) is done after 2 hours and 20 Min. 
    Job rate is arround ~5GB pro min.


    The Restore job was running with 20-30 MB PRO Minute and that mean about 3-4 days to restore the whole DB. 
    I wasnt able to take a closer look why it was so slow but any comment could lead me faster to the solution.


    Exchange errors was : 3154 , 215 , 231, 1016,14035, 5000
    and the error from the Exchange Consoel during the mount process was "I/O error bad disk" that triggert the idea to
    move the DB to a new virtual hard disk and the problem was solved.


    Now I have to find out why a restore wasnt possible..


    I appreciate your hard work,



  • Where was OnHostTemp registry key created ? And were the backup jobs recreated after creating the registry key ?

    Secondly, do ensure the VM itself is not being backed up when the Exchange Incremental runs.

    Lastly, create these registry keys  -

    1. Add the following registry key on the Exchange server(s):

    Key : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\VirtFile
    Value: VFF Extended Timeout
    Type: DWORD
    Set value (Decimal) to 600.
    Restart all the Backup Exec Services for the changes to take effect.

    2. As backing up to disk, add the following registry key on the Backup Exec server :

    Key : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\VirtFile
    Value: Detach Timeout
    Type: DWORD
    Set value (Decimal) to 10000
    Restart all the Backup Exec Services for the changes to take effect.



  • Hi,

    thanks for the fast response.

    Media Server - > HKLM\Software\Symantec\Backup Exec For Windows\Backup Exec\Engine\Exchange

    OnHostTemp REG_SZ 

    No Jobs didnt recreated after Registry set but was able to see that this is working through SGMON.exe

    Both Media Server and Exchange are VM on the same host. I am taking a backup using Agent and have direct the Exchange as Server in Media Server not through vCenter. 

    I tried it today throught vCenter and the speed was from 4GB/Min down to 300MB/Min.

    Going to take care of the changes that you suggested.



  • Didnt help.. 


    Still the same error during the Job also.. 


    Set Detail Information - Catalog \\ex----\Mailbox Database 0900578071 
    Set type               :
    CatalogSet status             :
    FailedSet description        : 
    Resource name          : \\e----\Mailbox Database 0900578071
    Logon account          : 
    Error                  : e00002f7 - Cannot extract mailbox messages from the Exchange backup. Review the job log for more information.


    Set Detail Information - Catalog \\ex----\ 
    Set type               :
    CatalogSet status             :
    FailedSet description        : 
    Resource name          : \\e----\
    Logon account          : 
    Error                  : e00002f7 - Cannot extract mailbox messages from the Exchange backup. Review the job log for more information.


    Set Detail Information - Catalog \\e-----\Public Folders 
    Set type               :
    CatalogSet status             :
    FailedSet description        : 
    Resource name          : \\e---\Public Folders
    Logon account          : 
    Error                  : e00002f7 - Cannot extract mailbox messages from the Exchange backup. Review the job log for more information.

    Start time             : Friday, October 23, 2015 4:43:36 PM
    Media used             : IMG000925



    Set Detail Information - Catalog \\e---\Archiv Datenbank 
    Set type               : 
    CatalogSet status      : 
    FailedSet description  : 
    Resource name          : \\ex----\Archiv Datenbank
    Logon account          : 
    Error                  : e00002f7 - Cannot extract mailbox messages from the Exchange backup. Review the job log for more information.
    Start time             : Friday, October 23, 2015 4:36:54 PM
    Media used             : IMG000923


    Any idea?



  • Do you have SGmon debug logs ? If yes, pls attach them or PM them. Alternatively, would recommend logging a support case so that an engineer can have a look @ your setup.

  • Sure, I can attach the debug log. 

    Please let me know what should I capture.



  • Use this KB -

  • Unfortunately,

    the logs inlcude all Mail flow and for security reason I am not able to send them out. 

    Could you maybe explain me why we have successfuly Full Backup and Catalog jobs , successful Incremental Job but not the Catalog job after Incremental ?



  • Without debugging, we wouldn't be able to understand why the failure occured.

    Would recommend logging a formal support case instead so that an engineer can assist you further. Thanks.

  • Last Sunday the DB of the Exchange goes offline and was not anymore able to get mounted. 

    After 8 hours of looking and searching we achieve to mount the DB after we moved the DB to a new vHD. ( Exchange is a VM) 

    After that we was able again to run Inc and Diff Backups with successful Catalog jobs. 


    But the whole process created a new problem, in the meantime of looking I try a whole restore of the DB.
    The Backup job of the DB ( ~700 GB ) is done after 2 hours and 20 Min. 
    Job rate is arround ~5GB pro min.


    The Restore job was running with 20-30 MB PRO Minute and that mean about 3-4 days to restore the whole DB. 
    I wasnt able to take a closer look why it was so slow but any comment could lead me faster to the solution.


    Exchange errors was : 3154 , 215 , 231, 1016,14035, 5000
    and the error from the Exchange Consoel during the mount process was "I/O error bad disk" that triggert the idea to
    move the DB to a new virtual hard disk and the problem was solved.


    Now I have to find out why a restore wasnt possible..


    I appreciate your hard work,
