Forum Discussion

icttpz2's avatar
10 years ago

BE2015 + NDMP + PowerShell


does anyone know if it is possible to create a backupjob using BEMCLI (PowerShell) for a NetApp CDOT Cluster? It always fails when evaluating if the volume really exists on the netapp filer.


I followed the instructions from this thread:

This is my code:

$x = @()
$x += New-BENdmpNetAppServerSelection -Volume "/VMWAREBAK/VMWARE_GEDASAN_VMWARE_HYBR_TEM
PLATES_01_vault" -Path "/.snapshot/smvi__VMware_Backup_Infra_Monthly_20150501220006" -Recurse:$true

New-BEBackupDefinition -BackupJobDefault BackupToTape | Add-BEBackupSelection -AgentServ
er (Get-BEAgentServer -Selection $x

Add-BEBackupSelection : Cannot make a selection for "/.snapshot/smvi__VMware_Backup_Infra_Monthly_20150501220006/*.*" b
ecause the /VMWAREBAK/VMWARE_GEDASAN_VMWARE_HYBR_TEMPLATES_01_vault volume is not on the specified agent server.
At line:1 char:78
+ New-BEBackupDefinition -BackupJobDefault BackupToTape | Add-BEBackupSelection <<<<  -AgentServer (Get-BEAgentServer g -Selection $x
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidArgument: (:String) [Add-BEBackupSelection], ItemNotFoundException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : SessionStateException,BackupExec.Management.CLI.Commands.AddBEBackupSelectionCommand

Using the same instructions on our old 7mode filer it works just fine. I know that there are limitations in the GUI with CDot Filers. It's not possible to list the contents of a volume e.g. to select a snapshot. Is this also the issue with the PowerShell cmdlet?

  • You may be experiencing a known problem.  See this discussion and the document that it references

  • Using the UI, are you able to use the "Include/Exclude" feature to select the data and thereby run a successful backup ?

  • You may be experiencing a known problem.  See this discussion and the document that it references