Forum Discussion

  • You may refer the following article to start with


  • Were the remote servers upgraded as well with the BE 15 remote agents ?

    Are ALL server backups slow after the upgrade ?

  • Hi VJware,

    Yes all servers went slow, and yes they all updated to the lates agents.

    I forgot to mention that I'm backing it to LTO 6 tapes.

    I get 12K per min if backing up to disk as a test.

    I get 3-4K per min if backing up to Tape, mostly 3K tho. I was geting up to 5.5-6k mostly 6 before upgrade.

    Just set the tape drive to 128KB block size, 256KB Buffer and droped the Buffer count to 5. now i'm getting 8.5K per min.

    More tests to run tomorrow.


  • I would suggest that you keep both the buffer and block sizes the same.

  • You may also update the drivers for the tape Drive . I would too recommend not changing the buffer and block Size.

  •  I would too recommend not changing the buffer and block Size.


  • Ohh I typed that incorrect. I wanted to recommned keeping the BUffer and block size same too.

  • I have the exect problem.After upgrade to v15 the virtual backups performance are down.I found that SAN option could not be used.NBD option is used so the rates are slow.

    There was no problem with the same configuration at v14.

    I tried to make new jobs but same problem.

    I have opend now a case.
