Forum Discussion

K_Miller's avatar
Level 4
12 years ago

Behavior of CIFS Share Incremental Backups

I've had to disable NDMP on several NetApp filers in favor of performing backups via CIFS shares.

What I am finding is that the incremental backups are performing as FULL backups. I don't imaging that this is normal behavior???

We're using BE2012 -> BEDedup  storage folder. Most of the volumes being proteted exceed 1TB so incrementals are taking hours longer to complete than expected.

Is this normal or have I misconfigured something?


  • This is the normal behaviour and is due to the fact that the device does not have RAWS/RALUS loaded on it.  See the solution section of this document.

  • This is the normal behaviour and is due to the fact that the device does not have RAWS/RALUS loaded on it.  See the solution section of this document.