Can BE2012 backup the drives which mounted read only
BE is 2012
operating system is win2008R2
There is a NAS. This NAS is working as a file server. It has around four shared folders, mapped on different client PCs with read/write mode. Clients save their data(.xls, .pdf, .docx, etc ) on this map NAS drive. I want to map these NAS drives on BE2012 in read only mode and then want to take the backup. it is a good practic ? please advise.
Mapped drives are not supported by Backup Exec as this is session-based.
Best bet would be to target the NAS shares (IP_Address\ShareName) instead, and you'd need a RAWS agent to comply with licensing requirements. You can confirm the licensing requirements with the licensing department or a reseller.
Hello Allen John,
Please refer to the following technote which provide details information and screenshots of the complete procedure of taking Share backups of NAS. : Configuring share level backup jobs in Backup Exec 2012