Forum Discussion

JonahIJ's avatar
Level 3
14 years ago

Cannot back up system state

Good afternoon,

We are currently experiencing an issue when attempting to backup one of our servers.

We are running full backups on 7 Windows 2008 servers, but one is failing when it comes to back up the system state.

The error is reported as:

 - AOFO: Initialization failure on: "\\<SERVER>\System?State". Advanced Open File Option used: Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS).
V-79-10000-11223 - VSS Snapshot error. The Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) snapshot provider that you selected cannot snap this volume. Select the default snapshot provider, and then run the job again.
The following volumes are dependent on resource: "C:" "X:" .

The issue appears to be "X:" - this is the DVD drive on the server and obviously VSS isn't able to snap it, and this is the only server on which this is apparently a dependent resource. I'm prety sure it shouldn't be listed here at all?

I have checked in the seemingly obvious places (I'm not much of an expert with BE) to no avail, would anybody know how to resolve this and remove X: as a dependent resource?


  • Yep, X: is definitely not listed.

    To confirm, I have tried backing up solely the System State of the server, with nothing else selected.

    We get the same error almost instantly as the job attempts to run.  I am only assuming here, but it looks like AOFO/VSS is trying to initialise on the X: drive (CD/DVD drive), which it obviously can't and so we are getting the failure.

    Somehow I need to remove the dependency on X: from the System State... I think?! As I say in the original post, I haven't had much dealings with BE in depth!

  • Hi Jonah,


    Have you gone into your selection list, and then into text view? This will show you what is backed up. Check and make sure that your X:\ drive is not listed, and if it is, delete it.

    This should sort out your backups if this is the issue.

    Please post back...



  • Thanks for assisting - unfortunately, no joy with the suggestions above.

    Kiran - the issue appears to be with the DVD drive, and as such there is no "Shadow Copies" tab within the drives properties page.

    RahulG - Nothing of note within the temp folder as suggested under that article.

    Still none the wiser, but your help is appreciated!

  • Try the work around mentioned in the following TNs...

    Hope this helps...