Forum Discussion

fafatech's avatar
Level 3
13 years ago

Catalogue prend trop de place



J'ai un probleme , j'ai un dossier catalog sur mon serveur qui grossit trop vite , je n'ai plus de place actuellement, je souhaite faire de la place , mais je ne sais comment faire , je veux comme meme conserver mes catalogues sur une période , je ne veux pas tous les supprimer

Avez vous une idee ?


Merci de votre aide


  • 1. Inventory tape

    2. Catalog it; youcan then restore from it!

  • Hi,

    Check the TN below on how to move the Catalogs folders:

    You can also choose to truncate catalogs (default of 90 days) but this is only relevant from the time you set this. It doesn't touch previous catalogs, so the TN above should be used primarily to move the Catalogs folder.


  • You can try to move the catalogs to a disk with more space.  See this document on how to do so.

  • Hi,

    Thank you for the replies ,  if i want to truncate the catalog after 5 weeks , and after i want restore a media which is saved 6 week ago .

    is what i must to inventory and re-catalog the media to restore correctly ?

    Thanks and sorry for my english smiley




  • 1. Inventory tape

    2. Catalog it; youcan then restore from it!

  • Note that when you set the option to truncate your catalogs, only the catalogs that are created after this setting is done will be truncated when the time comes.  Your existing catalogs will not be truncated.

  • Hi ,


    Ok thanks you very much your replies.

    Best regard,
