CentOs 5.11 - RALUS Problem
I Have a CentOS 5.11 server and i've installed RALUS_RMALS_RAMS-5204.4
I did the trust relationship between the client and the server sucessfully.
But i Cannot expand the ROOT selection list for this server, because Backup Exec Server freezes.
My Server is 2010 R3, with all updates applied.
Here's an event log from the server:
Windows(R) Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) failed a request to connect to Active Directory Domain Services(R) for Windows user <LATAM\backupbr>.
Without the corresponding UNIX identity of the Windows user, the user cannot access Network File System (NFS) shared resources.
Verify that the Windows user is in Active Directory Domain Services and has access permissions.
Thanks in advance,
As this is not supported which means that it is not tested, anything can happen, like this problem.
Being able to backup your CentOS servers does not mean that everything is O.K. You might find yourself in a situation where you are unable to do a restore.