CIFS share on Netapp backups Incremental not work
We have created some folders shares CIFS on NetApp FAS2552 Hybrid Storage Array.
I have created Backup 2014 Job bakup Full and backup Incremental using CIFS share on Netapp.
The problem is that backup job Incremental is not working .. it is saving all the data and not just the modified objects.. ..
I have read that CIFS backups EXEc may not be able to do Incremental or Differential processing ? is it right ?? this article bellow
How can i process to do backup incremental ?
The first time when the first backup full is finished it says me . Normal is is a CIFS share.
What is the BEST solution to backup CIFS Share ? for incremental .. and so more..
I am asking that if it is needed to have the agent installed on the server for incremental work ?
Hello i think is not up to date .. or it it to update URGENCY ... ::D
I have tested a new job Full / Incremental with modify file folders options to " using Catalogs" and incremental work good.
When i did a incremental backup i'st work and i'ts save only the new or modified files, i have test it.