Forum Discussion

Chris_L1's avatar
Level 4
14 years ago

considering backup strategy

Good day guys.

I'm currently considering a backup strategy for a customer, but he has some strange requirements.

Basically, he has 5 (2 MS SQL, 1 Exchange, 1 File, 1 App) servers and he has divided the servers on 2 groups:

SQL servers + Exchange server - doing full backups every day. full backup Friday

File Server + APP - Differential backups every day. full backup Friday

He is using auto-loader with 15 tapes + 1 Cleaning.

I'm wondering how should we setup this in BEWS 2010 R3?


any ideas are welcome.

  • Hi,


    You'd do the following:

    1. Create 2 selection lists: 1 containing DBs (SQL/Exchange) and 1 containing data. Select what you need too in each list.

    2. Create 2 policies: 1 for Data backups and the other for DBs. This takes care of your Daily/Weekly/Monthly GFS for your client.

    That's the easy way to set it up, but read my article below which explains in more depth:



    I've used that quite successfully in my environment.



  • Hi,


    You'd do the following:

    1. Create 2 selection lists: 1 containing DBs (SQL/Exchange) and 1 containing data. Select what you need too in each list.

    2. Create 2 policies: 1 for Data backups and the other for DBs. This takes care of your Daily/Weekly/Monthly GFS for your client.

    That's the easy way to set it up, but read my article below which explains in more depth:



    I've used that quite successfully in my environment.



  • Create two media sets, one for FULL backups and the other for differentials. (If retension periods for DB and flat file backups are same. Otherwise 4 media sets). According to the retension requirement and data sizes you have to calculate the number of tapes required for writing backups. 


  • Thanks guys.

    I forgot to mention that his full backup (of the whole servers) is 1.5 TB and he is using LTO 3 tapes (400/800).

    Is there a way to tell BEWS which tape to pic up for a particular day?

  • Partitioning the library will help. You can configure some slots in the library as a partition and target jobs at partitions instaead of targetting at whole library. BE will use only the tapes available in those slots to complete the backup job. If no tapes (usable) are available in that partition, the job will fail. 

    EDIT: Here is a TN which helps you in doing so:


  • If you partition, bear in mind that you cannot just run a Daily job pointed at the library, you will need a Monday job pointed at the Monday partition, etc

  • ...I'd only partition the slots into Daily, Weekly & Monthly & let the media set properties do their job if set up correctly. Keep partitioning simple...