DAG - Restore greyed out in BE2014
I'm trying to do a restore of Exchange DAG group and the "restore" option is greyed out. Not sure why this would be as I have succssful backups of this server and groups. We backup individual Information Store groups in seperate jobs on the ExmailDAG server. I would like to restore one of the Information store groups but the restore option is greyed out. My 130 other server restore option shows correctly except for the DAG Server. Any ideas?
If one of the information store groups jobs fail, does that make all the DAG groups unrestorable? We have about 25 DAG information store groups and only one did not succeed last night. Would having one store group fail in BE2014 make none of them restorable, even though they are in different jobs? Do I need to wait until all store groups run susscessful in order to do a restore? That doesn't seem logical.
Thanks for any help,
Also if the DAG object in the storage group shows an FQDN for the DAG and your Backup and restore list shows just a hostname for the DAG or vice versa then it is possible the catalogs are referenced to the other name of the DAG.