15 years agoLevel 3
Database Scheme Version Mismatch
Server failed. Rebuilt server and reinstalled Backup Exec 12.5 (on the server before it failed) with the intent of using the existing SQL database on an external SQL Server. Detached the database and log and moved to safe location. Installed 12.5 and SP4. Detached the new database and log and moved. Copied the old database and log back to original location (same as the new one was created). Attached the old database. Get the following error:
The Backup Exec Device and Media Service cannot start because it detected a database scheme version mismatch.
I was hoping to use the old database to save time. Any suggestions on how I might get the version to match. I read a little on BEMIG but it seemed to pertain to the SQL database on the local machine.
The Backup Exec Device and Media Service cannot start because it detected a database scheme version mismatch.
I was hoping to use the old database to save time. Any suggestions on how I might get the version to match. I read a little on BEMIG but it seemed to pertain to the SQL database on the local machine.
Thanks for all the replies. I tried the first two but no success. I didn't get a chance to try the last suggestion. I went to the SQL server and viewed the SQL instance BEDB. I found the version number to be BE 12.0 so I reinstalled version 12.0 and it picked up the database without creating a new one. Of course this gives me more than I had but I will still have to catalog the tapes because there is no histrory under the restore tab.