Decommissioning BE 2010 R3
Hello, I need help please.
I have purchased BE16 and set it up on my new 2012 R2 Hypervisor that is hosting 2 VMs. All buckups to USB drives
are running fine.
I have also two older servers that have BE 2010 R3 on them installed and USB drives with backup sets attached that I
want to uninstall and then install the new BE16 agents on those two servers and run all my backups from the BE16
installed on the hypervisor.
I'd like to know if it would be possible to use the backups on those USB disks created with the 2010 R3 version installed
on the older servers if I need to recover certain data files at a later time? If yes, what would be the proper steps for
decomissioning the old 2010 R3 version making sure the backups are still usable with BE 16?
Thank you!
1) Attach the old USB drives to the BE 16 Server.
2) Import the disk storage on these drives as Legacy B2D folders.
3) Inventory and catalog these legacy folders. Note that these legacy folders are read-only. You cannot write to them. When you no longer need them, just delete these legacy folders.