Forum Discussion

Bill_Parnell's avatar
14 years ago

Dedupe Folder Offline

I am getting an error that my Dedupe Folder is offline.

This started after installing two hotfixes (147674 and 155520)

I tried rolling back the hotfixes but this did not resolve the issue.

I have since upgraded to R3 to see whether that resolved the issue, it has not.

I get these errors when running Backup Exec Debug Monitor:

PVLSVR:   [07/05/11 03:49:27] [9500]     PvlEntityDatabase::QueryEntity()
            ParentEntityType = MACHINE_ENTITY_TYPE
            ParentEntityGuid = {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
            EntityType = DEVICE_ENTITY_TYPE
            EntityGuid = {1D8885D2-5DDB-49AD-852B-C2BCD8D6DA0E}
            EntityName = ""
            EntityFlags = 0x00000000

PVLSVR:   [07/05/11 03:49:27] [9500]     PvlEntityDatabase::QueryEntity()
            ParentEntityType = NULL_ENTITY_TYPE
            ParentEntityGuid = {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
            EntityGuid = {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
            EntityName = "
            EntityFlags = 0x00000000

The error message in the jobs is:

Final error: 0xe000810c - Physical Volume Library Drive not available.
Final error category: Backup Device Errors


Final error: 0xe0008115 - Physical Volume Library Drive or Robot paused, offline, or disabled.
Final error category: Backup Device Errors

Is there any way to get my dedupe area to perform diagnostics and to fix it.  I would prefer not to lose the data in it if I can help it.

Any assistance would be appreciated.

Media Server:

Windows Server 2008 R2
Backup Exec 2010 R3
Local DAS SATA disks for Dedupe LUN (5TB)

Best Regards,

  • After a good sleep on the problem, I went back and checked the dedupe configuration.

    It turns out that after installing R3 there is a configuration item stating the user account to run the services under.  This was not set.  After I set this account, the BE2010 services required to be restarted.  After they came back up the Dedupe device started working!


    This does not explain the reason why the dedupe are thought it had lost its drive (virtual tape drive that is) however I am reasonably happy that I have a functioning dedupe area again!

    Hopefully this will assist anyone else that may be in a sim,ilar situation to myself.

    Best Regards,


  • After a good sleep on the problem, I went back and checked the dedupe configuration.

    It turns out that after installing R3 there is a configuration item stating the user account to run the services under.  This was not set.  After I set this account, the BE2010 services required to be restarted.  After they came back up the Dedupe device started working!


    This does not explain the reason why the dedupe are thought it had lost its drive (virtual tape drive that is) however I am reasonably happy that I have a functioning dedupe area again!

    Hopefully this will assist anyone else that may be in a sim,ilar situation to myself.

    Best Regards,


  • ...if this was set initially and deduplication WAS working, it doesn't explain why you'd need to set this again.

    If you have any reservations, head on to the Beta page and make it know to the guys there...