Forum Discussion

MartinHewes's avatar
12 years ago

Disabled "checkpoint restart" being ignored?

I backup a NAS area and have the job set so that "enable checkpoint restart" is disabled. However it still appears to run when the backup "fails" trying to backup open PSTs. I'm not sure if I've missed an option somewhere?

  • That sounds right. For AOFO to work, it either needs the appropriate drivers or VSS installed, since RAWS cannot be installed, drivers will not be present and since it is not Windows OS, it will not have VSS.


  • If you don't want the job to backup open PST files, you must make sure Advanced Open File Option is not checked int he Job settings.

    If you don't want to have the backup run when the backup "fails", go to "Backup Exec" - Configuration and Settings - Error-Handling Rules 

    Make sure you dont have it cofigured to "Retry Job" on failure anywhere... 

  • Thanks Bhavik - to make suer the AOFO is not checked in the Job Settings, is that done by unticking "use snapshot technology"? If so, I've already done that.

    Thanks for the tip about not having the backup retry - I'd only like to disable it for this job though, as I know it'll never work on retry. I'd still like it to run for other servers. This is why I thought unchecking the "checkpoint restart" option would suffice?

  • Thats right, you must make sure "Ust Snapshot technology" is unchecked. Since you already have it unchecked, Backup Exec will not attmpt to backup PST files, it'l just skip them and you will probably see exceptions in you job log.

    I dont think there is an option available to disable the Error-handling rules for specific jobs.

    For more information on the "checkpoint restart" options see -->

    For more information on the "error-handling rules" see -->

    Hope this helps!

  • Hi Bhavik - "Use SnapShot Technology" is indeed unticked, but the job still fails:


    Job ended: 05 October 2012 at 06:42:39
    Completed status: Failed
    Final error: 0xe000fe36 - Corrupt data encountered. See the job log for details.
    Final error category: Resource Errors

    For additional information regarding this error refer to link V-79-57344-65078

    Backup- ***

    WARNING: "***\archive.pst" is a corrupt file. This file cannot verify.
    WARNING: "***\Email\archive2011.pst" is a corrupt file. This file cannot verify.

  • Martin if the .pst file is open with an outlook client, you will keep getting these messages. If this is the case the only solution is to ask the users to close the .pst files before leaving from work (assuming the backups happen at a non production hour)

  • You get these error messages because the PST files are open.  To back them up, you need to enable AOF.

  • Am I right in thinking that AOF doesn't work for servers which can't have a remote agent on them? i.e. EMC Celerra NAS

  • That sounds right. For AOFO to work, it either needs the appropriate drivers or VSS installed, since RAWS cannot be installed, drivers will not be present and since it is not Windows OS, it will not have VSS.


  • Martin that is correct. However, you could try to backup those .pst files once they have closed from outlook.