Disaster recovery
Hi everyone
I have just finished a test scenario where I pretend, that all my servers are unavailable (server room has burned or something like that).
We call this a disaster drill.
With BackupExec 12.5 I could install BackupExec 12.5 software on a new physical server and restore my servers from there using IDR disks and all the backup data.
But with BackupExec 2012 this is not possible!
If we install BackupExec 2012 software on a new physical server and try to restore our servers from there using a Disaster Recovery disk, the recovery wizard comes with an error, telling me that it cannot find the backup-server that made the Disaster Recovery disk. But in my test scenario, my original BackupExec 2012 server is not available (it has burned).
This is a major setbackup in my disaster plan.
My question is: Is it not possible to backup the database on my original BackupExec 2012 server, and then restore it to a new installed BackupExec 2012 server, making it possible to restore data without the original BackupExec 2012 server?
Regards Jens Nielsen.
It's better if you restore the complete "Data" & "Catalogs" folder from the old server onto the new server. The Data folder not only contains the BE Database, but it contains the .DR files as well for other servers. And the Catalogs folder would be helpful since you wouldn't need to manually catalog every backup media.
You can either use SDR itself to recover the media server first (provided the backup sets and the .DR file is accessible via locally attached media) or use this KB - http://www.symantec.com/business/support/index?page=content&id=TECH56671