Disk to tape failing to append even though tape is appendable.
After incremental backup the job is set to Duplicate to tape (D2T). The storage setting is:
Append to media, overwrite tape if no appendable media is available.
The destination is an autoloader partition consisting of two tapes, between the two is 2.73 TB free, with well over 1 TB free on each tape. The backup is 39 GB in size.
The date is March 5. the allocate dates are March 3/3,3/4. Overwrite Protection till 3/18, 3/19. Appendable till 3/17, 1/18.
On day one, the first tape (overwriteable) is used. On day two the second tape (overwriteable) is used. On day three when the D2T runs, it prompts for overwritable media, ignoring the "instruction" to append. Why?
Print Screens attached.
So just to clarify, append never happens to second tape? How stupid is that?
Yes. BE will never append to a second tape and no, it is not stupid. It would be stupid to append to the second tape because this will extend the protection period for the second tape and tie up the tape for a longer period than necessary.