Forum Discussion

cadsh's avatar
Level 2
11 years ago

Does the new SP4 work on SLES 11 SP3?

This morning I saw the new Service Pack 4 for Backup Exec 2012.

Does it support SLES 11 SP3?


Affected version: Backup Exec 2012 revision 1798  Remote Media Agent for Linux Servers (64bit Linux Platforms) - BERMALS

Post requisites - Remote Agent for Linux/Unix/Macintosh Servers (RALUS/RAMS) will need to be updated after installing this hotfix.


How do we update RALUS after updating to BE 2012 SP4?.

  • As Superbrain has replied, BE2012 with Service Pack 4 does not support SLES with Service Pack 3. 

  • Found these instructions on a technote (TECH179999):

    To apply the patch, follow these steps:
    1. Locate the .tar file in C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\Agents\ or C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\Agents\RALUS. These files can be copied to your RALUS/RAMS/RMALS target system and contain the latest available RALUS/RAMS/RMALS patch. Symantec does not recommend uncompressing these files on the Windows media server. Download the hotfix .tar file.
    2. Transfer the .tar file to the Linux/Unix system.  Note: If FTP is used to transfer the file, ensure that binary mode is enabled prior to GETting or PUTting the .tar file.  Most GUI-based FTP applications will do this automatically.  For more information, refer to the FTP client documentation.  Do not untar the file on a Windows system as this may corrupt the data.
    3. Log in to a command line on the target system with root privileges.
    4. Extract the file to a temporary location:
    # cd /tmp
    # tar -xvf <path and filename, for instance /home/user/ralus1364HF301340-Linux_301342.tar>
    5. Run this command and follow any prompts on screen:
    # ./

    To verify the hotfix installed on the RALUS/RAMS/RMALS system:
    $ cat /var/VRTSralus/ralus.ver
    The file will contains a number in the format of <product revision>.<hotfix number>.

    Note: RALUS/RAMS/RMALS hotfixes cannot be uninstalled.  Removing and reinstalling RALUS/RAMS/RMALS from the installation media will revert the system back to the base version of RALUS/RAMS/RMALS with no hotfixes installed.

    Note: As with the installation of any patch, it is important to run a full backup of the resources on each Agent for Windows and RALUS/RAMS/RMALS system for recovery purposes after installing the patch.


  • Also from the Software Compatibility List for Backup Exec 2012 I see it supports up to SLES 11 SP2.

  • As Superbrain has replied, BE2012 with Service Pack 4 does not support SLES with Service Pack 3. 

  • The technote link is broken. The correct link is:

  • The RALUS from BE 2012 SP4 can at least be started without crashing on a CentOS 6.5 system running kernel 3.12.1-1.el6.elrepo.x86_64. I'm still waiting for the next backup run to see whether it really works, but it sure looks like the bug is finally fixed.