Forum Discussion

Arild_Carlsen's avatar
10 days ago

Duplicate existing backup set to tape automation.


I have been playing around with duplicate to tape jobs lately and realized this issue:
It is not possible to start multiple duplicate jobs and expect them to be queued awaiting a vacant tape drive with an appendable media loaded. I have only one LTO8 available in total, with no plans to aquire another due to budget.

I have set up a backup job per server to run full backups to disks during the weekend. This gives me about 5 TB of backupfiles to be duplicated to tape during the week and fits nicely on one LTO8 tape cartridge.    

I currently have to run each duplication job with enough time between the jobs to have an available tapedrive ready when the next duplicate job starts. Othervise the job will fail with an error message like; No writable idle devices are available.

Is there someone out there with similar setup? Any ideas are appreciated.

Veritas can perhaps adjust the duplicate jobs feature to be "queued" to improve automation of the duplication sequence.

Best regards from Arild


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