Duplicating Data
I run a full backup daily to a local B2D and once the job completes sucessfully it automatically is set to duplicate the data to a CASO server in a remote location. How do I know how much data has been duplicated so far and how much does it still need to duplicate.
The two servers are many miles apart and the network connection is sporadic. So the duplicate has never completed successfully, it will reach a certain point but then I'll have to cancel the duplicate job so I can do a full backup on the local remote MMS, then the duplicate will start again. Well, weeks have gone by and it still hasnt fully duplicated. But it shoudl certainly be done by now since it only duplicates the data that has actually changed, which is not much. How can I tell how much more it needs to go to duplicate?
There's a checkpoint restart option in a backup with BE 2012, but not sure if this has been extended to a duplicate job.
I guess from the bytes section you could work out how much has been done compared to how much was backed up primarily. Not ideal or efficient by any means.
Maybe head on over to the Ideas section and add it in as a feature request...