Forum Discussion

yilmazbalci's avatar
11 years ago

Enterprise Vault BackupExec Issue


I have installed Enterprise Vault 10.0.4 version on Windows 2008 R2 and SQL Server 2008 SP3. I configured all required settings for Exchange archiving. it's succesfully runinng. I have Backupexec 2012 up to date.  I ınstalled backupexec agent to Enterprise Vault server and created backup job. But i am getting some errors while starting job.


Unable to attach to .

V-79-57344-33932 - Unable to attach to a resource.  Make sure that all selected resources exist and are online, and then try again.  If the server or resource no longer exists, remove it from the selection list. Edit the selection list properties, click the View Selection Details tab, and then remove the resource.

Unable to attach to .

V-79-57344-33932 - Unable to attach to a resource.  Make sure that all selected resources exist and are online, and then try again.  If the server or resource no longer exists, remove it from the selection list. Edit the selection list properties, click the View Selection Details tab, and then remove the resource.


When i look "Backup and Restore" section i can see Enterprise Vault Server name as "Directory on LOCALHOST". as you can see below ;





When i look Backupexec  agent utility on Enterpise Vault server i see this settings.





I have read all article about this issue and i applied all suggestion. but i could not solve problem. Whats wrong ?



Thank you




  • Check that you are on BE 2012 SP4 which provides support for EV 10.0.4.  It was recently released and may not be available on LU.  If you run LU and cannot find SP4 then download it here


  • Hi,

    Thanks for advice. I Installed SP4 and reinstall BackupExec Agent on Vault server. But i am getting same error. I noticed that backup job is running 5 minutes and when i look to job activity it seems backup is working succesfully for Vault Index file but not working for Vault Disk.



    I Installed SQL Server "SQL Server Authentication Mode" with SA username and password. Which credential should be used ? Backupexec Account, Evadmin Account or SA account.

    Why Vault Server Name seems that way as Localhost ???


  • From the BE perspective, you should turn on Windows Authentication and use the BESA to do the backup.  You have to add the BESA as a db_owner of the databases.

    You might want to either post this problem on the EV forum or log a support case with Symantec for them to take a look at it.