20 years ago
Erasing tape required before scheduled backups will run
I have a client that has scheduled backups that will not run unless they first erase the tapes. They started using brand new tapes, the tape drive was replaced less than 6 months ago (problem preceded the replacement), Up to SP2 is installed, BUE has been installed and reinstalled, and tapes are set to allow overwriting. Still, unless the tapes are erased prior to that night's scheduled backup, the backups will fail. Attached is the diagnostic file run today-----
VERITAS Backup Exec(TM) for Windows Servers Diagnostics
Copyright 1984-2002 VERITAS Software Corporation. All rights reserved.
Diagnostics initiated from \\W2K by MUTCHLER\Administrator at 13:03:53 04/01/2005
Command line: bediag "/o:C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\Data\bediag.fax" W2K
Backup Exec License Information on \\W2K:
0874942087035129Backup Exec for Windows Servers
******** BEGIN adamm.log file ********
11/04/04 17:20:50 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1022
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
Evaluation Days Remaining: 53
11/04/04 17:20:51 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/04/04 17:21:16 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x00001000
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/04/04 17:21:16 Device Discovery End:
11/13/04 14:10:47 Adamm Log Stopped!
11/13/04 14:35:14 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1022
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
Evaluation Days Remaining: 44
11/13/04 14:35:14 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/13/04 14:35:44 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/13/04 14:35:44 Device Discovery End:
11/13/04 18:07:07 Adamm Log Stopped!
11/13/04 18:34:50 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1022
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
Evaluation Days Remaining: 44
11/13/04 18:34:50 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/13/04 18:35:17 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/13/04 18:35:17 Device Discovery End:
11/13/04 18:37:02 Adamm Log Stopped!
11/13/04 18:44:29 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1022
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
Evaluation Days Remaining: 44
11/13/04 18:44:30 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/13/04 18:44:57 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/13/04 18:44:57 Device Discovery End:
11/13/04 18:49:46 Adamm Log Stopped!
11/13/04 18:57:09 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1022
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
Evaluation Days Remaining: 44
11/13/04 18:57:09 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/13/04 18:57:37 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/13/04 18:57:37 Device Discovery End:
11/13/04 20:38:55 Adamm Log Stopped!
11/13/04 20:46:20 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1022
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
Evaluation Days Remaining: 44
11/13/04 20:46:20 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/13/04 20:46:47 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/13/04 20:46:47 Device Discovery End:
11/14/04 13:59:30 Adamm Log Stopped!
11/14/04 14:06:52 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1022
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
Evaluation Days Remaining: 43
11/14/04 14:06:52 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/14/04 14:07:18 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/14/04 14:07:18 Device Discovery End:
11/14/04 14:25:30 Adamm Log Stopped!
11/14/04 16:58:49 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1022
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
Evaluation Days Remaining: 43
11/14/04 16:58:49 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/14/04 16:59:15 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/14/04 16:59:15 Device Discovery End:
11/14/04 17:20:35 Adamm Log Stopped!
11/14/04 17:28:13 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1022
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
Evaluation Days Remaining: 43
11/14/04 17:28:13 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/14/04 17:28:41 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/14/04 17:28:41 Device Discovery End:
11/14/04 17:31:09 Adamm Log Stopped!
11/14/04 17:48:12 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1022
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
Evaluation Days Remaining: 43
11/14/04 17:48:12 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/14/04 17:48:41 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/14/04 17:48:41 Device Discovery End:
11/14/04 19:01:38 Adamm Log Stopped!
11/14/04 19:19:04 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1022
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
Evaluation Days Remaining: 43
11/14/04 19:19:05 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/14/04 19:19:30 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/14/04 19:19:30 Device Discovery End:
11/14/04 20:28:12 Adamm Log Stopped!
11/14/04 20:38:24 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1022
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
Evaluation Days Remaining: 43
11/14/04 20:38:25 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/14/04 20:38:51 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/14/04 20:38:51 Device Discovery End:
11/14/04 20:48:31 Adamm Log Stopped!
11/14/04 20:59:38 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1022
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
Evaluation Days Remaining: 43
11/14/04 20:59:38 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/14/04 21:00:06 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/14/04 21:00:06 Device Discovery End:
11/18/04 05:58:53 Adamm Log Stopped!
11/18/04 06:06:12 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1022
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
Evaluation Days Remaining: 39
11/18/04 06:06:13 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/18/04 06:06:39 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/18/04 06:06:39 Device Discovery End:
11/18/04 15:39:35 Adamm Log Stopped!
11/18/04 15:46:49 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1022
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
Evaluation Days Remaining: 39
11/18/04 15:46:49 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/18/04 15:47:14 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/18/04 15:47:14 Device Discovery End:
11/18/04 18:18:51 Adamm Log Stopped!
11/19/04 07:43:24 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1022
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
Evaluation Days Remaining: 38
11/19/04 07:43:25 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/19/04 07:43:53 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/19/04 07:43:53 Device Discovery End:
11/19/04 08:06:47 Adamm Log Stopped!
11/19/04 08:19:03 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1022
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
Evaluation Days Remaining: 38
11/19/04 08:19:03 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/19/04 08:19:32 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/19/04 08:19:32 Device Discovery End:
11/19/04 09:17:08 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1022
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
Evaluation Days Remaining: 38
11/19/04 09:17:08 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/19/04 09:17:38 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/19/04 09:17:38 Device Discovery End:
11/19/04 09:34:00 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1022
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
Evaluation Days Remaining: 38
11/19/04 09:34:00 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/19/04 09:34:31 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/19/04 09:34:31 Device Discovery End:
11/19/04 10:27:15 Adamm Log Stopped!
11/19/04 10:43:34 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1022
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
Evaluation Days Remaining: 38
11/19/04 10:43:34 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/19/04 10:44:04 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/19/04 10:44:04 Device Discovery End:
11/19/04 11:09:10 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1022
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
Evaluation Days Remaining: 38
11/19/04 11:09:11 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/19/04 11:09:44 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/19/04 11:09:44 Device Discovery End:
11/19/04 11:42:08 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1022
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
Evaluation Days Remaining: 38
11/19/04 11:42:09 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/19/04 11:42:38 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/19/04 11:42:38 Device Discovery End:
11/19/04 11:43:24 Adamm Log Stopped!
11/19/04 12:08:50 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1022
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
Evaluation Days Remaining: 38
11/19/04 12:08:51 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/19/04 12:09:19 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/19/04 12:09:19 Device Discovery End:
11/21/04 10:50:56 Adamm Log Stopped!
11/21/04 10:57:00 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1022
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
Evaluation Days Remaining: 36
11/21/04 10:57:01 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/21/04 10:57:28 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/21/04 10:57:28 Device Discovery End:
11/29/04 18:52:43 Adamm Log Stopped!
11/29/04 18:59:02 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1022
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
Evaluation Days Remaining: 28
11/29/04 18:59:02 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/29/04 18:59:29 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/29/04 18:59:29 Device Discovery End:
12/02/04 18:12:43 Adamm Log Stopped!
12/02/04 18:18:19 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1022
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
Evaluation Days Remaining: 25
12/02/04 18:18:20 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12/02/04 18:18:47 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12/02/04 18:18:47 Device Discovery End:
12/05/04 10:56:08 Adamm Log Stopped!
12/05/04 11:01:41 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1022
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
Evaluation Days Remaining: 22
12/05/04 11:01:41 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12/05/04 11:02:07 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12/05/04 11:02:07 Device Discovery End:
12/12/04 15:45:08 Adamm Log Stopped!
12/12/04 15:50:42 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1022
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
Evaluation Days Remaining: 15
12/12/04 15:50:42 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12/12/04 15:51:11 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12/12/04 15:51:11 Device Discovery End:
01/13/05 19:17:20 Adamm Log Stopped!
01/13/05 19:22:54 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1022
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
01/13/05 19:22:55 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
01/13/05 19:23:21 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
01/13/05 19:23:21 Device Discovery End:
02/03/05 18:13:33 Adamm Log Stopped!
02/03/05 18:36:46 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1025
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
02/03/05 18:36:46 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
02/03/05 18:37:12 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
02/03/05 18:37:12 Device Discovery End:
02/03/05 18:47:14 Adamm Log Stopped!
02/03/05 18:52:31 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1025
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
02/03/05 18:52:32 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
02/03/05 18:53:00 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
02/03/05 18:53:00 Device Discovery End:
03/04/05 14:51:47 Adamm Log Stopped!
03/04/05 15:39:07 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1025
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
03/04/05 15:39:08 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
03/04/05 15:39:52 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
03/04/05 15:39:52 Device Discovery End:
03/04/05 15:48:47 Adamm Log Stopped!
03/04/05 15:54:06 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1025
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
03/04/05 15:54:06 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
03/04/05 15:54:07 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
03/04/05 15:54:07 Device Discovery End:
03/04/05 16:14:51 Adamm Log Stopped!
03/04/05 16:19:59 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1025
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
03/04/05 16:19:59 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
03/04/05 16:20:29 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
03/04/05 16:20:29 Device Discovery End:
03/14/05 20:16:06 Adamm Log Stopped!
03/15/05 08:12:41 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1025
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
03/15/05 08:12:41 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
03/15/05 08:13:18 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
03/15/05 08:13:18 Device Discovery End:
03/24/05 14:28:28 Adamm Log Stopped!
03/24/05 15:11:49 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1025
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
03/24/05 15:11:49 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
03/24/05 15:12:26 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
03/24/05 15:12:26 Device Discovery End:
04/01/05 11:44:16 Adamm Log Stopped!
04/01/05 11:47:11 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1025
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
04/01/05 11:47:11 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
04/01/05 11:47:12 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
04/01/05 11:47:12 Device Discovery End:
04/01/05 12:43:54 Adamm Log Stopped!
04/01/05 12:49:17 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1025
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
04/01/05 12:49:17 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
04/01/05 12:49:43 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
04/01/05 12:49:43 Device Discovery End:
******** END adamm.log file ********
Backup Exec file versions on \\W2K:
Backup Exec path: C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\
File name Modify date & time Size ProdVer FileVer Description
----------------------------- -------------------- ------- -------------- -------------- -----------
adsmcfg.exe 10/07/03 5:15:18 AM 25088
bediag.exe 10/07/03 6:27:06 AM 577496 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Diagnostic Utility
begather.exe 10/30/03 1:36:10 PM 290776 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Gather Utility
bemcmd.exe 10/07/03 6:24:50 AM 1383896 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 BE Command Line Interface
bemig.exe 10/07/03 6:26:16 AM 113112 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Backup Exec Migration Application
benetns.exe 11/22/04 7:17:20 PM 29328 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.40 Backup Exec Agent Browser
bengine.exe 12/14/04 5:06:50 PM 1435280 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.42 Backup Exec Job Engine
benser.exe 10/07/03 6:25:14 AM 59864 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Naming Service
beperfsetup.exe 10/07/03 6:27:44 AM 89048 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Performance Counter Setup
beremote.exe 8/17/04 9:29:24 PM 320656 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.35 Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows NT/2000
beserver.exe 11/07/03 3:46:46 PM 2069464 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec RPC Server
beutility.exe 11/07/03 3:46:58 PM 736216 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Utility Resources
bkupexec.exe 12/16/03 9:25:42 PM 4961424 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.3 Backup Exec User Interface
catrebuildindex.exe 10/07/03 6:26:42 AM 9184 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Catalog Index Rebuild Resource
clrest.exe 10/07/03 6:27:08 AM 82904 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Cluster Quorum Database Restore Utility
clusconfig.exe 11/07/03 3:46:26 PM 490456 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Cluster Configuration Application
dloconsoleu.exe 12/09/04 3:19:44 PM 2868320 Console
drprepwizard.exe 3/08/04 4:56:42 PM 832152 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.14 VERITAS Intelligent Disaster Recovery Preparation Wizard
hotswap.exe 11/07/03 3:46:52 PM 165336 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Hot-Swappable Device Wizard
onlinereg.exe 11/07/03 3:46:22 PM 142296 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Online Registration
pvlsvr.exe 6/25/04 1:09:20 PM 735888 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.30 Backup Exec PVL Service
servicesmgr.exe 10/07/03 6:27:10 AM 67032 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Services Manager Resources
sgmon.exe 10/07/03 6:27:16 AM 38360 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 SGMon Application
tapeinst.exe 10/07/03 6:27:18 AM 374744 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Tape Driver Installation Wizard
wwname.exe 10/07/03 6:25:14 AM 77784 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Compaq Fiber Channel Bridge World Wide Name and Device ID's
adsm32.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 355700
ansapi.dll 10/07/03 6:25:14 AM 17368 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Naming Service API
bebsdu.dll 10/07/03 6:25:16 AM 97752 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Matcher
becatdrv.dll 10/02/04 3:21:30 AM 369808 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.36 Backup Exec Catalog ODBC Driver
becatdrv_de.dll 10/07/03 6:26:44 AM 124888 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Catalog ODBC Driver
becatdrv_en.dll 10/07/03 6:26:44 AM 123864 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Catalog ODBC Driver
becatdrv_es.dll 10/07/03 6:26:46 AM 124888 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Catalog ODBC Driver
becatdrv_fr.dll 10/07/03 6:26:46 AM 124888 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Catalog ODBC Driver
becatdrv_it.dll 10/07/03 6:26:46 AM 124888 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Catalog ODBC Driver
becatdrv_jp.dll 10/07/03 6:26:48 AM 121304 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Catalog ODBC Driver
becatdrv_ko.dll 10/07/03 6:26:48 AM 121304 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Catalog ODBC Driver
becatdrv_zh.dll 10/07/03 6:26:48 AM 120280 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Catalog ODBC Driver
becatsrv.dll 10/02/04 3:21:52 AM 720528 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.36 Backup Exec Catalog Server
becatsrv_de.dll 10/07/03 6:26:50 AM 10712 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Catalog Server Resource
becatsrv_en.dll 10/07/03 6:26:50 AM 10200 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Catalog Server Resource
becatsrv_es.dll 10/07/03 6:26:50 AM 10200 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Catalog Server Resource
becatsrv_fr.dll 10/07/03 6:26:52 AM 10200 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Catalog Server Resource
becatsrv_it.dll 10/07/03 6:26:52 AM 10200 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Catalog Server Resource
becatsrv_jp.dll 10/07/03 6:26:52 AM 10200 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Catalog Server Resource
becatsrv_ko.dll 10/07/03 6:26:54 AM 10200 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Catalog Server Resource
becatsrv_zh.dll 10/07/03 6:26:54 AM 10200 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Catalog Server Resource
beclass.dll 1/27/04 9:54:12 PM 398992 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.8 Backup Exec Class Library
bediscovery.dll 10/28/04 9:37:46 PM 96912 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.39 Backup Exec Software Update Discovery
bedsagnt.dll 10/07/03 6:25:18 AM 36824 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Agent Store
bedscomn.dll 7/16/04 8:08:52 PM 52880 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.33 Backup Exec Generic Store
bedsmbox.dll 7/16/04 8:08:28 PM 266896 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.33 Backup Exec Mailbox Store
bedsmdoc.dll 10/07/03 6:25:20 AM 55256 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec MS Document Store
bedsnote.dll 10/07/03 6:25:20 AM 366552 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Notes Store
bedsnt5.dll 4/07/04 1:11:40 PM 646800 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.20 Backup Exec NTFS Store
bedspush.dll 10/07/03 6:25:22 AM 20952 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows NT/2000 Store
bedsshadow.dll 1/25/05 4:11:08 PM 481936 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.45 Backup Exec Shadow Copy Store
bedssms.dll 10/07/03 6:25:24 AM 56792 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec SMS Store
bedssmsp.dll 10/07/03 6:25:26 AM 15320 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec SIDF Parser
bedssql2.dll 10/07/03 6:25:26 AM 287192 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec SQL Store
bedsupfs.dll 10/07/03 6:25:30 AM 30680 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Utility Partition Store
bedsxchg.dll 10/07/03 6:25:30 AM 50136 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Exchange Store
bedsxese.dll 10/07/03 6:25:18 AM 55256 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Platinum Store
beerrors_de.dll 3/30/04 9:27:40 PM 156816 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.19 Backup Exec Error Text Library
beerrors_en.dll 3/30/04 9:27:40 PM 134288 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.19 Backup Exec Error Text Library
beerrors_es.dll 3/30/04 9:27:42 PM 155792 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.19 Backup Exec Error Text Library
beerrors_fr.dll 3/30/04 9:27:42 PM 156304 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.19 Backup Exec Error Text Library
beerrors_it.dll 3/30/04 9:27:42 PM 156304 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.19 Backup Exec Error Text Library
beerrors_jp.dll 3/30/04 9:27:44 PM 175760 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.19 Backup Exec Error Text Library
beerrors_ko.dll 3/30/04 9:27:42 PM 173200 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.19 Backup Exec Error Text Library
beerrors_zh.dll 3/30/04 9:27:40 PM 129168 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.19 Backup Exec Error Text Library
bemigl.dll 11/07/03 3:46:28 PM 143832 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS BEMig Library
bemsdk.dll 10/07/03 6:24:48 AM 1411544 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec SDK Class Library
benetapi.dll 10/07/03 6:25:32 AM 19416 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Communications API
benetat.dll 10/07/03 6:25:32 AM 11736 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec AppleTalk Interface
benetspx.dll 10/07/03 6:25:34 AM 12248 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec SPX Interface
benettcp.dll 10/07/03 6:25:34 AM 11736 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec TCP/IP Interface
benetutl.dll 10/07/03 6:25:34 AM 12760 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Network Communications Utilities
besmdr.dll 10/07/03 6:25:34 AM 34264 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec SMS Data Requestor
besnmp.dll 10/07/03 6:25:42 AM 40408 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec SNMP Extension Agent
besnmpmg_de.dll 10/07/03 6:25:02 AM 13272 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 BESNMP Message Library
besnmpmg_en.dll 10/07/03 6:25:00 AM 12248 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 BESNMP Message Library
besnmpmg_es.dll 10/07/03 6:25:04 AM 13784 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 BESNMP Message Library
besnmpmg_fr.dll 10/07/03 6:25:02 AM 13272 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 BESNMP Message Library
besnmpmg_it.dll 10/07/03 6:25:04 AM 13272 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 BESNMP Message Library
besnmpmg_jp.dll 10/07/03 6:25:04 AM 14296 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 BESNMP Message Library
besnmpmg_ko.dll 10/07/03 6:25:04 AM 14296 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 BESNMP Message Library
besnmpmg_zh.dll 10/07/03 6:25:02 AM 12248 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 BESNMP Message Library
besql.dll 10/07/03 6:26:38 AM 654296 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec SQL Interface
bestdutl.dll 10/07/03 6:25:42 AM 37336 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Utilities
beutility_de.dll 10/07/03 6:27:28 AM 129504 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Utility Resources
beutility_en.dll 10/07/03 6:27:28 AM 122848 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Utility Resources
beutility_es.dll 10/07/03 6:27:30 AM 133088 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Utility Resources
beutility_fr.dll 10/07/03 6:27:30 AM 134112 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Utility Resources
beutility_it.dll 10/07/03 6:27:30 AM 128992 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Utility Resources
beutility_jp.dll 10/07/03 6:27:32 AM 111584 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Utility Resources
beutility_ko.dll 10/07/03 6:27:32 AM 108000 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Utility Resources
beutility_zh.dll 10/07/03 6:27:32 AM 102880 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Utility Resources
bkupexec_de.dll 10/09/03 9:43:36 PM 2404824 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec User Interface Resources
bkupexec_en.dll 10/09/03 9:43:36 PM 2317784 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec User Interface Resources
bkupexec_es.dll 10/09/03 9:43:36 PM 2406360 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec User Interface Resources
bkupexec_fr.dll 10/09/03 9:43:40 PM 2427352 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec User Interface Resources
bkupexec_it.dll 10/09/03 9:43:40 PM 2401752 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec User Interface Resources
bkupexec_jp.dll 10/09/03 9:43:40 PM 2156504 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec User Interface Resources
bkupexec_ko.dll 10/09/03 9:43:42 PM 2135000 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec User Interface Resources
bkupexec_zh.dll 10/09/03 9:43:42 PM 2055128 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec User Interface Resources
blkhook.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 24576
catupgrade.dll 10/07/03 6:26:42 AM 128984 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Catalog Top Index Database Upgrade DLL
clusbemig.dll 10/07/03 6:26:14 AM 51672 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Cluster Migration
clusconbe.dll 11/07/03 3:50:40 PM 187864 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec cluster config
clusconfigl.dll 11/07/03 3:46:28 PM 289240 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Cluster Library
crpe32.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 4587577 Crystal Reports Print Engine
crtslv.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 49223 TSLV Module
crxf_pdf.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 294912 Portable Document Format DLL for Crystal Reports
csh.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 46592 User RunTime Communication DLL
ctxmenu.dll 10/07/03 6:27:46 AM 118744 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Context Menu COM Object
ctxmenu_de.dll 10/07/03 6:27:46 AM 25560 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Context Menu COM Object Resources
ctxmenu_en.dll 10/07/03 6:27:46 AM 24536 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Context Menu COM Object Resources
ctxmenu_es.dll 10/07/03 6:27:48 AM 25560 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Context Menu COM Object Resources
ctxmenu_fr.dll 10/07/03 6:27:48 AM 26072 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Context Menu COM Object Resources
ctxmenu_it.dll 10/07/03 6:27:48 AM 25560 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Context Menu COM Object Resources
ctxmenu_jp.dll 10/07/03 6:27:48 AM 24024 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Context Menu COM Object Resources
ctxmenu_ko.dll 10/07/03 6:27:50 AM 21464 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Context Menu COM Object Resources
ctxmenu_zh.dll 10/07/03 6:27:50 AM 23000 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Context Menu COM Object Resources
daoview.dll 10/07/03 6:24:50 AM 234968 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec DAO Interface
dbutil.dll 10/07/03 6:31:24 AM 77272 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Database Utility Library
devtypes.dll 10/07/03 6:25:08 AM 26584 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Device Types
dloconsoleu_de.dll 12/09/04 3:09:28 PM 1180768 Console
dloconsoleu_en.dll 12/09/04 3:09:02 PM 1143904 Console
dloconsoleu_es.dll 12/09/04 3:09:40 PM 1180768 Console
dloconsoleu_fr.dll 12/09/04 3:09:52 PM 1188960 Console
dloconsoleu_it.dll 12/09/04 3:10:04 PM 1176672 Console
dloconsoleu_jp.dll 12/09/04 3:10:18 PM 1123424 Console
dloconsoleu_ko.dll 12/09/04 3:10:30 PM 1119328 Console
dloconsoleu_zh.dll 12/09/04 3:09:16 PM 1102944 Console
dloerrorsu_de.dll 12/09/04 2:42:26 PM 41568 DLO Errors Language Resource
dloerrorsu_en.dll 12/09/04 2:42:14 PM 35936 DLO Errors Language Resource
dloerrorsu_es.dll 12/09/04 2:42:28 PM 42080 DLO Errors Language Resource
dloerrorsu_fr.dll 12/09/04 2:42:32 PM 43616 DLO Errors Language Resource
dloerrorsu_it.dll 12/09/04 2:42:36 PM 42080 DLO Errors Language Resource
dloerrorsu_jp.dll 12/09/04 2:42:40 PM 29792 DLO Errors Language Resource
dloerrorsu_ko.dll 12/09/04 2:42:44 PM 29280 DLO Errors Language Resource
dloerrorsu_zh.dll 12/09/04 2:42:22 PM 23648 DLO Errors Language Resource
dloshareduiu.dll 12/09/04 2:55:28 PM 1569888 Console
dloshareduiu_de.dll 12/09/04 2:49:56 PM 140384 DLO Shared UI Language Resource
dloshareduiu_en.dll 12/09/04 2:49:34 PM 132192 DLO Shared UI Language Resource
dloshareduiu_es.dll 12/09/04 2:50:04 PM 136288 DLO Shared UI Language Resource
dloshareduiu_fr.dll 12/09/04 2:50:16 PM 140384 DLO Shared UI Language Resource
dloshareduiu_it.dll 12/09/04 2:50:28 PM 136288 DLO Shared UI Language Resource
dloshareduiu_jp.dll 12/09/04 2:50:42 PM 124000 DLO Shared UI Language Resource
dloshareduiu_ko.dll 12/09/04 2:50:58 PM 119904 DLO Shared UI Language Resource
dloshareduiu_zh.dll 12/09/04 2:49:48 PM 115808 DLO Shared UI Language Resource
drprepwizard_de.dll 10/07/03 6:27:34 AM 351712 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Intelligent Disaster Recovery Preparation Wizard Resources
drprepwizard_en.dll 10/07/03 6:27:34 AM 341984 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Intelligent Disaster Recovery Preparation Wizard Resources
drprepwizard_es.dll 10/07/03 6:27:34 AM 352736 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Intelligent Disaster Recovery Preparation Wizard Resources
drprepwizard_fr.dll 10/07/03 6:27:36 AM 355808 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Intelligent Disaster Recovery Preparation Wizard Resources
drprepwizard_it.dll 10/07/03 6:27:36 AM 353760 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Intelligent Disaster Recovery Preparation Wizard Resources
drprepwizard_jp.dll 10/07/03 6:27:36 AM 319456 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Intelligent Disaster Recovery Preparation Wizard Resources
drprepwizard_ko.dll 10/07/03 6:27:38 AM 315360 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Intelligent Disaster Recovery Preparation Wizard Resources
drprepwizard_zh.dll 10/07/03 6:27:38 AM 305632 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Intelligent Disaster Recovery Preparation Wizard Resources
drvwddm.dll 10/07/03 5:15:16 AM 122880 Device Driver Manager
engine_de.dll 10/07/03 6:25:36 AM 231384 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Job Engine
engine_en.dll 10/07/03 6:25:36 AM 200664 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Job Engine
engine_es.dll 10/07/03 6:25:38 AM 232920 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Job Engine
engine_fr.dll 10/07/03 6:25:38 AM 239576 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Job Engine
engine_it.dll 10/07/03 6:25:38 AM 231384 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Job Engine
engine_jp.dll 10/07/03 6:25:40 AM 146904 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Job Engine
engine_ko.dll 10/07/03 6:25:40 AM 142808 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Job Engine
engine_zh.dll 10/07/03 6:25:40 AM 110040 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Job Engine
exlate32.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 663609 HTML translator DLL for Crystal Reports
exportmodeller.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 307200 ExportModeller Module
foundationerror.dll 11/20/03 6:21:38 PM 27560 Foundation Components
hbaapi.dll 10/07/03 6:25:26 AM 15832 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec HBA Interface Library
hotswap_de.dll 10/07/03 6:27:24 AM 133080 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Hot-Swappable Device Wizard
hotswap_en.dll 10/07/03 6:27:24 AM 128984 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Hot-Swappable Device Wizard
hotswap_es.dll 10/07/03 6:27:24 AM 133080 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Hot-Swappable Device Wizard
hotswap_fr.dll 10/07/03 6:27:24 AM 132056 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Hot-Swappable Device Wizard
hotswap_it.dll 10/07/03 6:27:26 AM 132056 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Hot-Swappable Device Wizard
hotswap_jp.dll 10/07/03 6:27:26 AM 126424 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Hot-Swappable Device Wizard
hotswap_ko.dll 10/07/03 6:27:26 AM 125912 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Hot-Swappable Device Wizard
hotswap_zh.dll 10/07/03 6:27:26 AM 123864 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Hot-Swappable Device Wizard
inetwh16.dll 10/07/03 5:15:16 AM 9136
inetwh32.dll 10/07/03 5:15:16 AM 48640 INETWH32
instops.dll 12/17/03 11:22:10 AM 472208 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.4 Backup Exec Install Operations Interface
intranw.dll 10/07/03 6:25:18 AM 130008 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec IntraNW Client Interface
ipvlapi.dll 3/30/04 9:41:04 PM 131728 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.19 Backup Exec PVL Interface DLL
jobmigration.dll 10/07/03 6:26:26 AM 263648 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Job Migration DLL
lncatsup.dll 10/07/03 6:25:22 AM 12248 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Lotus Notes Store
lnrpcsrv.dll 10/07/03 6:25:20 AM 113112 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Notes RPC Interface
mapvol400.dll 10/07/03 6:25:26 AM 14296 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Volume Mapper Library for NT 4
mapvolw2k.dll 10/07/03 6:25:28 AM 24536 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Volume Mapper Library for Win2K
mchxface.dll 9/10/02 8:21:10 PM 10368 3.51.1057.1 3.51.1057.1 SCSI Changer Interface
mll_be.dll 10/07/03 6:25:06 AM 14296 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Media Label Library
msgq.dll 10/07/03 6:26:24 AM 192984 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Message Queue Library
ndmpcomm.dll 10/07/03 6:25:30 AM 65496 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec NDMP Interface Library
ndmpsrvr.dll 8/17/04 8:47:22 PM 873616 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.35 Backup Exec NDMP Server
ninja.dll 10/07/03 5:15:16 AM 40960 Ninja
notificationui300.dll 8/29/03 4:28:06 AM 108040 VERITAS Notification Service Component
notificationui300u.dll 8/29/03 4:28:06 AM 108048 VERITAS Notification Service Component
notificationui300_de.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 30088 VERITAS Notification Service Component
notificationui300_en.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 30088 VERITAS Notification Service Component
notificationui300_es.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 30088 VERITAS Notification Service Component
notificationui300_fr.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 30088 VERITAS Notification Service Component
notificationui300_it.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 30088 VERITAS Notification Service Component
notificationui300_ja.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 30088 VERITAS Notification Service Component
notificationui300_ko.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 30088 VERITAS Notification Service Component
notificationui300_zh.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 30088 VERITAS Notification Service Component
ns300.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 853384 VERITAS Notification Service Component
ns300_de.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 25992 Notification Service Resources
ns300_en.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 21896 Notification Service Resources
ns300_es.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 25992 Notification Service Resources
ns300_fr.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 25992 Notification Service Resources
ns300_it.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 25992 Notification Service Resources
ns300_ja.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 21896 Notification Service Resources
ns300_ko.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 21896 Notification Service Resources
ns300_zh.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 17800 Notification Service Resources
onlineregdlgs.dll 11/07/03 3:51:52 PM 565216 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Online Registration Core
p2sevt.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 133120 P2SEVT
p2soledb.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 204800 Crystal Reports OLE DB Database Driver DLL
pager300.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 247264 SIG VERITAS Pager
pg32conv.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 100352
pvlraid.dll 10/07/03 6:25:08 AM 136664 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec PVL RAID
pvlsvr_de.dll 3/30/04 9:41:06 PM 36496 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.19 Backup Exec PVL German Resources
pvlsvr_en.dll 4/03/04 2:53:04 AM 32400 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.19 Backup Exec PVL English Resources
pvlsvr_es.dll 3/30/04 9:41:06 PM 35984 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.19 Backup Exec PVL Spanish Resources
pvlsvr_fr.dll 3/30/04 9:41:08 PM 34448 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.19 Backup Exec PVL French Resources
pvlsvr_it.dll 3/30/04 9:41:08 PM 36496 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.19 Backup Exec PVL Italian Resources
pvlsvr_jp.dll 3/30/04 9:41:10 PM 23184 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.19 Backup Exec PVL Japanese Resources
pvlsvr_ko.dll 3/30/04 9:41:08 PM 23184 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.19 Backup Exec PVL Korean Resources
pvlsvr_zh.dll 3/30/04 9:41:06 PM 18064 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.19 Backup Exec PVL Chinese Resources
pvltypes.dll 10/07/03 6:25:08 AM 27608 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 PVL Types
pvlupgrade.dll 10/07/03 6:25:10 AM 245720 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 ADAMM Database Upgrade DLL
recipientui300.dll 8/29/03 4:28:10 AM 173576 VERITAS Notification Service Component
recipientui300u.dll 8/29/03 4:28:10 AM 173576 VERITAS Notification Service Component
recipientui300_de.dll 8/29/03 4:28:10 AM 62856 VERITAS Notification Service Component
recipientui300_en.dll 8/29/03 4:28:10 AM 58760 VERITAS Notification Service Component
recipientui300_es.dll 8/29/03 4:28:10 AM 62856 VERITAS Notification Service Component
recipientui300_fr.dll 8/29/03 4:28:10 AM 62856 VERITAS Notification Service Component
recipientui300_it.dll 8/29/03 4:28:10 AM 58760 VERITAS Notification Service Component
recipientui300_ja.dll 8/29/03 4:28:12 AM 54664 VERITAS Notification Service Component
recipientui300_ko.dll 8/29/03 4:28:12 AM 54664 VERITAS Notification Service Component
recipientui300_zh.dll 8/29/03 4:28:12 AM 50568 VERITAS Notification Service Component
resdll_de.dll 10/08/03 9:09:42 AM 2660824 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Setup Resource
resdll_en.dll 10/07/03 6:25:56 AM 2621912 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Setup Resource
resdll_es.dll 10/08/03 9:09:42 AM 2654168 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Setup Resource
resdll_fr.dll 10/08/03 9:09:42 AM 2665432 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Setup Resource
resdll_it.dll 10/08/03 9:09:44 AM 2656728 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Setup Resource
resdll_jp.dll 10/08/03 9:09:44 AM 2542040 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Setup Resource
resdll_ko.dll 10/08/03 9:09:46 AM 2527704 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Setup Resource
resdll_zh.dll 10/08/03 9:09:44 AM 2493400 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Setup Resource
schedmgrur.dll 4/16/03 4:17:48 AM 62856
schedu.dll 4/16/03 4:17:48 AM 112096
scheduichs.dll 4/16/03 4:17:48 AM 50568 Scheduling Service
scheduideu.dll 4/16/03 4:17:48 AM 62856 Scheduling Service
scheduienu.dll 4/16/03 4:17:48 AM 58760 Scheduling Service
scheduiesp.dll 4/16/03 4:17:48 AM 62856 Scheduling Service
scheduifra.dll 4/16/03 4:17:48 AM 62856 Scheduling Service
scheduiita.dll 4/16/03 4:17:48 AM 62856 Scheduling Service
scheduijpn.dll 4/16/03 4:17:48 AM 54664 Scheduling Service
scheduikor.dll 4/16/03 4:17:48 AM 54664 Scheduling Service
scheduiur.dll 4/16/03 4:17:48 AM 108000
servicesmgr_de.dll 10/07/03 6:27:12 AM 30176 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Services Manager Resources
servicesmgr_en.dll 10/07/03 6:27:10 AM 29152 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Services Manager Resources
servicesmgr_es.dll 10/07/03 6:27:12 AM 30176 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Services Manager Resources
servicesmgr_fr.dll 10/07/03 6:27:14 AM 30688 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Services Manager Resources
servicesmgr_it.dll 10/07/03 6:27:14 AM 29664 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Services Manager Resources
servicesmgr_jp.dll 10/07/03 6:27:14 AM 27104 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Services Manager Resources
servicesmgr_ko.dll 10/07/03 6:27:14 AM 24544 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Services Manager Resources
servicesmgr_zh.dll 10/07/03 6:27:16 AM 25568 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Services Manager Resources
sfcwall30u.dll 4/16/03 4:17:48 AM 280016 Foundation Components
shuie.dll 10/07/03 6:26:28 AM 154072 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Utilities
sigcomp230.dll 8/29/03 4:28:12 AM 54664 Component Library
sigfcl250.dll 8/29/03 4:28:12 AM 226696 SIG Foundation Class Library
sigfcl250u.dll 8/29/03 4:28:12 AM 230792 SIG Foundation Class Library
sigmapimail300u.dll 8/29/03 4:28:14 AM 238984 SIG MAPIMail
sigprintnote100.dll 8/29/03 4:28:14 AM 87432 VERITAS Notification Service Component
sigvimmail100.dll 8/29/03 4:28:14 AM 124296 VIM Mail Component
smtpmail300.dll 8/29/03 4:28:14 AM 157064 SMTP Mail Component
sscsdk80.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 1163264 Chart Engine DLL
storex_de.dll 10/07/03 6:26:56 AM 282584 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 StoreX Resources
storex_en.dll 10/07/03 6:26:56 AM 257496 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 StoreX Resources
storex_es.dll 10/07/03 6:26:58 AM 282584 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 StoreX Resources
storex_fr.dll 10/07/03 6:26:58 AM 284632 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 StoreX Resources
storex_it.dll 10/07/03 6:27:00 AM 281048 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 StoreX Resources
storex_jp.dll 10/07/03 6:27:00 AM 260568 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 StoreX Resources
storex_ko.dll 10/07/03 6:27:02 AM 243160 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 StoreX Resources
storex_zh.dll 10/07/03 6:27:04 AM 250840 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 StoreX Resources
tapealrt.dll 10/07/03 6:25:44 AM 554456 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Tape Alert
tapeinstdll.dll 10/07/03 6:27:18 AM 114136 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec TapeInst Interface DLL
tapeinst_de.dll 10/07/03 6:27:18 AM 198104 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Tape Driver Installation Wizard Resources
tapeinst_en.dll 10/07/03 6:27:18 AM 196056 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Tape Driver Installation Wizard Resources
tapeinst_es.dll 10/07/03 6:27:20 AM 198616 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Tape Driver Installation Wizard Resources
tapeinst_fr.dll 10/07/03 6:27:20 AM 198616 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Tape Driver Installation Wizard Resources
tapeinst_it.dll 10/07/03 6:27:20 AM 199128 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Tape Driver Installation Wizard Resources
tapeinst_jp.dll 10/07/03 6:27:20 AM 192472 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Tape Driver Installation Wizard Resources
tapeinst_ko.dll 10/07/03 6:27:22 AM 189912 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Tape Driver Installation Wizard Resources
tapeinst_zh.dll 10/07/03 6:27:22 AM 190424 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Tape Driver Installation Wizard Resources
trap201.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 73728 SNMP Trap Component
u252000.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 24576 UF5 to convert 20th century dates to 21st century dates
u25dts.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 24576 Date Time String User Function Library
u2ddisk.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 28672 Disk Export Destination DLL for Crystal Reports
u2fcr.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 28672 Report Export Format DLL for Crystal Reports
u2fhtml.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 45056 HTML Format DLL for Crystal Reports
u2fwordw.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 106496 Word for Windows Export Format DLL for Crystal Reports
u2fxls.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 212992 Excel Export Format DLL for Crystal Reports
u2fxml.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 225280 XML Export Format DLL for Crystal Reports
u2lbe9.dll 10/07/03 6:24:56 AM 29144 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec CR User Function DLL
u2lbe9_de.dll 10/07/03 6:24:52 AM 31704 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec CR English Language DLL
u2lbe9_en.dll 10/07/03 6:24:50 AM 29656 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec CR English Language DLL
u2lbe9_es.dll 10/07/03 6:24:54 AM 32216 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec CR English Language DLL
u2lbe9_fr.dll 10/07/03 6:24:52 AM 32728 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec CR English Language DLL
u2lbe9_it.dll 10/07/03 6:24:54 AM 31192 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec CR English Language DLL
u2lbe9_jp.dll 10/07/03 6:24:54 AM 25560 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec CR English Language DLL
u2lbe9_ko.dll 10/07/03 6:24:54 AM 23000 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec CR English Language DLL
u2lbe9_zh.dll 10/07/03 6:24:52 AM 24024 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec CR English Language DLL
vspapi.dll 9/05/03 5:45:00 PM 25728 Volume Snapshot Provider Interface
vxace502.dll 4/25/02 6:00:24 PM 1205712 ACE
xerces-c_1_3.dll 8/29/03 4:28:14 AM 644488 Shared Library for Xerces-C Version 1.3.0
Remote Agent file versions on \\W2K:
Remote Agent path: C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\
File name Modify date & time Size ProdVer FileVer Description
----------------------------- -------------------- ------- -------------- -------------- -----------
adsmcfg.exe 10/07/03 5:15:18 AM 25088
bediag.exe 10/07/03 6:27:06 AM 577496 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Diagnostic Utility
begather.exe 10/30/03 1:36:10 PM 290776 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Gather Utility
bemcmd.exe 10/07/03 6:24:50 AM 1383896 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 BE Command Line Interface
bemig.exe 10/07/03 6:26:16 AM 113112 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Backup Exec Migration Application
benetns.exe 11/22/04 7:17:20 PM 29328 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.40 Backup Exec Agent Browser
bengine.exe 12/14/04 5:06:50 PM 1435280 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.42 Backup Exec Job Engine
benser.exe 10/07/03 6:25:14 AM 59864 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Naming Service
beperfsetup.exe 10/07/03 6:27:44 AM 89048 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Performance Counter Setup
beremote.exe 8/17/04 9:29:24 PM 320656 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.35 Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows NT/2000
beserver.exe 11/07/03 3:46:46 PM 2069464 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec RPC Server
beutility.exe 11/07/03 3:46:58 PM 736216 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Utility Resources
bkupexec.exe 12/16/03 9:25:42 PM 4961424 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.3 Backup Exec User Interface
catrebuildindex.exe 10/07/03 6:26:42 AM 9184 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Catalog Index Rebuild Resource
clrest.exe 10/07/03 6:27:08 AM 82904 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Cluster Quorum Database Restore Utility
clusconfig.exe 11/07/03 3:46:26 PM 490456 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Cluster Configuration Application
dloconsoleu.exe 12/09/04 3:19:44 PM 2868320 Console
drprepwizard.exe 3/08/04 4:56:42 PM 832152 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.14 VERITAS Intelligent Disaster Recovery Preparation Wizard
hotswap.exe 11/07/03 3:46:52 PM 165336 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Hot-Swappable Device Wizard
onlinereg.exe 11/07/03 3:46:22 PM 142296 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Online Registration
pvlsvr.exe 6/25/04 1:09:20 PM 735888 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.30 Backup Exec PVL Service
servicesmgr.exe 10/07/03 6:27:10 AM 67032 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Services Manager Resources
sgmon.exe 10/07/03 6:27:16 AM 38360 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 SGMon Application
tapeinst.exe 10/07/03 6:27:18 AM 374744 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Tape Driver Installation Wizard
wwname.exe 10/07/03 6:25:14 AM 77784 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Compaq Fiber Channel Bridge World Wide Name and Device ID's
adsm32.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 355700
ansapi.dll 10/07/03 6:25:14 AM 17368 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Naming Service API
bebsdu.dll 10/07/03 6:25:16 AM 97752 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Matcher
becatdrv.dll 10/02/04 3:21:30 AM 369808 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.36 Backup Exec Catalog ODBC Driver
becatdrv_de.dll 10/07/03 6:26:44 AM 124888 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Catalog ODBC Driver
becatdrv_en.dll 10/07/03 6:26:44 AM 123864 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Catalog ODBC Driver
becatdrv_es.dll 10/07/03 6:26:46 AM 124888 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Catalog ODBC Driver
becatdrv_fr.dll 10/07/03 6:26:46 AM 124888 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Catalog ODBC Driver
becatdrv_it.dll 10/07/03 6:26:46 AM 124888 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Catalog ODBC Driver
becatdrv_jp.dll 10/07/03 6:26:48 AM 121304 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Catalog ODBC Driver
becatdrv_ko.dll 10/07/03 6:26:48 AM 121304 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Catalog ODBC Driver
becatdrv_zh.dll 10/07/03 6:26:48 AM 120280 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Catalog ODBC Driver
becatsrv.dll 10/02/04 3:21:52 AM 720528 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.36 Backup Exec Catalog Server
becatsrv_de.dll 10/07/03 6:26:50 AM 10712 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Catalog Server Resource
becatsrv_en.dll 10/07/03 6:26:50 AM 10200 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Catalog Server Resource
becatsrv_es.dll 10/07/03 6:26:50 AM 10200 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Catalog Server Resource
becatsrv_fr.dll 10/07/03 6:26:52 AM 10200 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Catalog Server Resource
becatsrv_it.dll 10/07/03 6:26:52 AM 10200 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Catalog Server Resource
becatsrv_jp.dll 10/07/03 6:26:52 AM 10200 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Catalog Server Resource
becatsrv_ko.dll 10/07/03 6:26:54 AM 10200 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Catalog Server Resource
becatsrv_zh.dll 10/07/03 6:26:54 AM 10200 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Catalog Server Resource
beclass.dll 1/27/04 9:54:12 PM 398992 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.8 Backup Exec Class Library
bediscovery.dll 10/28/04 9:37:46 PM 96912 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.39 Backup Exec Software Update Discovery
bedsagnt.dll 10/07/03 6:25:18 AM 36824 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Agent Store
bedscomn.dll 7/16/04 8:08:52 PM 52880 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.33 Backup Exec Generic Store
bedsmbox.dll 7/16/04 8:08:28 PM 266896 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.33 Backup Exec Mailbox Store
bedsmdoc.dll 10/07/03 6:25:20 AM 55256 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec MS Document Store
bedsnote.dll 10/07/03 6:25:20 AM 366552 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Notes Store
bedsnt5.dll 4/07/04 1:11:40 PM 646800 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.20 Backup Exec NTFS Store
bedspush.dll 10/07/03 6:25:22 AM 20952 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows NT/2000 Store
bedsshadow.dll 1/25/05 4:11:08 PM 481936 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.45 Backup Exec Shadow Copy Store
bedssms.dll 10/07/03 6:25:24 AM 56792 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec SMS Store
bedssmsp.dll 10/07/03 6:25:26 AM 15320 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec SIDF Parser
bedssql2.dll 10/07/03 6:25:26 AM 287192 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec SQL Store
bedsupfs.dll 10/07/03 6:25:30 AM 30680 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Utility Partition Store
bedsxchg.dll 10/07/03 6:25:30 AM 50136 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Exchange Store
bedsxese.dll 10/07/03 6:25:18 AM 55256 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Platinum Store
beerrors_de.dll 3/30/04 9:27:40 PM 156816 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.19 Backup Exec Error Text Library
beerrors_en.dll 3/30/04 9:27:40 PM 134288 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.19 Backup Exec Error Text Library
beerrors_es.dll 3/30/04 9:27:42 PM 155792 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.19 Backup Exec Error Text Library
beerrors_fr.dll 3/30/04 9:27:42 PM 156304 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.19 Backup Exec Error Text Library
beerrors_it.dll 3/30/04 9:27:42 PM 156304 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.19 Backup Exec Error Text Library
beerrors_jp.dll 3/30/04 9:27:44 PM 175760 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.19 Backup Exec Error Text Library
beerrors_ko.dll 3/30/04 9:27:42 PM 173200 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.19 Backup Exec Error Text Library
beerrors_zh.dll 3/30/04 9:27:40 PM 129168 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.19 Backup Exec Error Text Library
bemigl.dll 11/07/03 3:46:28 PM 143832 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS BEMig Library
bemsdk.dll 10/07/03 6:24:48 AM 1411544 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec SDK Class Library
benetapi.dll 10/07/03 6:25:32 AM 19416 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Communications API
benetat.dll 10/07/03 6:25:32 AM 11736 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec AppleTalk Interface
benetspx.dll 10/07/03 6:25:34 AM 12248 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec SPX Interface
benettcp.dll 10/07/03 6:25:34 AM 11736 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec TCP/IP Interface
benetutl.dll 10/07/03 6:25:34 AM 12760 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Network Communications Utilities
besmdr.dll 10/07/03 6:25:34 AM 34264 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec SMS Data Requestor
besnmp.dll 10/07/03 6:25:42 AM 40408 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec SNMP Extension Agent
besnmpmg_de.dll 10/07/03 6:25:02 AM 13272 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 BESNMP Message Library
besnmpmg_en.dll 10/07/03 6:25:00 AM 12248 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 BESNMP Message Library
besnmpmg_es.dll 10/07/03 6:25:04 AM 13784 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 BESNMP Message Library
besnmpmg_fr.dll 10/07/03 6:25:02 AM 13272 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 BESNMP Message Library
besnmpmg_it.dll 10/07/03 6:25:04 AM 13272 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 BESNMP Message Library
besnmpmg_jp.dll 10/07/03 6:25:04 AM 14296 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 BESNMP Message Library
besnmpmg_ko.dll 10/07/03 6:25:04 AM 14296 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 BESNMP Message Library
besnmpmg_zh.dll 10/07/03 6:25:02 AM 12248 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 BESNMP Message Library
besql.dll 10/07/03 6:26:38 AM 654296 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec SQL Interface
bestdutl.dll 10/07/03 6:25:42 AM 37336 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Utilities
beutility_de.dll 10/07/03 6:27:28 AM 129504 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Utility Resources
beutility_en.dll 10/07/03 6:27:28 AM 122848 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Utility Resources
beutility_es.dll 10/07/03 6:27:30 AM 133088 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Utility Resources
beutility_fr.dll 10/07/03 6:27:30 AM 134112 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Utility Resources
beutility_it.dll 10/07/03 6:27:30 AM 128992 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Utility Resources
beutility_jp.dll 10/07/03 6:27:32 AM 111584 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Utility Resources
beutility_ko.dll 10/07/03 6:27:32 AM 108000 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Utility Resources
beutility_zh.dll 10/07/03 6:27:32 AM 102880 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Utility Resources
bkupexec_de.dll 10/09/03 9:43:36 PM 2404824 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec User Interface Resources
bkupexec_en.dll 10/09/03 9:43:36 PM 2317784 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec User Interface Resources
bkupexec_es.dll 10/09/03 9:43:36 PM 2406360 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec User Interface Resources
bkupexec_fr.dll 10/09/03 9:43:40 PM 2427352 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec User Interface Resources
bkupexec_it.dll 10/09/03 9:43:40 PM 2401752 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec User Interface Resources
bkupexec_jp.dll 10/09/03 9:43:40 PM 2156504 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec User Interface Resources
bkupexec_ko.dll 10/09/03 9:43:42 PM 2135000 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec User Interface Resources
bkupexec_zh.dll 10/09/03 9:43:42 PM 2055128 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec User Interface Resources
blkhook.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 24576
catupgrade.dll 10/07/03 6:26:42 AM 128984 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Catalog Top Index Database Upgrade DLL
clusbemig.dll 10/07/03 6:26:14 AM 51672 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Cluster Migration
clusconbe.dll 11/07/03 3:50:40 PM 187864 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec cluster config
clusconfigl.dll 11/07/03 3:46:28 PM 289240 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Cluster Library
crpe32.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 4587577 Crystal Reports Print Engine
crtslv.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 49223 TSLV Module
crxf_pdf.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 294912 Portable Document Format DLL for Crystal Reports
csh.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 46592 User RunTime Communication DLL
ctxmenu.dll 10/07/03 6:27:46 AM 118744 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Context Menu COM Object
ctxmenu_de.dll 10/07/03 6:27:46 AM 25560 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Context Menu COM Object Resources
ctxmenu_en.dll 10/07/03 6:27:46 AM 24536 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Context Menu COM Object Resources
ctxmenu_es.dll 10/07/03 6:27:48 AM 25560 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Context Menu COM Object Resources
ctxmenu_fr.dll 10/07/03 6:27:48 AM 26072 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Context Menu COM Object Resources
ctxmenu_it.dll 10/07/03 6:27:48 AM 25560 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Context Menu COM Object Resources
ctxmenu_jp.dll 10/07/03 6:27:48 AM 24024 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Context Menu COM Object Resources
ctxmenu_ko.dll 10/07/03 6:27:50 AM 21464 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Context Menu COM Object Resources
ctxmenu_zh.dll 10/07/03 6:27:50 AM 23000 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Context Menu COM Object Resources
daoview.dll 10/07/03 6:24:50 AM 234968 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec DAO Interface
dbutil.dll 10/07/03 6:31:24 AM 77272 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Database Utility Library
devtypes.dll 10/07/03 6:25:08 AM 26584 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Device Types
dloconsoleu_de.dll 12/09/04 3:09:28 PM 1180768 Console
dloconsoleu_en.dll 12/09/04 3:09:02 PM 1143904 Console
dloconsoleu_es.dll 12/09/04 3:09:40 PM 1180768 Console
dloconsoleu_fr.dll 12/09/04 3:09:52 PM 1188960 Console
dloconsoleu_it.dll 12/09/04 3:10:04 PM 1176672 Console
dloconsoleu_jp.dll 12/09/04 3:10:18 PM 1123424 Console
dloconsoleu_ko.dll 12/09/04 3:10:30 PM 1119328 Console
dloconsoleu_zh.dll 12/09/04 3:09:16 PM 1102944 Console
dloerrorsu_de.dll 12/09/04 2:42:26 PM 41568 DLO Errors Language Resource
dloerrorsu_en.dll 12/09/04 2:42:14 PM 35936 DLO Errors Language Resource
dloerrorsu_es.dll 12/09/04 2:42:28 PM 42080 DLO Errors Language Resource
dloerrorsu_fr.dll 12/09/04 2:42:32 PM 43616 DLO Errors Language Resource
dloerrorsu_it.dll 12/09/04 2:42:36 PM 42080 DLO Errors Language Resource
dloerrorsu_jp.dll 12/09/04 2:42:40 PM 29792 DLO Errors Language Resource
dloerrorsu_ko.dll 12/09/04 2:42:44 PM 29280 DLO Errors Language Resource
dloerrorsu_zh.dll 12/09/04 2:42:22 PM 23648 DLO Errors Language Resource
dloshareduiu.dll 12/09/04 2:55:28 PM 1569888 Console
dloshareduiu_de.dll 12/09/04 2:49:56 PM 140384 DLO Shared UI Language Resource
dloshareduiu_en.dll 12/09/04 2:49:34 PM 132192 DLO Shared UI Language Resource
dloshareduiu_es.dll 12/09/04 2:50:04 PM 136288 DLO Shared UI Language Resource
dloshareduiu_fr.dll 12/09/04 2:50:16 PM 140384 DLO Shared UI Language Resource
dloshareduiu_it.dll 12/09/04 2:50:28 PM 136288 DLO Shared UI Language Resource
dloshareduiu_jp.dll 12/09/04 2:50:42 PM 124000 DLO Shared UI Language Resource
dloshareduiu_ko.dll 12/09/04 2:50:58 PM 119904 DLO Shared UI Language Resource
dloshareduiu_zh.dll 12/09/04 2:49:48 PM 115808 DLO Shared UI Language Resource
drprepwizard_de.dll 10/07/03 6:27:34 AM 351712 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Intelligent Disaster Recovery Preparation Wizard Resources
drprepwizard_en.dll 10/07/03 6:27:34 AM 341984 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Intelligent Disaster Recovery Preparation Wizard Resources
drprepwizard_es.dll 10/07/03 6:27:34 AM 352736 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Intelligent Disaster Recovery Preparation Wizard Resources
drprepwizard_fr.dll 10/07/03 6:27:36 AM 355808 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Intelligent Disaster Recovery Preparation Wizard Resources
drprepwizard_it.dll 10/07/03 6:27:36 AM 353760 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Intelligent Disaster Recovery Preparation Wizard Resources
drprepwizard_jp.dll 10/07/03 6:27:36 AM 319456 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Intelligent Disaster Recovery Preparation Wizard Resources
drprepwizard_ko.dll 10/07/03 6:27:38 AM 315360 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Intelligent Disaster Recovery Preparation Wizard Resources
drprepwizard_zh.dll 10/07/03 6:27:38 AM 305632 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Intelligent Disaster Recovery Preparation Wizard Resources
drvwddm.dll 10/07/03 5:15:16 AM 122880 Device Driver Manager
engine_de.dll 10/07/03 6:25:36 AM 231384 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Job Engine
engine_en.dll 10/07/03 6:25:36 AM 200664 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Job Engine
engine_es.dll 10/07/03 6:25:38 AM 232920 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Job Engine
engine_fr.dll 10/07/03 6:25:38 AM 239576 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Job Engine
engine_it.dll 10/07/03 6:25:38 AM 231384 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Job Engine
engine_jp.dll 10/07/03 6:25:40 AM 146904 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Job Engine
engine_ko.dll 10/07/03 6:25:40 AM 142808 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Job Engine
engine_zh.dll 10/07/03 6:25:40 AM 110040 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Job Engine
exlate32.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 663609 HTML translator DLL for Crystal Reports
exportmodeller.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 307200 ExportModeller Module
foundationerror.dll 11/20/03 6:21:38 PM 27560 Foundation Components
hbaapi.dll 10/07/03 6:25:26 AM 15832 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec HBA Interface Library
hotswap_de.dll 10/07/03 6:27:24 AM 133080 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Hot-Swappable Device Wizard
hotswap_en.dll 10/07/03 6:27:24 AM 128984 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Hot-Swappable Device Wizard
hotswap_es.dll 10/07/03 6:27:24 AM 133080 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Hot-Swappable Device Wizard
hotswap_fr.dll 10/07/03 6:27:24 AM 132056 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Hot-Swappable Device Wizard
hotswap_it.dll 10/07/03 6:27:26 AM 132056 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Hot-Swappable Device Wizard
hotswap_jp.dll 10/07/03 6:27:26 AM 126424 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Hot-Swappable Device Wizard
hotswap_ko.dll 10/07/03 6:27:26 AM 125912 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Hot-Swappable Device Wizard
hotswap_zh.dll 10/07/03 6:27:26 AM 123864 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Hot-Swappable Device Wizard
inetwh16.dll 10/07/03 5:15:16 AM 9136
inetwh32.dll 10/07/03 5:15:16 AM 48640 INETWH32
instops.dll 12/17/03 11:22:10 AM 472208 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.4 Backup Exec Install Operations Interface
intranw.dll 10/07/03 6:25:18 AM 130008 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec IntraNW Client Interface
ipvlapi.dll 3/30/04 9:41:04 PM 131728 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.19 Backup Exec PVL Interface DLL
jobmigration.dll 10/07/03 6:26:26 AM 263648 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Job Migration DLL
lncatsup.dll 10/07/03 6:25:22 AM 12248 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Lotus Notes Store
lnrpcsrv.dll 10/07/03 6:25:20 AM 113112 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Notes RPC Interface
mapvol400.dll 10/07/03 6:25:26 AM 14296 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Volume Mapper Library for NT 4
mapvolw2k.dll 10/07/03 6:25:28 AM 24536 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Volume Mapper Library for Win2K
mchxface.dll 9/10/02 8:21:10 PM 10368 3.51.1057.1 3.51.1057.1 SCSI Changer Interface
mll_be.dll 10/07/03 6:25:06 AM 14296 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Media Label Library
msgq.dll 10/07/03 6:26:24 AM 192984 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Message Queue Library
ndmpcomm.dll 10/07/03 6:25:30 AM 65496 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec NDMP Interface Library
ndmpsrvr.dll 8/17/04 8:47:22 PM 873616 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.35 Backup Exec NDMP Server
ninja.dll 10/07/03 5:15:16 AM 40960 Ninja
notificationui300.dll 8/29/03 4:28:06 AM 108040 VERITAS Notification Service Component
notificationui300u.dll 8/29/03 4:28:06 AM 108048 VERITAS Notification Service Component
notificationui300_de.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 30088 VERITAS Notification Service Component
notificationui300_en.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 30088 VERITAS Notification Service Component
notificationui300_es.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 30088 VERITAS Notification Service Component
notificationui300_fr.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 30088 VERITAS Notification Service Component
notificationui300_it.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 30088 VERITAS Notification Service Component
notificationui300_ja.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 30088 VERITAS Notification Service Component
notificationui300_ko.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 30088 VERITAS Notification Service Component
notificationui300_zh.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 30088 VERITAS Notification Service Component
ns300.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 853384 VERITAS Notification Service Component
ns300_de.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 25992 Notification Service Resources
ns300_en.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 21896 Notification Service Resources
ns300_es.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 25992 Notification Service Resources
ns300_fr.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 25992 Notification Service Resources
ns300_it.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 25992 Notification Service Resources
ns300_ja.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 21896 Notification Service Resources
ns300_ko.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 21896 Notification Service Resources
ns300_zh.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 17800 Notification Service Resources
onlineregdlgs.dll 11/07/03 3:51:52 PM 565216 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Online Registration Core
p2sevt.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 133120 P2SEVT
p2soledb.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 204800 Crystal Reports OLE DB Database Driver DLL
pager300.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 247264 SIG VERITAS Pager
pg32conv.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 100352
pvlraid.dll 10/07/03 6:25:08 AM 136664 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec PVL RAID
pvlsvr_de.dll 3/30/04 9:41:06 PM 36496 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.19 Backup Exec PVL German Resources
pvlsvr_en.dll 4/03/04 2:53:04 AM 32400 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.19 Backup Exec PVL English Resources
pvlsvr_es.dll 3/30/04 9:41:06 PM 35984 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.19 Backup Exec PVL Spanish Resources
pvlsvr_fr.dll 3/30/04 9:41:08 PM 34448 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.19 Backup Exec PVL French Resources
pvlsvr_it.dll 3/30/04 9:41:08 PM 36496 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.19 Backup Exec PVL Italian Resources
pvlsvr_jp.dll 3/30/04 9:41:10 PM 23184 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.19 Backup Exec PVL Japanese Resources
pvlsvr_ko.dll 3/30/04 9:41:08 PM 23184 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.19 Backup Exec PVL Korean Resources
pvlsvr_zh.dll 3/30/04 9:41:06 PM 18064 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.19 Backup Exec PVL Chinese Resources
pvltypes.dll 10/07/03 6:25:08 AM 27608 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 PVL Types
pvlupgrade.dll 10/07/03 6:25:10 AM 245720 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 ADAMM Database Upgrade DLL
recipientui300.dll 8/29/03 4:28:10 AM 173576 VERITAS Notification Service Component
recipientui300u.dll 8/29/03 4:28:10 AM 173576 VERITAS Notification Service Component
recipientui300_de.dll 8/29/03 4:28:10 AM 62856 VERITAS Notification Service Component
recipientui300_en.dll 8/29/03 4:28:10 AM 58760 VERITAS Notification Service Component
recipientui300_es.dll 8/29/03 4:28:10 AM 62856 VERITAS Notification Service Component
recipientui300_fr.dll 8/29/03 4:28:10 AM 62856 VERITAS Notification Service Component
recipientui300_it.dll 8/29/03 4:28:10 AM 58760 VERITAS Notification Service Component
recipientui300_ja.dll 8/29/03 4:28:12 AM 54664 VERITAS Notification Service Component
recipientui300_ko.dll 8/29/03 4:28:12 AM 54664 VERITAS Notification Service Component
recipientui300_zh.dll 8/29/03 4:28:12 AM 50568 VERITAS Notification Service Component
resdll_de.dll 10/08/03 9:09:42 AM 2660824 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Setup Resource
resdll_en.dll 10/07/03 6:25:56 AM 2621912 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Setup Resource
resdll_es.dll 10/08/03 9:09:42 AM 2654168 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Setup Resource
resdll_fr.dll 10/08/03 9:09:42 AM 2665432 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Setup Resource
resdll_it.dll 10/08/03 9:09:44 AM 2656728 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Setup Resource
resdll_jp.dll 10/08/03 9:09:44 AM 2542040 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Setup Resource
resdll_ko.dll 10/08/03 9:09:46 AM 2527704 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Setup Resource
resdll_zh.dll 10/08/03 9:09:44 AM 2493400 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Setup Resource
schedmgrur.dll 4/16/03 4:17:48 AM 62856
schedu.dll 4/16/03 4:17:48 AM 112096
scheduichs.dll 4/16/03 4:17:48 AM 50568 Scheduling Service
scheduideu.dll 4/16/03 4:17:48 AM 62856 Scheduling Service
scheduienu.dll 4/16/03 4:17:48 AM 58760 Scheduling Service
scheduiesp.dll 4/16/03 4:17:48 AM 62856 Scheduling Service
scheduifra.dll 4/16/03 4:17:48 AM 62856 Scheduling Service
scheduiita.dll 4/16/03 4:17:48 AM 62856 Scheduling Service
scheduijpn.dll 4/16/03 4:17:48 AM 54664 Scheduling Service
scheduikor.dll 4/16/03 4:17:48 AM 54664 Scheduling Service
scheduiur.dll 4/16/03 4:17:48 AM 108000
servicesmgr_de.dll 10/07/03 6:27:12 AM 30176 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Services Manager Resources
servicesmgr_en.dll 10/07/03 6:27:10 AM 29152 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Services Manager Resources
servicesmgr_es.dll 10/07/03 6:27:12 AM 30176 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Services Manager Resources
servicesmgr_fr.dll 10/07/03 6:27:14 AM 30688 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Services Manager Resources
servicesmgr_it.dll 10/07/03 6:27:14 AM 29664 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Services Manager Resources
servicesmgr_jp.dll 10/07/03 6:27:14 AM 27104 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Services Manager Resources
servicesmgr_ko.dll 10/07/03 6:27:14 AM 24544 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Services Manager Resources
servicesmgr_zh.dll 10/07/03 6:27:16 AM 25568 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Services Manager Resources
sfcwall30u.dll 4/16/03 4:17:48 AM 280016 Foundation Components
shuie.dll 10/07/03 6:26:28 AM 154072 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Utilities
sigcomp230.dll 8/29/03 4:28:12 AM 54664 Component Library
sigfcl250.dll 8/29/03 4:28:12 AM 226696 SIG Foundation Class Library
sigfcl250u.dll 8/29/03 4:28:12 AM 230792 SIG Foundation Class Library
sigmapimail300u.dll 8/29/03 4:28:14 AM 238984 SIG MAPIMail
sigprintnote100.dll 8/29/03 4:28:14 AM 87432 VERITAS Notification Service Component
sigvimmail100.dll 8/29/03 4:28:14 AM 124296 VIM Mail Component
smtpmail300.dll 8/29/03 4:28:14 AM 157064 SMTP Mail Component
sscsdk80.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 1163264 Chart Engine DLL
storex_de.dll 10/07/03 6:26:56 AM 282584 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 StoreX Resources
storex_en.dll 10/07/03 6:26:56 AM 257496 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 StoreX Resources
storex_es.dll 10/07/03 6:26:58 AM 282584 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 StoreX Resources
storex_fr.dll 10/07/03 6:26:58 AM 284632 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 StoreX Resources
storex_it.dll 10/07/03 6:27:00 AM 281048 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 StoreX Resources
storex_jp.dll 10/07/03 6:27:00 AM 260568 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 StoreX Resources
storex_ko.dll 10/07/03 6:27:02 AM 243160 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 StoreX Resources
storex_zh.dll 10/07/03 6:27:04 AM 250840 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 StoreX Resources
tapealrt.dll 10/07/03 6:25:44 AM 554456 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Tape Alert
tapeinstdll.dll 10/07/03 6:27:18 AM 114136 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec TapeInst Interface DLL
tapeinst_de.dll 10/07/03 6:27:18 AM 198104 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Tape Driver Installation Wizard Resources
tapeinst_en.dll 10/07/03 6:27:18 AM 196056 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Tape Driver Installation Wizard Resources
tapeinst_es.dll 10/07/03 6:27:20 AM 198616 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Tape Driver Installation Wizard Resources
tapeinst_fr.dll 10/07/03 6:27:20 AM 198616 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Tape Driver Installation Wizard Resources
tapeinst_it.dll 10/07/03 6:27:20 AM 199128 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Tape Driver Installation Wizard Resources
tapeinst_jp.dll 10/07/03 6:27:20 AM 192472 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Tape Driver Installation Wizard Resources
tapeinst_ko.dll 10/07/03 6:27:22 AM 189912 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Tape Driver Installation Wizard Resources
tapeinst_zh.dll 10/07/03 6:27:22 AM 190424 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Tape Driver Installation Wizard Resources
trap201.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 73728 SNMP Trap Component
u252000.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 24576 UF5 to convert 20th century dates to 21st century dates
u25dts.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 24576 Date Time String User Function Library
u2ddisk.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 28672 Disk Export Destination DLL for Crystal Reports
u2fcr.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 28672 Report Export Format DLL for Crystal Reports
u2fhtml.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 45056 HTML Format DLL for Crystal Reports
u2fwordw.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 106496 Word for Windows Export Format DLL for Crystal Reports
u2fxls.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 212992 Excel Export Format DLL for Crystal Reports
u2fxml.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 225280 XML Export Format DLL for Crystal Reports
u2lbe9.dll 10/07/03 6:24:56 AM 29144 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec CR User Function DLL
u2lbe9_de.dll 10/07/03 6:24:52 AM 31704 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec CR English Language DLL
u2lbe9_en.dll 10/07/03 6:24:50 AM 29656 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec CR English Language DLL
u2lbe9_es.dll 10/07/03 6:24:54 AM 32216 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec CR English Language DLL
u2lbe9_fr.dll 10/07/03 6:24:52 AM 32728 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec CR English Language DLL
u2lbe9_it.dll 10/07/03 6:24:54 AM 31192 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec CR English Language DLL
u2lbe9_jp.dll 10/07/03 6:24:54 AM 25560 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec CR English Language DLL
u2lbe9_ko.dll 10/07/03 6:24:54 AM 23000 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec CR English Language DLL
u2lbe9_zh.dll 10/07/03 6:24:52 AM 24024 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec CR English Language DLL
vspapi.dll 9/05/03 5:45:00 PM 25728 Volume Snapshot Provider Interface
vxace502.dll 4/25/02 6:00:24 PM 1205712 ACE
xerces-c_1_3.dll 8/29/03 4:28:14 AM 644488 Shared Library for Xerces-C Version 1.3.0
Drivers and Loader support files on C:\WINNT\system32\drivers:
File name Modify date & time Size ProdVer FileVer Description
----------------------------- -------------------- ------- -------------- -------------- -----------
04mmdat.sys 7/24/03 7:02:22 PM 25712 SCSI Tape Driver
4mmdat.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 10928 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 SCSI Tape Driver
acpi.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 163120 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 ACPI Driver for NT
acpiec.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 11536 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 ACPI Embedded Controller Driver
afamgt.sys 11/01/02 8:43:02 PM 71376 PERC 2 Management Driver
afd.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 120240 5.0.2195.6687 5.0.2195.6687 Ancillary Function Driver for WinSock
aspi32.sys 9/06/02 5:51:32 PM 25244 ASPI for WIN32 Kernel Driver
asyncmac.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 17840 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 MS Remote Access serial network driver
atapi.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 86672 5.0.2195.6699 5.0.2195.6699 IDE/ATAPI Port Driver
ati2mpad.sys 12/21/01 8:09:52 AM 323793 5.0.2195.5012 5.0.2195.5012 ATI2MPAD Miniport Driver
atmarpc.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 57904 5.0.2166.1 5.0.2166.1 IP/ATM Arp Client
atmarps.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 32944 5.0.2145.1 5.0.2145.1 IP/ATM Arp Server
atmlane.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 48496 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 ATM Lan Emulation Driver
atmuni.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 331088 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 ATM UNI Call Manager
audstub.sys 9/25/99 10:35:34 AM 2896 5.0.2134.1 5.0.2134.1 AudStub Driver
battc.sys 6/19/03 5:05:04 PM 7184 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 Battery Class Driver
beep.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 4080 5.0.2158.1 5.0.2158.1 BEEP Driver
brpar.sys 11/18/99 10:17:44 PM 19361 5.0.2178.1 5.0.2178.1 Brother Parallel class Driver version 1.00
brserial.sys 3/15/02 4:13:06 PM 56660 Brother Serial driver for W2K
cdaudio.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 19088 5.0.2135.1 5.0.2135.1 CD-ROM Audio Filter Driver
cdfs.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 61680 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 CD-ROM File System Driver
cdrom.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 27984 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 SCSI CD-ROM Driver
cinemst2.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 272496 CineMaster C 1.2 WDM Main Driver
class2.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 12880 5.0.2134.1 5.0.2134.1 SCSI Class System Dll
classpnp.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 34832 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 SCSI Class System Dll
compbatt.sys 6/19/03 5:05:04 PM 9264 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 Composite Battery Driver
dcesm.sys 4/15/03 3:24:06 AM 68028 Dell Embedded Server Management Driver
dfs.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 74448 5.0.2195.6664 5.0.2195.6664 Windows NT Distributed File System Driver
disk.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 30768 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 PnP Disk Driver
diskdump.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 14288 5.0.2195.6672 5.0.2195.6672 Crash Dump Disk Driver
diskperf.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 7728 5.0.2195.6664 5.0.2195.6664 Disk Performance Driver
dlc.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 56112 5.0.2195.6693 5.0.2195.6693 NT DLC Protocol Driver
dmboot.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 369104 2195.6655.297.3 NT Disk Manager Startup Driver
dmio.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 137936 2195.6655.297.3 NT Disk Manager I/O Driver
dmload.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 7312 2195.6655.297.3 NT Disk Manager Startup Driver
dxapi.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 10064 5.0.2180.1 5.0.2180.1 DirectX API Driver
e1000nt5.sys 3/03/03 5:38:22 PM 125552 5.0.2195.1 Intel(R) PRO/1000 Adapter NDIS 5 deserialized driver
efs.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 27440 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 EFS File System Filter Driver
fastfat.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 140496 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 Fast FAT File System Driver
fdc.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 26256 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 Floppy Disk Controller Driver
fips.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 33616 5.0.2195.1569 5.0.2195.1569 FIPS Crypto Driver
flpydisk.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 19312 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 Floppy Driver
fsvga.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 12368 5.0.2134.1 5.0.2134.1 Full Screen Video Driver
fs_rec.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 7600 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 File System Recognizer Driver
ftdisk.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 115504 5.0.2195.6697 5.0.2195.6697 FT Disk Driver
hidbatt.sys 6/19/03 5:05:04 PM 18928 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 Hid Battery Driver
hidclass.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 24752 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 Hid Class Library
hidparse.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 23056 5.0.2195.6702 5.0.2195.6702 Hid Parsing Library
hidusb.sys 10/04/99 8:03:32 PM 13904 5.0.2142.1 5.0.2142.1 USB Miniport Driver for Input Devices
hpzid412.sys 3/21/04 1:35:48 PM 51088 IEEE-1284.4-1999 Driver (Windows 2000)
hpzipr12.sys 3/21/04 1:35:52 PM 16496 IEEE-1284.4-1999 Print Class Driver
hpzius12.sys 3/21/04 1:35:58 PM 21744 1284.4<->Usb Datalink Driver (Windows 2000)
i8042prt.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 46992 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 i8042 Port Driver
intelide.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 4624 5.0.2195.6666 5.0.2195.6666 Intel PCI IDE Driver
ipfltdrv.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 34416 5.0.2168.1 5.0.2168.1 IP FILTER DRIVER
ipinip.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 19984 5.0.2168.1 5.0.2168.1 IP in IP Encapsulation Driver
ipnat.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 67120 5.0.2195.6616 5.0.2195.6616 IP Network Address Translator
ipsec.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 64304 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 IPSEC Driver (US/Canada Only, Not for Export)
iqvw32.sys 3/10/03 11:10:44 PM 20352 5.1.2600.0 Intel(R) Network Adapter Diagnostic Driver
irda.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 57296 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 IRDA Protocol Driver
irenum.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 10288 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 Infra-Red Bus Enumerator
irsir.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 19952 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 Serial Infrared Driver
isapnp.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 46992 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 PNP ISA Bus Driver
kbdclass.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 24528 5.0.2195.6666 5.0.2195.6666 Keyboard Class Driver
ks.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 113744 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 Kernel CSA Library
ksecdd.sys 9/21/03 12:32:20 AM 71888 5.0.2195.6824 5.0.2195.6824 Kernel Security Support Provider Interface
lvcam.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 88816
lvcodek.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 79120 Video Codec
lvsound.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 17424
mf.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 57264 5.0.2195.6668 5.0.2195.6668 Multifunction Enumerator
mnmdd.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 4240 5.0.2134.1 5.0.2134.1 Frame buffer simulator
modem.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 29168 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 Modem Device Driver
mouclass.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 21776 5.0.2195.6666 5.0.2195.6666 Mouse Class Driver
mountmgr.sys 2/10/04 7:47:54 PM 30160 5.0.2195.6897 5.0.2195.6897 Mount Manager
mraid2k.sys 1/22/03 6:56:26 PM 23552 5.0.2195.5438 5.0.2195.5438 MEGARAID SCSI Controller Driver for Windows 2000 PAE
mrxsmb.sys 1/20/05 7:25:23 AM 413104 5.0.2195.7023 5.0.2195.7023 Windows NT SMB Minirdr
msfs.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 21328 5.0.2164.1 5.0.2164.1 Mailslot driver
msgpc.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 34704 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 MS General Packet Classifier
msircomm.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 20208 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 Microsoft Infra-Red Communications Driver
mskssrv.sys 9/25/99 3:36:32 PM 6640 5.0.2134.1 5.0.2134.1 MS KS Server
mspclock.sys 9/25/99 3:36:32 PM 5008 5.0.2134.1 5.0.2134.1 MS Proxy Clock
mspqm.sys 9/25/99 3:36:32 PM 4816 5.0.2134.1 5.0.2134.1 MS Proxy Quality Manager
mup.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 87888 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 Multiple UNC Provider driver
nbf.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 102160 5.0.2134.1 5.0.2134.1 NetBEUI Frames Protocol Driver
ndis.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 170928 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 NDIS 3.0 wrapper driver
ndistapi.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 9200 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 NDIS 3.0 connection wrapper driver
ndisuio.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 11984 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 NDIS User mode I/O Driver
ndiswan.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 93360 5.0.2195.6699 5.0.2195.6699 MS WAN Wrapper Network Driver (US/Canada Only, Not for Export)
ndproxy.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 40432 5.0.2138.1 5.0.2138.1 NDIS Proxy
netbios.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 33456 5.0.2149.1 5.0.2149.1 NetBIOS interface driver
netbt.sys 7/16/03 5:44:28 PM 163600 5.0.2195.6783 5.0.2195.6783 MBT Transport driver
netdtect.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 9680 5.0.2138.1 5.0.2138.1 Network Card Detection driver
nmnt.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 37552 5.0.2195.6699 5.0.2195.6699 Netmon NT Driver
npfs.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 37040 5.0.2147.1 5.0.2147.1 NPFS Driver
ntfs.sys 6/04/03 8:11:36 PM 514320 5.0.2195.6753 5.0.2195.6753 NT File System Driver
null.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 2800 5.0.2134.1 5.0.2134.1 NULL Driver
nwlnkflt.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 12560 5.0.2134.1 5.0.2134.1 NWLINK2 Traffic Filter Driver
nwlnkfwd.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 35344 5.0.2173.1 5.0.2173.1 NWLINK2 Forwarder Driver
nwlnkipx.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 91408 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 NWLINK2 IPX Protocol Driver
nwlnknb.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 65520 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 NWLINK2 IPX Netbios Protocol Driver
nwlnkspx.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 58480 5.0.2134.1 5.0.2134.1 NWLINK2 SPX Protocol Driver
nwrdr.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 161072 5.0.2195.6667 5.0.2195.6667 NetWare Redirector File System Driver
openhci.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 24784 5.0.2195.6675 5.0.2195.6675 Open Host Controller Interface USB Driver
parallel.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 60208 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 Parallel Printer Driver
parport.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 25104 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 Parallel Port Driver
partmgr.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 11792 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 Partition Manager
parvdm.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 6512 5.0.2135.1 5.0.2135.1 VDM Parallel Driver
pcdrnt.sys 6/26/03 2:11:45 PM 44192 PC-Doctor NT Support Driver
pci.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 59312 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 NT Plug and Play PCI Enumerator
pciide.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 3088 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 Generic PCI IDE Bus Driver
pciidex.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 22064 5.0.2195.6672 5.0.2195.6672 PCI IDE Bus Driver Extension
pcmcia.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 109584 5.0.2195.6664 5.0.2195.6664 PCMCIA Bus Driver
psched.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 60496 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 MS QoS Packet Scheduler
ptilink.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 17680 5.0.2195.6655 Parallel Technologies DirectParallel IO Library
rasacd.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 8016 5.0.2134.1 5.0.2134.1 RAS Automatic Connection Driver
rasirda.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 19920 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 IrDA WAN Miniport Driver
rasl2tp.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 52112 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 RAS L2TP mini-port/call-manager driver
raspptp.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 48464 5.0.2195.6711 5.0.2195.6711 Peer-to-Peer Tunneling Protocol
raspti.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 16880 5.0.2146.1 5.0.2146.1 PTI DirectParallel(R) mini-port/call-manager driver
rawwan.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 35024 5.0.2134.1 5.0.2134.1 Raw WAN Transport
rca.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 21712 5.0.2164.1 5.0.2164.1 RCA filter
rdbss.sys 12/03/04 3:37:12 AM 170512 5.0.2195.7006 5.0.2195.7006 Redirected Drive Buffering SubSystem Driver
rdpdr.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 143728 5.0.2195.6692 5.0.2195.6692 Microsoft RDP Device redirector
rdpwd.sys 3/24/04 2:17:07 AM 90264 5.0.2195.6892 5.0.2195.6892 RDP Terminal Stack Driver (US/Canada Only, Not for Export)
redbook.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 35344 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 Redbook Audio Filter Driver
rootmdm.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 6032 5.0.2134.1 5.0.2134.1 Legacy Non-Pnp Modem Device Driver
scsichng.sys 7/12/00 9:50:00 PM 15360 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 SCSI Changer Driver
scsiport.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 74192 5.0.2195.6713 5.0.2195.6713 SCSI Port Driver
serenum.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 14160 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 Serial Port Enumerator
serial.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 62736 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 Serial Device Driver
sfloppy.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 10384 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 SCSI Floppy Driver
sfmatalk.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 148400 5.0.2195.6601 5.0.2195.6601 Windows NT Appletalk protocol stack/router
sfmsrv.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 154160 5.0.2195.6604 5.0.2195.6604 Windows NT Macintosh File Server Driver
smclib.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 14832 5.0.2134.1 5.0.2134.1 Smard Card Driver Library
sonydcam.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 22064 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 1394 Desktop Camera Driver
spud.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 12336 5.0.2185.1 5.0.2185.1 Special Purpose Utility Driver
srv.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 244944 5.0.2195.6699 5.0.2195.6699 Server driver
stdatw2k.sys 8/28/04 6:11:00 AM 9728 DAT Tape Driver
stream.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 42000 5.0.2195.6663 5.0.2195.6663 WDM CODEC Class Device Driver
streams.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 105840 5.0.2134.1 5.0.2134.1 STREAMS Networking Environment
swenum.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 3728 5.0.2134.1 5.0.2134.1 Plug and Play Software Device Enumerator
symevent.sys 7/07/03 5:32:26 PM 73224 Symantec Event Library
symmpi.sys 7/17/02 12:22:04 AM 30784 5.0.2195.1 5.0.2195.1 LSI Logic Fusion-MPT MiniPort Driver
tape.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 10928 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 SCSI Tape Class Driver
tcpip.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 332144 5.0.2195.6706 5.0.2195.6706 TCP/IP driver
tdasync.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 12664 5.0.2195.6692 5.0.2195.6692 Serial Transport Driver
tdi.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 16240 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 TDI Wrapper
tdipx.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 20760 5.0.2195.6692 5.0.2195.6692 IPX Transport Driver
tdnetb.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 18392 5.0.2195.6697 5.0.2195.6697 NetBios Transport Driver
tdpipe.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 10552 5.0.2195.6692 5.0.2195.6692 Named Pipe Transport Driver
tdspx.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 18264 5.0.2195.6692 5.0.2195.6692 SPX Transport Driver
tdtcp.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 19032 5.0.2195.6692 5.0.2195.6692 TCP Transport Driver
termdd.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 35832 5.0.2195.6692 5.0.2195.6692 Terminal Server Driver
tosdvd.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 52048 5.0.2134.1 5.0.2134.1 TOSHIBA DVD Stream Minidriver
tsbvcap.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 22000 5.0.2134.1 5.0.2134.1 WDM Toshiba Tecra Video Capture Driver
udfs.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 62672 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 UDF File System Driver
update.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 173232 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 Update Driver
usbcamd.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 23888 5.0.2135.1 5.0.2135.1 Universal Serial Bus Camera Driver
usbd.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 20688 5.0.2195.6658 5.0.2195.6658 Universal Serial Bus Driver
usbehci.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 19728 5.0.2195.6709 5.0.2195.6709 EHCI eUSB Miniport Driver
usbhub.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 40176 5.0.2195.6689 5.0.2195.6689 Default Hub Driver for USB
usbhub20.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 49776 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 Default Hub Driver for USB 2.0
usbintel.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 15120 5.0.2134.1 5.0.2134.1 Universal Serial Bus Camera Driver
usbport.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 138288 5.0.2195.6681 5.0.2195.6681 USB 1.1 & 2.0 Port Driver
usbprint.sys 6/19/03 5:05:04 PM 21872 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 USB Printer driver
usbscan.sys 6/19/03 5:05:04 PM 12592 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 USB Scanner Driver
usbstor.sys 6/19/03 5:05:04 PM 21552 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 USB Mass Storage Class Driver
vdmindvd.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 59280 CineMaster C WDM DVD Minidriver
vga.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 13968 5.0.2134.1 5.0.2134.1 VGA/Super VGA Video Driver
videoprt.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 50640 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 Video Port Driver
vsp.sys 9/05/03 3:34:42 PM 50080 Volume Snapshot Provider Driver
vxboot.sys 2/04/03 9:46:40 PM 382704 3.4.532.0 NT Disk Manager Startup Driver
vxio.sys 2/04/03 9:46:34 PM 164016 3.4.532.0 NT Disk Manager I/O Driver
wanarp.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 32272 5.0.2195.6601 5.0.2195.6601 MS Remote Access and Routing ARP Driver
wlbs.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 66224 5.0.2195.6680 5.0.2195.6680 Network Load Balancing Driver
wmilib.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 4240 5.0.2134.1 5.0.2134.1 WMILIB WMI support library Dll
ws2ifsl.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 12016 5.0.2134.1 5.0.2134.1 Winsock2 IFS Layer
acl_452.vsd 7/31/03 6:41:22 PM 13216 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 Odetics 4/52 Changer VSD Driver
adic1000.vsd 7/15/03 4:26:20 PM 12960 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 ADIC 1000 Changer VSD Driver
adicvls2.vsd 1/14/03 8:36:44 PM 12768 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 ADIC VLS Changer VSD Driver
adic_448.vsd 5/13/03 4:57:32 PM 12640 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 ADIC Scalar 448 Changer VSD Driver
aiwa_2x0.vsd 1/14/03 8:36:58 PM 12352 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 AIWA 210/220 Changer VSD Driver
atlp3000.vsd 2/07/03 5:25:28 PM 13376 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 ATL P3000 Changer VSD Driver
atl_l500.vsd 1/14/03 8:37:20 PM 12704 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 ATL L500 Changer VSD Driver
benchmrk.vsd 5/15/03 5:11:28 PM 12448 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 Benchmark Changer VSD Driver
bhill_q2.vsd 1/14/03 8:37:18 PM 12576 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 Breece Hill Q2-15 Changer VSD Driver
bhill_q7.vsd 1/14/03 8:37:04 PM 13024 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 Breece Hill Q7 Changer VSD Driver
diamdbak.vsd 1/14/03 8:36:44 PM 12320 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 Conner Diamondback Changer VSD Driver
exb_10x.vsd 1/14/03 8:36:50 PM 12384 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 Exabyte 10x Changer VSD Driver
exb_210.vsd 1/14/03 8:36:52 PM 12896 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 Exabyte 210 Changer VSD Driver
exb_230.vsd 1/14/03 8:37:22 PM 13376 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 Exabyte 230/690 Changer VSD Driver
exb_480.vsd 1/14/03 8:36:58 PM 12960 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 Exabyte 440/480 Changer VSD Driver
exb_ez17.vsd 1/14/03 8:37:28 PM 12704 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 Exabyte EZ17 Changer VSD Driver
hp155xld.vsd 1/14/03 8:36:48 PM 12096 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 HP 155x Changer VSD Driver
hpc7200.vsd 1/14/03 8:37:34 PM 12928 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 HP C7200 Changer VSD Driver
hpdlt119.vsd 1/14/03 8:37:06 PM 12288 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 HP DLT 119 Changer VSD Driver
hpdlt515.vsd 1/14/03 8:37:14 PM 12352 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 HP DLT 515 Changer VSD Driver
hpdlt628.vsd 1/14/03 8:37:16 PM 12288 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 HP DLT 6280 Changer VSD Driver
hpstfx.vsd 1/14/03 8:37:12 PM 12480 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 HP ST/FX Series Changer VSD Driver
ibm_3570.vsd 1/14/03 8:37:36 PM 12448 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 IBM 3570 Changer VSD Driver
ibm_3575.vsd 1/14/03 8:37:40 PM 12608 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 IBM 3575 Changer VSD Driver
ibm_3590.vsd 1/14/03 8:37:36 PM 12544 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 IBM 3590 Changer VSD Driver
ibm_alp.vsd 1/14/03 8:37:30 PM 12704 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 IBM Alpine Changer VSD Driver
l7a2700.vsd 1/14/03 8:36:52 PM 12352 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 DLT L7A/2700 Changer VSD Driver
lago_340.vsd 1/14/03 8:37:00 PM 12576 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 LAGO 340 Changer VSD Driver
lago_380.vsd 1/14/03 8:36:54 PM 12640 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 LAGO 380 Changer VSD Driver
libra.vsd 1/14/03 8:36:46 PM 11968 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 DLI Libra Changer VSD Driver
m4_mag.vsd 1/14/03 8:37:42 PM 12800 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 M4 Data Magfile Changer VSD Driver
medlogic.vsd 1/14/03 8:37:26 PM 12512 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 Media Logic SLA Changer VSD Driver
nectl620.vsd 1/14/03 8:37:28 PM 12032 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 NEC TL620 Changer VSD Driver
nec_dl01.vsd 1/14/03 8:37:44 PM 12128 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 NEC DL1010H-0E Changer VSD Driver
over4210.vsd 1/14/03 8:37:10 PM 12512 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 Overland 4210 Changer VSD Driver
over_pro.vsd 3/03/03 7:01:32 PM 12832 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 Overland LibrarPro Changer VSD Driver
over_slr.vsd 1/14/03 8:37:38 PM 12800 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 Overland SLR Changer VSD Driver
plasmon.vsd 1/14/03 8:37:46 PM 12704 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 Plasmon FTA Changer VSD Driver
qntm3520.vsd 2/24/03 10:15:06 PM 12448 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 Quantum 3520 Changer VSD Driver
qstartls.vsd 1/14/03 8:37:08 PM 12992 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 Qualstar TLS Series Changer VSD Driver
sony7000.vsd 1/14/03 8:37:04 PM 12640 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 Sony 7000 Changer VSD Driver
sony_162.vsd 3/03/03 7:14:38 PM 12160 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 Sony 162 Changer VSD Driver
specfrog.vsd 1/14/03 8:37:22 PM 12288 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 Spectra Treefrog Changer VSD Driver
spectra2.vsd 1/14/03 8:36:56 PM 12736 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 Spectra Logic Changer VSD Driver
stek9714.vsd 1/14/03 8:37:16 PM 12896 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 StorageTek 9714 Changer VSD Driver
ODBC, MAPI, and EDBBCLI.DLL file versions on \\W2K:
ODBC, MAPI, and EDBBCLI.DLL file path: C:\WINNT\system32
File name Modify date & time Size ProdVer FileVer Description
----------------------------- -------------------- ------- -------------- -------------- -----------
odbcad32.exe 2/20/03 10:39:48 PM 32768 3.525.1022.0 3.525.1022.0 Microsoft Data Access - "ODBC Administrator
odbcconf.exe 2/20/03 9:27:32 PM 69632 3.525.1022.0 3.525.1022.0 Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Driver Configuration Program
odbc16gt.dll 2/06/03 5:33:04 PM 26224 3.510.3711.0 3.510.3711.0 Microsoft ODBC Driver Generic Thunk
odbc32.dll 2/20/03 10:39:02 PM 221184 3.525.1022.0 3.525.1022.0 Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Driver Manager
odbc32gt.dll 2/20/03 10:39:32 PM 16384 3.525.1022.0 3.525.1022.0 Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Driver Generic Thunk
odbcbcp.dll 12/12/03 8:40:28 PM 24576 3.85.1025.0 2000.85.1025.0 Microsoft BCP for ODBC
odbcconf.dll 2/20/03 9:27:30 PM 126976 3.525.1022.0 3.525.1022.0 Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Driver Configuration Program
odbccp32.dll 2/20/03 10:39:32 PM 102400 3.525.1022.0 3.525.1022.0 Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Installer
odbccr32.dll 2/20/03 10:39:34 PM 61440 3.525.1022.0 3.525.1022.0 Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Cursor Library
odbccu32.dll 2/20/03 10:39:36 PM 61440 3.525.1022.0 3.525.1022.0 Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Cursor Library
odbcint.dll 2/20/03 10:39:02 PM 94208 3.525.1022.0 3.525.1022.0 Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Resources
odbcji32.dll 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 53520 4.0.6200.0 4.0.6200.0 Microsoft ODBC Desktop Driver Pack 3.5
odbcjt32.dll 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 270608 4.0.6200.0 4.0.6200.0 Microsoft ODBC Desktop Driver Pack 3.5
odbcstf.dll 3/24/99 4:00:00 AM 40960 3.510.3904.0 3.510.3904.0 ODBC Version 3.0 Custom Action Setup DLL
odbctl32.dll 9/18/00 9:12:40 PM 77824 3.50.3602.0 3.50.3602.0 ODBC Helper Function DLL
odbctrac.dll 2/20/03 10:39:36 PM 147456 3.525.1022.0 3.525.1022.0 Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Driver Manager Trace
mapisrvr.exe 10/01/98 4:00:38 PM 40208 5.5.2174.0 5.5.2174.0 Extended MAPI 1.0 for Windows NT
mapi.dll 10/01/98 4:00:38 PM 520128 5.5.2174.0 5.5.2174.0 Extended MAPI 1.0 for Windows 3
mapi32.dll 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 131072 1.0.2536.0 1.0.2536.0 Extended MAPI 1.0 for Windows NT
mapistub.dll 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 131072 1.0.2536.0 1.0.2536.0 Extended MAPI 1.0 for Windows NT
Backup Exec Database Information on \\W2K:
Database Server: W2K
Database Instance: W2K\BkupExec
Database Name: BEDB
Database Size: 6.94 MB
Catalog Schema Version: 3.4
ADAMM Schema Version: 9.0000
Server Schema Version: 9.0000
SQL Server Login Mode: Windows NT
SQL Server Audit Level: none
NIC Information for \\W2K:
Adapter Name: {36E78612-C8C4-45A9-8B97-F851D2571791}
Description: Intel(R) PRO/1000 MT Network Connection
Index: 16777219
Type: Ethernet
Mac Address: 00-C0-9F-23-D9-B4
IP Address:
IP Mask:
Network ID:
DHCP Enabled: No
DHCP Server:
Uses WINS: No
Primary WINS Server:
Secondary WINS Server:
Software configuration information from \\W2K:
Enable RSM Support: 0x0
MachineGuid: <16 bytes of binary data follow>
33 82 7a 3e fc 44 bf 4d ac e7 65 51 c2 8f e0 85 3.z>.D.M..eQ....
RsmWait: 0x78
Enable SCSI LUN Reset: 0x1
Enable Robotic Library Tape Device Release: 0x0
Overwrite Media Response: 0x2
Insert Media Response: 0x3
Language: 0
Path: C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\
Calendar: Number of job recurrences in a day: 0x18
AddedToRNR: 0x1
CleanupDelay: 0x12c
RetentionPeriod: 0x15180
NameLookupDelay: 0x78
SapBroadcastDelay: 0x12c
ExpireTime: 0x384
UseSapSocket: 0x0
ExpireTime: 0x258
AdvertisementPort: 0x17d5
Catalog MMF Flush Threshold Entry Number: 0x32
Resource Catalog Include List:
Resource Catalog Exclude List:
Catalog Enable Ageing: 0x1
Catalog Days To Age: 0x5a
Catalog Enable Partialize: 0x1
Catalog Days To Partialize: 0x3c
Catalog Remote Server Name:
Catalog Aging Timer (Minutes): 0x168
Catalog Move Catalog Timer (Minutes): 0x1
Catalog Purge Memory Timer (Minutes): 0x1
Transfer Buffer Size: 0x4000
Unlock Buffer Flag: 0x1
Virtual Memory Size: 0x10000000
Process Affinity Mask Flag: 0x0
Catalog Bad Media Flag: 0x0
Catalog MMF Flush Threshold Size: 0x1
Path: C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\logs
BEMSDKLog: 0x0
BEMSDKLevel: 0x1
SGMon Enabled: 0x0
SGMon Components: 0x0
Enabled: 0x0
Flag: 0x0
To File: 0x0
File Name: debug.log
To Window: 0x1
Show All: 0x0
Num Debug Lines: 0x96
Notify Data Halted Time Out Seconds: 0x384
Data Connection Flush Timeout Seconds: 0x384
Enable SQL Support: 0x1
Enable Exchange Support: 0x1
GRFS Time Out: 0x5a
Use Push Agent: 0x1
Size of Push Agent Buffers: 0x84
Number of Push Agent Buffers: 0xa
NDMP connect open time out seconds: 0x1e
DoSingleVolumeSnap: 0x0
Backup Registry: 0x1
Backup Remote Storage: 0x0
Backup Removable Storage Management: 0x0
Backup Logical Disk Management State: 0x0
Backup Disk Quota Data: 0x0
Backup traverse local mount points: 0x1
Backup traverse remote mount points: 0x0
Auto Verify Backup: 0x1
Append Flag: 0x1
Skip Open Files: 0x0
Skip Open Wait Time: 0x1e
Backup Type: 0x1
Backup Files In Use: 0x1
Catalog Backup: 0x0
Backup Migrated Files: 0x0
Backup As Expanded: 0x0
Use Open File Option: 0x0
Use Virus Scan: 0x0
Clean Infected Files: 0x0
Backup Infected Files: 0x0
WSB Days Last Accessed: 0x1e
Insert Checksum Streams: 0x1
Print Log File: 0x0
Intelligent Image Method: 0x0
Apply Checkpoint Restart: 0x1
Fail Jobs On Corrupt Files: 0x1
Enabled: 0x0
Subnet Address: 0x0
Subnet Mask: 0x0
Automatically Obtain Subnet: 0x0
Physical Address:
Hardware - Enable: 0x1
Software - Enable: 0x0
Software - Level: 0x0
Software - Threshold: 0x10
Software - Expansion: 0x0
Domino Backup Method: 0x1
Recycle Log File: 0x0
DB Recovery Option: 0x0
Msec for wait: 0x0
Max Tranlog Extents: 0x46
Enable Offline Backup: 0x0
Temp Transaction Log Path: C:\TEMP
Enable Exchange Support: 0x0
Exchange Backup Method: 0xffffffff
No-loss restore: 0x1
Restore Public Folders: 0x1
Restore Private Mailboxes: 0x1
Engine NDMP Debug Level: 0x0
RANT NDMP Debug Level: 0x0
CreateDebugLog: 0x0
Log File Root: BEX
Number Of Sessions: 0x63
Print Log Session: 0x0
Log Mode: 0x0
Log Level: 0x1
Log Enable GUIDs: 0x0
Catalog Path: C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\Catalogs
Data Path: C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\Data
Disaster Recovery Alternate Data Path: C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\IDR\Data\
Disaster Recovery Data Path: C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\IDR\Data\
Disaster Recovery Path: C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\IDR\
XPause: 0x1
XPauseTime: 0x0
Enable Statistics: 0x0
Debug Flag: 0x0
Event Mask: 0x3
Locked Out Retries: 0xc
Locked Out Wait Time: 0xa
Create Skipped: 0x1
Verify Type: 0x1
Job - Run Job If Pre Command Fails: 0x0
Job - Run Post Command If Job Fails: 0x1
Job - Fail Pre/Post Command On Non Zero Return Code: 0x0
Job - Run Post Command if Pre Command Fails: 0x0
Job - Pre/Post Command Timeout: 0x1e
Soft Error Flag: 0x0
Catalog Level: 0x2
Use Backslash As Delimiter: 0x1
Extended Date Support: 0x1
Process Hidden Files: 0x1
Process System Files: 0x1
Sort BSD List: 0x0
Debug File Name:
Disaster Recovery Installed: 0x0
Default Device Guid: <16 bytes of binary data follow>
a0 2d 34 f7 e5 8d 51 44 ae ea 3d cb 89 ed 6a 30 .-4...QD..=...j0
Default Media Set Guid: <16 bytes of binary data follow>
09 00 00 00 e8 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
Next Job Wait Time: 0x3c
DelayBeforeMountTime: 0x0
MountPollTime: 0x1e
Put Family Name in Alternate Label: 0x0
StatusInterval: 0x1388
WaitToKillRunningJobs: 0x12c
WaitToKillDeviceManager: 0x12c
TapeAlert Level: 0x0
ObjectList: \system\q_*.* /s
\cdrom$$.rom\*.* /s
\queues\*.* /s
\snapshot\pool*.dat /s
\otm01 /s
\.NLS?License ID* /s
FsUseAsyncIo: 0x1
FollowHardLinks: 0x1
Restrict Anonymous Support: 0x0
HonorFilesNotToBackUp: 0x1
Cluster: %SystemRoot%\Cluster\MajorityNodeSet_FileMutex
%SystemRoot%\Cluster\MNS*\*.* /s
Mount Manager:
Services: CurrentControlSet\Services\*
Pending Rename Operations: CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\PendingFileRenameOperations
Rsm Database Import: CurrentControlSet\Control\NTMS\ImportDatabase
Mount Manager: CurrentControlSet\Control\DeviceClasses\{53f5630d-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}\
Prompt Restore Over Read Only Or Modified Files: 0x0
Auto Verify Restore: 0x0
Restore Existing Files: 0x3
Restore Registry: 0x0
Restore File Permissions: 0x1
Preserve Directory Tree: 0x1
Process Empty Dirs: 0x0
Restore Volume Restrictions: 0x0
RestoreCorruptFiles: 0x0
Restore Remote Storage: 0x0
Restore Removable Storage Management: 0x0
Restore Logical Disk Management State: 0x0
Restore Disk Quota Data: 0x0
Restore links and junctures to files and directories: 0x0
SQL Backup Method: 0x0
DBCC Check Before Backup: 0x0
Continue Backup on DBCC Error: 0x1
DBCC Check After Backup: 0x0
DBCC Check After Restore: 0x2
Enable SQL Support: 0x0
Recover SQL Database: 0x1
Standby SQL Database: 0x0
Replace SQL Database: 0x0
Force Named Pipe Backup/Restore: 0x0
Always Snap SQL: 0x0
Sytos Plus ECC Flag: 0x0
Use Fast File Restore: 0x1
Tape Format: 0x0
OTC Level: 0x2
DIL wait timeout: 0x5
DIL no wait timeout: 0x5
Use Fast Append: 0x1
Enable On-Tape Catalogs: 0x1
Number of buffers processed between LBA Rewrites: 0x5
Enable Exchange Support: 0x0
Working Product Code: {201E698C-B88E-41AE-8C46-3BBACADCD6E7}
Support Path: C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\{201E698C-B88E-41AE-8C46-3BBACADCD6E7}\
Reboot Install: 0x0
MSDE Installed: 0x1
Path 9.0: C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\
Source Path 9.0: C:\Veritas\WINNT\INSTALL\BE\
Language: 0
Product Code 9.0: {201E698C-B88E-41AE-8C46-3BBACADCD6E7}
Install Language: 0x409
Major Version: 0x9
Minor Version: 0x1
Build Major: 0x1253
Build Minor: 0x0
Upgrade Version: 9.1.4691
INF FILE: C:\WINNT\system32\drivers\oemtap0.inf
Registered OnLine: 0x0
MsecPipeTimeout: 0x3e8
MsecAdvInterval: 0x5265c00
TsHbeatInterval: 0xd8
Last Heartbeat: 0x1c5362d
Data: 0x0
Type: <01 00>
TStamp: 0x1c536e3
Data: 0x0
Type: <02 00>
SerNo: 0874942087035129
TStamp: 0x1c536e3
Flags: 0x10
Last Contact: 0x1c536e3
Protocols: 0x1
UseSPXII: 0x1
Timeout: 0x258
HandshakingTimeout: 0x78
MaxPacketSize: 0x216
TrySPXII: 0x1
HandshakingTimeout: 0x78
WorkBufferSize: 0x4000
DisconnectDelay: 0x2ee
CoalesceSends: 0x0
Media Server dynamic port range: 0-0
Remote Agent dynamic port range: 0-0
UseMediaServerPortRange: 0x0
UseRemoteAgentPortRange: 0x0
IsDatabaseMgr: 0x1
DataPartitionID: 0x0
DataPartitionGUID: <16 bytes of binary data follow>
a9 7e 60 65 24 6d 25 4c 9d f8 94 6c f3 e0 1b 78 .~`e$m%L...l...x
HasStartedSuccessfully: 0x1
OriginalInstalledValuesSet: 0x1
OriginalInstalledDBDeviceFile: C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\Data\BEDB_Dat.mdf
LastKnownSQLDBDeviceFile: C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\Data\BEDB_Dat.mdf
EmailTextLog: 0x0
Description: Backup Exec Server
Hist Jobs: 0x0
Alerts: 0x0
Status: 0x0
Enable SNMP: 0x1
Job Success Trap: 0x0
Pathname: C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\besnmp.dll
BaseEnterpriseOID: .
SupportedView: .
TraceFileName: besnmp.TRC
TraceLevel: 0x0
Pathname: C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\tapealrt.dll
Auto clean enabled: 0x0
Auto copy enabled: 0x0
TapeAlert enabled: 0x1
Traps enabled: 0x1
Enable SQL Support: 0x0
Flags: 0x0
Data Path Remote: \\W2K\C$\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\
Report Path Remote: \\W2K\C$\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\
Disaster Recovery Alternate Data Path Remote: \\W2K\C$\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\
Disaster Recovery Data Path Remote: \\W2K\C$\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\
Disaster Recovery Path Remote: \\W2K\C$\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\
Readme Remote Link: file://C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\readme%s.html
URL Backup Exec ReadMe Remote: file://C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\readme%s.html
URL Backup Exec ReadMe Local: file://C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\readme%s.html
URL Backup Exec Administrators Manual: file://C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\beadmin%s.pdf
URL Backup Exec Addendum: file://C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\beadminadndm%s.pdf
URL Backup Exec Release Notes: http://seer.support.veritas.com/docs/258104.htm
URL VERITAS Update: http://softwareupdate.veritas.com/
Enable SQL Shares: 0x1
Software Update Available: 0x0
UI Has Run Before: 0x1
Loader Driver Installed: 0x0
Inventory On Startup: 0x0
Startup Dispatch Pause Secs: 0x78
Dispatch Pause Secs: 0xa
List Files: 0x1
Use Password: 0x0
Display NetWare Servers: 0x1
Store User Credentials In Database: 0x1
Lock Password Database: 0x0
Show Mode Warning: 0x1
Group Name:
Include Subdirs: 0x1
Enable User Shares: 0x0
Enable System (Default) Shares: 0x1
Enable Microsoft Exchange Shares: 0x1
Search Limit: 0xfa
Search Tapes With Password: 0x0
Search Subdirectories: 0x1
Scheduled job count limit: 0x64
Scheduled job day limit: 0x7
Scheduled job next only: 0x1
Job Number: 0x0
OEM - Welcome Screen: 0x1
Event - Mask: 0x23
Alert - On Error: 0x0
Alert - Remote Job Completes: 0x1
Alert - Who List:
Network - Zones: 0x1
Network - NetWare: 0x0
Network - TCP/IP: 0x0
Network - AppleTalk: 0x0
PMI Flag: 0x0
Message Box Time Out Secs: 0x0
Scheduled Device Request Secs: 0xa
Software - AllowBoth: 0x0
Backup - HW Comp otherwise None: 0x1
Backup - HW Comp otherwise SW: 0x0
Backup - SW Comp: 0x0
Unknown Device Found: 0x0
Append No Overwrite: 0x0
Tech Support Website: support.veritas.com
Default B2D Location:
O: <216 bytes of binary data follow>
3a 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 3b 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 :.......;.......
3c 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 3d 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 <.......=.......
31 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 30 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 1.......0.......
3e 00 00 00 ff ff ff ff 98 02 00 00 ff ff ff ff >...............
45 00 00 00 ff ff ff ff 47 00 00 00 ff ff ff ff E.......G.......
41 00 00 00 ff ff ff ff a3 02 00 00 ff ff ff ff A...............
40 00 00 00 ff ff ff ff 44 00 00 00 ff ff ff ff @.......D.......
43 00 00 00 ff ff ff ff 46 00 00 00 ff ff ff ff C.......F.......
06 01 00 00 ff ff ff ff e1 02 00 00 ff ff ff ff ................
05 03 00 00 ff ff ff ff 3f 00 00 00 ff ff ff ff ........?.......
42 00 00 00 ff ff ff ff 52 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 B.......R.......
c1 56 00 00 02 00 00 00 c3 56 00 00 02 00 00 00 .V.......V......
c5 56 00 00 02 00 00 00 43 10 00 00 ff ff ff ff .V......C.......
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........
AK: <8 bytes of binary data follow>
67 54 a0 48 00 00 be 61 gT.H...a
LO: <52 bytes of binary data follow>
34 00 00 00 30 38 37 34 39 34 32 30 38 37 30 33 4...087494208703
35 31 32 39 d4 07 0a 00 04 00 1c 00 00 00 00 00 5129............
00 00 00 00 3c 00 00 00 6f 04 00 20 40 00 00 00 ....<...o.. @...
b9 d9 cb f0 ....
MLO: <1636 bytes of binary data follow>
64 06 00 00 30 38 37 34 39 34 32 30 38 37 30 33 d...087494208703
35 31 32 39 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 5129............
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
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00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
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00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
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00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
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00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 d4 07 0a 00 04 00 1c 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 3c 00 00 00 6f 04 00 20 40 00 00 00 ....<...o.. @...
fd e7 f1 f0 ....
Data Path:
InstallPath: C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\
EISPort: 8080
Installation Directory: C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\ECM\
InstallPath: C:\Program Files\VERITAS\VxUpdate\
Last Taskbar HWND: 0x100b6
Installed Product Code: {EFE295A9-C617-4ECE-A191-14265F5BD7ED}
SCSI hardware configuration information from \\W2K
FirstBusScanTimeInMs: 0x0
DMAEnabled: 0x0
Driver: atapi
FirstBusScanTimeInMs: 0xbb8
DMAEnabled: 0x0
Driver: atapi
Identifier: HL-DT-ST CD-ROM GCR-8481B
Type: CdRomPeripheral
DeviceName: CdRom0
Interrupt: 0x11
IOAddress: 0xfcd00000
Driver: mraid2k
Identifier: SDR GEM318P 1
Type: OtherPeripheral
InquiryData: <36 bytes of binary data follow>
03 00 02 02 31 00 00 00 53 44 52 20 20 20 20 20 ....1...SDR
47 45 4d 33 31 38 50 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 GEM318P
31 20 20 20 1
Identifier: RAID DummyDevice 05XX
Type: OtherPeripheral
InquiryData: <36 bytes of binary data follow>
1f 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 20 52 41 49 44 20 20 ........ RAID
20 44 75 6d 6d 79 44 65 76 69 63 65 20 20 20 20 DummyDevice
30 35 58 58 05XX
Identifier: PERC LD 0 PERCRAID
Type: DiskPeripheral
InquiryData: <36 bytes of binary data follow>
00 00 02 02 fa 00 00 32 50 45 52 43 20 20 20 20 .......2PERC
20 4c 44 20 20 30 20 50 45 52 43 52 41 49 44 20 LD 0 PERCRAID
20 20 20 20
Interrupt: 0x1d
IOAddress: 0xdc00
Driver: Symmpi
Type: TapePeripheral
DeviceName: Tape0
InquiryData: <56 bytes of binary data follow>
01 80 03 02 33 00 01 38 41 52 43 48 49 56 45 20 ....3..8ARCHIVE
50 79 74 68 6f 6e 20 30 36 34 30 38 2d 58 58 58 Python 06408-XXX
39 31 30 30 00 00 00 00 00 17 00 00 00 20 20 20 9100.........
20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
Identifier: ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100
Windows Sockets Information for \\W2K
ErrorControl: 0x1
Start: 0x3
Type: 0x4
Transports: Tcpip
Setup Version: 0x1009
Provider List: NetBIOS
Known Static Providers: Tcpip
WinSock 1.1 Provider Data: <900 bytes of binary data follow>
0e 10 00 00 11 00 00 00 14 00 00 00 14 00 00 00 ................
05 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 00 fa 00 00 0e 03 00 00 ................
09 12 00 00 11 00 00 00 14 00 00 00 14 00 00 00 ................
02 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 00 fa 00 00 98 02 00 00 ................
0e 10 00 00 11 00 00 00 14 00 00 00 14 00 00 00 ................
05 00 00 00 ff ff ff ff 00 fa 00 00 22 02 00 00 ............"...
09 12 00 00 11 00 00 00 14 00 00 00 14 00 00 00 ................
02 00 00 00 ff ff ff ff 00 fa 00 00 ac 01 00 00 ................
0e 10 00 00 11 00 00 00 14 00 00 00 14 00 00 00 ................
05 00 00 00 fe ff ff ff 00 fa 00 00 36 01 00 00 ............6...
09 12 00 00 11 00 00 00 14 00 00 00 14 00 00 00 ................
02 00 00 00 fe ff ff ff 00 fa 00 00 c0 00 00 00 ................
5c 00 44 00 65 00 76 00 69 00 63 00 65 00 5c 00 \.D.e.v.i.c.e.\.
4e 00 65 00 74 00 42 00 54 00 5f 00 54 00 63 00 N.e.t.B.T._.T.c.
70 00 69 00 70 00 5f 00 7b 00 41 00 32 00 36 00 p.i.p._.{.A.2.6.
34 00 44 00 42 00 42 00 44 00 2d 00 39 00 34 00 4.D.B.B.D.-.9.4.
44 00 31 00 2d 00 34 00 43 00 38 00 38 00 2d 00 D.1.-.4.C.8.8.-.
42 00 41 00 43 00 37 00 2d 00 35 00 33 00 41 00 B.A.C.7.-.5.3.A.
44 00 46 00 45 00 38 00 32 00 36 00 39 00 33 00 D.F.E.
30 00 7d 00 00 00 5c 00 44 00 65 00 76 00 69 00 0.}...\.D.e.v.i.
63 00 65 00 5c 00 4e 00 65 00 74 00 42 00 54 00 c.e.\.N.e.t.B.T.
5f 00 54 00 63 00 70 00 69 00 70 00 5f 00 7b 00 _.T.c.p.i.p._.{.
41 00 32 00 36 00 34 00 44 00 42 00 42 00 44 00 A.2.6.4.D.B.B.D.
2d 00 39 00 34 00 44 00 31 00 2d 00 34 00 43 00 -.9.4.D.1.-.4.C.
38 00 38 00 2d 00 42 00 41 00 43 00 37 00 2d 00 8.8.-.B.A.C.7.-.
35 00 33 00 41 00 44 00 46 00 45 00 38 00 32 00 5.3.A.D.F.E.8.2.
36 00 39 00 33 00 30 00 7d 00 00 00 5c 00 44 00}...\.D.
65 00 76 00 69 00 63 00 65 00 5c 00 4e 00 65 00 e.v.i.c.e.\.N.e.
74 00 42 00 54 00 5f 00 54 00 63 00 70 00 69 00 t.B.T._.T.c.p.i.
70 00 5f 00 7b 00 39 00 32 00 31 00 34 00 33 00 p._.{.
46 00 43 00 37 00 2d 00 33 00 35 00 45 00 45 00 F.C.7.-.3.5.E.E.
2d 00 34 00 44 00 31 00 42 00 2d 00 41 00 33 00 -.4.D.1.B.-.A.3.
35 00 43 00 2d 00 43 00 42 00 39 00 45 00 39 00 5.C.-.C.B.9.E.9.
34 00 46 00 31 00 30 00 32 00 43 00 44 00 7d 00 4.F.1.0.2.C.D.}.
00 00 5c 00 44 00 65 00 76 00 69 00 63 00 65 00 ..\.D.e.v.i.c.e.
5c 00 4e 00 65 00 74 00 42 00 54 00 5f 00 54 00 \.N.e.t.B.T._.T.
63 00 70 00 69 00 70 00 5f 00 7b 00 39 00 32 00 c.p.i.p._.{.9.2.
31 00 34 00 33 00 46 00 43 00 37 00 2d 00 33 00 1.4.3.F.C.7.-.3.
35 00 45 00 45 00 2d 00 34 00 44 00 31 00 42 00 5.E.E.-.4.D.1.B.
2d 00 41 00 33 00 35 00 43 00 2d 00 43 00 42 00 -.A.3.5.C.-.C.B.
39 00 45 00 39 00 34 00 46 00 31 00 30 00 32 00 9.E.9.4.F.1.0.2.
43 00 44 00 7d 00 00 00 5c 00 44 00 65 00 76 00 C.D.}...\.D.e.v.
69 00 63 00 65 00 5c 00 4e 00 65 00 74 00 42 00 i.c.e.\.N.e.t.B.
54 00 5f 00 54 00 63 00 70 00 69 00 70 00 5f 00 T._.T.c.p.i.p._.
7b 00 33 00 36 00 45 00 37 00 38 00 36 00 31 00 {.3.6.E.
32 00 2d 00 43 00 38 00 43 00 34 00 2d 00 34 00 2.-.C.8.C.4.-.4.
35 00 41 00 39 00 2d 00 38 00 42 00 39 00 37 00 5.A.9.-.8.B.9.7.
2d 00 46 00 38 00 35 00 31 00 44 00 32 00 35 00 -.F.8.5.1.D.2.5.
37 00 31 00 37 00 39 00 31 00 7d 00 00 00 5c 00}...\.
44 00 65 00 76 00 69 00 63 00 65 00 5c 00 4e 00 D.e.v.i.c.e.\.N.
65 00 74 00 42 00 54 00 5f 00 54 00 63 00 70 00 e.t.B.T._.T.c.p.
69 00 70 00 5f 00 7b 00 33 00 36 00 45 00 37 00 i.p._.{.3.6.E.7.
38 00 36 00 31 00 32 00 2d 00 43 00 38 00 43 00
34 00 2d 00 34 00 35 00 41 00 39 00 2d 00 38 00 4.-.4.5.A.9.-.8.
42 00 39 00 37 00 2d 00 46 00 38 00 35 00 31 00 B.9.7.-.F.8.5.1.
44 00 32 00 35 00 37 00 31 00 37 00 39 00 31 00 D.
7d 00 00 00 }...
WinSock 2.0 Provider ID: <16 bytes of binary data follow>
30 18 5f 8d 73 c2 cf 11 95 c8 00 80 5f 48 a1 92 0._.s......._H..
WinSock 2.0 Provider ID: <16 bytes of binary data follow>
a0 1a 0f e7 8b ab cf 11 8c a3 00 80 5f 48 a1 92 ............_H..
IsoTp: <16 bytes of binary data follow>
b0 cb e4 89 c1 b9 cf 11 95 c8 00 80 5f 48 a1 92 ............_H..
McsXns: <16 bytes of binary data follow>
b1 cb e4 89 c1 b9 cf 11 95 c8 00 80 5f 48 a1 92 ............_H..
AppleTalk: <16 bytes of binary data follow>
a0 17 3b 2c df c6 cf 11 95 c8 00 80 5f 48 a1 92 ..;,........_H..
LanmanWorkstation provider information for \\W2K
Name: Microsoft Windows Network
ProviderPath: %SystemRoot%\System32\ntlanman.dll
DeviceName: \Device\LanmanRedirector
Microsoft SQL Server information for \\W2K
SharedMemoryOn: 0x1
ProtocolOrder: tcp
W2K\BkupExec: -33423352:lpc:W2K\BkupExec
DefaultPort: 0x599
DefaultServerPort: 0:1433
DefaultClientNIC: 0
RecognizedVendors: Giganet, ServerNet II
Windows NT version information for \\W2K:
Product: Windows NT Advanced Server
Version: 5.0
Build: 2195 (Service Pack 4)
Build type: Multiprocessor Free
CPU type: x86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 7
CPU count: 2
Contents of ini file - C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\DLOBuildInfo.ini
File Server Information for \\W2K
Server platform: Windows NT version 5.0
Server type flags: 0x0204162f
SQL Server
Domain controller
Time server
Print server
RAS Server
Windows NT
Master browser
Shared directories on \\W2K
Share name Sh flags Local path
------------ -------- ----------------------------
D$ 80000000 D:\
print$ 00000000 C:\WINNT\System32\spool\drivers
NETLOGON 00000000 C:\WINNT\SYSVOL\sysvol\mutchler.com\SCRIPTS
apps 00000000 D:\apps
users 00000000 D:\users
ADMIN$ 80000000 C:\WINNT
SYSVOL 00000000 C:\WINNT\SYSVOL\sysvol
VPLOGON 00000000 C:\PROGRA~1\NAV\logon
C$ 80000000 C:\
VPALERT$ 00000000 C:\PROGRA~1\NAV\alert
File System information for \\W2K
Device Filesys FS flags Len Cluster Total clus Free clus Total MB Free MB
-------------------------------------------------- ------- -------- --- ------- ---------- --------- -------- -------
\\?\Volume{12040080-9ceb-11d7-b0d2-806d6172696f}\ FAT16 00000006 255 2048 20017 15228 39 29
C:\ NTFS 000700ff 255 512 25173854 8924386 12291 4357
D:\ NTFS 000700ff 255 4096 14597052 8315574 57019 32482
Memory Statistics for W2K
Total Physical Memory: 1073201152 bytes
Available Physical Memory: 595480576 bytes
Total Page File: 2581508096 bytes
Available Page File: 2187071488 bytes
Total Virtual Memory: 2147352576 bytes
Available Virtual Memory: 2109476864 bytes
Backup Exec Agents as seen by \\W2K
Agent name Proto Type Address
-------------------------------------- ----- ---- --------------------------
Driver services on \\W2K:
Service name Startup Status Service display name
------------ ------- -------- --------------------
4mmdat--VRTS SYSTEM Running 4mmdat--VRTS
ACPI BOOT Running Microsoft ACPI Driver
afamgt BOOT Running afamgt
AFD AUTO Running AFD Networking Support Environment
atapi BOOT Running Standard IDE/ESDI Hard Disk Controller
Beep SYSTEM Running Beep
BrSerial AUTO Running Brother Serial Driver
Cdrom SYSTEM Running CD-ROM Driver
Compbatt BOOT Running Microsoft Composite Battery Driver
dcesm AUTO Running dcesm
DfsDriver BOOT Running DfsDriver
Disk BOOT Running Disk Driver
Diskperf BOOT Running Diskperf
Fips AUTO Running Fips
Ftdisk BOOT Running Volume Manager Driver
Gpc MANUAL Running Generic Packet Classifier
HidUsb AUTO Running Microsoft HID Class Driver
i8042prt SYSTEM Running i8042 Keyboard and PS/2 Mouse Port Driver
IntelIde BOOT Running IntelIde
isapnp BOOT Running PnP ISA/EISA Bus Driver
Kbdclass SYSTEM Running Keyboard Class Driver
KSecDD BOOT Running KSecDD
mnmdd SYSTEM Running mnmdd
Mouclass SYSTEM Running Mouse Class Driver
MountMgr BOOT Running MountMgr
mraid2k BOOT Running mraid2k
MRxSmb SYSTEM Running MRxSmb
Msfs SYSTEM Running Msfs
Mup BOOT Running Mup
NDIS BOOT Running NDIS System Driver
Ndisuio MANUAL Running NDIS Usermode I/O Protocol
NDProxy MANUAL Running NDIS Proxy
NetBIOS SYSTEM Running NetBIOS Interface
NetBT SYSTEM Running NetBios over Tcpip
Npfs SYSTEM Running Npfs
Null SYSTEM Running Null
Parport SYSTEM Running Parallel port driver
PartMgr BOOT Running PartMgr
ParVdm AUTO Running ParVdm
PcdrNt MANUAL Running PcdrNt
PCI BOOT Running PCI Bus Driver
PCIIde BOOT Running PCIIde
RasAcd SYSTEM Running Remote Access Auto Connection Driver
Rdbss SYSTEM Running Rdbss
Serial SYSTEM Running Serial port driver
SymEvent MANUAL Running SymEvent
Symmpi BOOT Running Symmpi
Tcpip SYSTEM Running TCP/IP Protocol Driver
TermDD AUTO Running Terminal Device Driver
VgaSave SYSTEM Running VgaSave
vxboot BOOT Running vxboot
vxio BOOT Running Array Manager Device Driver
Service name Startup Status Service display name
------------ ------- -------- --------------------
4mmdat MANUAL Stopped 4mmdat
Abiosdsk DISABLED Stopped Abiosdsk
abp480n5 DISABLED Stopped abp480n5
adpu160m DISABLED Stopped adpu160m
Aha154x DISABLED Stopped Aha154x
aic116x DISABLED Stopped aic116x
aic78u2 DISABLED Stopped aic78u2
aic78xx DISABLED Stopped aic78xx
ami0nt DISABLED Stopped ami0nt
amsint DISABLED Stopped amsint
asc DISABLED Stopped asc
asc3350p DISABLED Stopped asc3350p
asc3550 DISABLED Stopped asc3550
AsyncMac MANUAL Stopped RAS Asynchronous Media Driver
Atdisk DISABLED Stopped Atdisk
ati2mpad MANUAL Running ati2mpad
Atmarpc MANUAL Stopped ATM ARP Client Protocol
audstub MANUAL Running Audio Stub Driver
BusLogic DISABLED Stopped BusLogic
cd20xrnt DISABLED Stopped cd20xrnt
Cdaudio SYSTEM Stopped Cdaudio
Cdfs DISABLED Running Cdfs
Changer SYSTEM Stopped Changer
Cpqarray DISABLED Stopped Cpqarray
cpqarry2 DISABLED Stopped cpqarry2
cpqfcalm DISABLED Stopped cpqfcalm
cpqfws2e DISABLED Stopped cpqfws2e
dac960nt DISABLED Stopped dac960nt
deckzpsx DISABLED Stopped deckzpsx
dmboot DISABLED Stopped dmboot
dmio DISABLED Stopped Logical Disk Manager Driver
dmload DISABLED Stopped dmload
E1000 MANUAL Running Intel(R) PRO/1000 Adapter Driver
Fastfat DISABLED Running Fastfat
Fd16_700 DISABLED Stopped Fd16_700
Fdc MANUAL Running Floppy Disk Controller Driver
fireport DISABLED Stopped fireport
flashpnt DISABLED Stopped flashpnt
Flpydisk MANUAL Running Floppy Disk Driver
HidBatt MANUAL Running HID UPS Battery Driver
HPZid412 MANUAL Stopped IEEE-1284.4 Driver HPZid412
HPZipr12 MANUAL Stopped Print Class Driver for IEEE-1284.4 HPZipr12
HPZius12 MANUAL Stopped USB to IEEE-1284.4 Translation Driver HPZius12
ini910u DISABLED Stopped ini910u
IpFilterDriver MANUAL Stopped IP Traffic Filter Driver
IpInIp MANUAL Stopped IP in IP Tunnel Driver
IpNat MANUAL Stopped IP Network Address Translator
ipsraidn DISABLED Stopped ipsraidn
IRENUM MANUAL Stopped IR Enumerator Service
lbrtfdc SYSTEM Stopped lbrtfdc
lp6nds35 DISABLED Stopped lp6nds35
Modem MANUAL Stopped Modem
mraid35x DISABLED Stopped mraid35x
MSKSSRV MANUAL Stopped Microsoft Streaming Service Proxy
MSPCLOCK MANUAL Stopped Microsoft Streaming Clock Proxy
MSPQM MANUAL Stopped Microsoft Streaming Quality Manager Proxy
Ncrc710 DISABLED Stopped Ncrc710
NdisTapi MANUAL Running Remote Access NDIS TAPI Driver
NdisWan MANUAL Running Remote Access NDIS WAN Driver
NetDetect MANUAL Stopped NetDetect
Ntfs DISABLED Running Ntfs
NwlnkFlt MANUAL Stopped IPX Traffic Filter Driver
NwlnkFwd MANUAL Stopped IPX Traffic Forwarder Driver
openhci MANUAL Running Microsoft USB Open Host Controller Driver
Parallel MANUAL Running Parallel class driver
PCDRDRV MANUAL Stopped Pcdr Helper Driver
PCIDump SYSTEM Stopped PCIDump
Pcmcia DISABLED Stopped Pcmcia
PptpMiniport MANUAL Running WAN Miniport (PPTP)
Ptilink MANUAL Running Direct Parallel Link Driver
ql1080 DISABLED Stopped ql1080
Ql10wnt DISABLED Stopped Ql10wnt
ql1240 DISABLED Stopped ql1240
ql2100 DISABLED Stopped ql2100
Rasl2tp MANUAL Running WAN Miniport (L2TP)
Raspti MANUAL Running Direct Parallel
RCA MANUAL Stopped Microsoft Streaming Network Raw Channel Access
rdpdr MANUAL Running Terminal Server Device Redirector Driver
redbook SYSTEM Stopped Digital CD Audio Playback Filter Driver
SCSIChanger SYSTEM Stopped SCSIChanger
serenum MANUAL Running Serenum Filter Driver
Sfloppy SYSTEM Stopped Sfloppy
sglfb SYSTEM Stopped sglfb
Simbad DISABLED Stopped Simbad
Sparrow DISABLED Stopped Sparrow
spud MANUAL Running Special Purpose Utility Driver
Srv MANUAL Running Srv
stdatw2k MANUAL Stopped stdatw2k
swenum MANUAL Running Software Bus Driver
symc810 DISABLED Stopped symc810
symc8xx DISABLED Stopped symc8xx
sym_hi DISABLED Stopped sym_hi
tga SYSTEM Stopped tga
Udfs DISABLED Stopped Udfs
ultra66 DISABLED Stopped ultra66
Update MANUAL Running Microcode Update Driver
usbhub MANUAL Running Microsoft USB Standard Hub Driver
usbprint MANUAL Stopped Microsoft USB PRINTER Class
usbscan MANUAL Stopped USB Scanner Driver
USBSTOR MANUAL Stopped USB Mass Storage Driver
Wanarp MANUAL Running Remote Access IP ARP Driver
Win32 services on \\W2K:
Service name Startup Status Service display name
------------ ------- -------- --------------------
Alerter AUTO Running Alerter
APCPBEAgent AUTO Running APC PBE Agent
APCPBEServer AUTO Running APC PBE Server
BackupExecAgentAccelerator AUTO Running Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows Servers
BackupExecAgentBrowser AUTO Running Backup Exec Agent Browser
BackupExecDeviceMediaService AUTO Running Backup Exec Device & Media Service
BackupExecJobEngine AUTO Running Backup Exec Job Engine
BackupExecNamingService AUTO Running Backup Exec Naming Service
BackupExecRPCService AUTO Running Backup Exec Server
BITS MANUAL Running Background Intelligent Transfer Service
Browser AUTO Running Computer Browser
dcevt32 AUTO Running Dell OpenManage Server Agent Event Monitor
dcstor32 AUTO Running Dell OpenManage Server Agent
DefWatch AUTO Running DefWatch
Dfs AUTO Running Distributed File System
Dhcp AUTO Running DHCP Client
DNS AUTO Running DNS Server
Dnscache AUTO Running DNS Client
Eventlog AUTO Running Event Log
EventSystem MANUAL Running COM+ Event System
IISADMIN AUTO Running IIS Admin Service
Intel PDS AUTO Running Intel PDS
IsmServ AUTO Running Intersite Messaging
kdc AUTO Running Kerberos Key Distribution Center
lanmanserver AUTO Running Server
lanmanworkstation AUTO Running Workstation
LexBceS AUTO Running LexBce Server
LicenseService AUTO Running License Logging Service
LmHosts AUTO Running TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper Service
Messenger AUTO Running Messenger
mr2kserv AUTO Running mr2kserv
Netlogon AUTO Running Net Logon
Netman MANUAL Running Network Connections
Norton AntiVirus Server AUTO Running Symantec AntiVirus Server
NtFrs AUTO Running File Replication Service
NtLmSsp MANUAL Running NT LM Security Support Provider
NtmsSvc AUTO Running Removable Storage
PlugPlay AUTO Running Plug and Play
PolicyAgent AUTO Running IPSEC Policy Agent
ProtectedStorage AUTO Running Protected Storage
RasMan MANUAL Running Remote Access Connection Manager
RemoteAccess AUTO Running Routing and Remote Access
RemoteRegistry AUTO Running Remote Registry Service
RpcLocator AUTO Running Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator
RpcSs AUTO Running Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
SamSs AUTO Running Security Accounts Manager
Schedule AUTO Running Task Scheduler
seclogon AUTO Running RunAs Service
SENS AUTO Running System Event Notification
Server Administrator AUTO Running Secure Port Server
SMTPSVC AUTO Running Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP)
Spooler AUTO Running Print Spooler
StiSvc AUTO Running Still Image Service
TapiSrv MANUAL Running Telephony
TermService AUTO Running Terminal Services
TermServLicensing AUTO Running Terminal Services Licensing
TrkSvr AUTO Running Distributed Link Tracking Server
TrkWks AUTO Running Distributed Link Tracking Client
VxSvc AUTO Running Disk Management Service
W32Time AUTO Running Windows Time
W3SVC AUTO Running World Wide Web Publishing Service
Wmi MANUAL Running Windows Management Instrumentation Driver Extensions
wuauserv AUTO Running Automatic Updates
WZCSVC MANUAL Running Wireless Configuration
Service name Startup Status Service display name
------------ ------- -------- --------------------
AppMgmt MANUAL Stopped Application Management
cisvc MANUAL Stopped Indexing Service
ClipSrv MANUAL Stopped ClipBook
dmserver DISABLED Stopped Logical Disk Manager
ECM Service MANUAL Stopped ExecView Communication Module (ECM)
Fax MANUAL Stopped Fax Service
mnmsrvc MANUAL Stopped NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing
MSDTC MANUAL Stopped Distributed Transaction Coordinator
MSIServer MANUAL Stopped Windows Installer
MSSQLServerADHelper MANUAL Stopped MSSQLServerADHelper
NetDDE MANUAL Stopped Network DDE
NetDDEdsdm MANUAL Stopped Network DDE DSDM
NetSvc MANUAL Stopped Intel NCS NetService
OWSTimer MANUAL Stopped Office Server Extensions Notification Service
RasAuto MANUAL Stopped Remote Access Auto Connection Manager
SCardDrv MANUAL Stopped Smart Card Helper
SCardSvr MANUAL Stopped Smart Card
SharedAccess MANUAL Stopped Internet Connection Sharing
SysmonLog MANUAL Stopped Performance Logs and Alerts
TlntSvr MANUAL Stopped Telnet
UPS DISABLED Stopped Uninterruptible Power Supply
UtilMan MANUAL Stopped Utility Manager
WinMgmt MANUAL Stopped Windows Management Instrumentation
Local Group Memberships for Backup Exec service account MUTCHLER\administrator on \\W2K
Net Group Memberships for Backup Exec service account MUTCHLER\administrator
Group Policy Creator Owners
Schema Admins
Domain Admins
Domain Users
Enterprise Admins
MUTCHLER\Administrator is a member of the following groups:
MUTCHLER\Domain Users
BUILTIN\Pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access
NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users
MUTCHLER\Administrator has the following privileges:
Act as part of the operating system
Create a token object
Bypass traverse checking
Manage auditing and security log
Back up files and directories
Restore files and directories
Change the system time
Shut down the system
Force shutdown from a remote system
Take ownership of files or other objects
Debug programs
Modify firmware environment values
Profile system performance
Profile single process
Increase scheduling priority
Load and unload device drivers
Create a pagefile
Increase quotas
Remove computer from docking station
Enable computer and user accounts to be trusted for delegation
Impersonate a client after authentication
Create global objects
Add workstations to domain
Environment variables for current session:
ALLUSERSPROFILE=C:\Documents and Settings\All Users
CLASSPATH=C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\ECM\bumodule.jar;C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\ECM\LOG4J-CORE.JAR;C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\ECM\LOG4J.JAR;.
CommonProgramFiles=C:\Program Files\Common Files
DellAgentPath=C:\Program Files\Dell\OpenManage\OMSA\bin
OMPATH=C:\Program Files\Dell\OpenManage\oma\bin;C:\Program Files\Dell\OpenManage\LU\bin;C:\Program Files\Dell\OpenManage\oldiags\bin
Path=C:\WINNT\system32;C:\WINNT;C:\WINNT\System32\Wbem;C:\Program Files\Dell\OpenManage\Array Manager;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Binn\;C:\Program Files\Dell\OpenManage\oma\bin;C:\Program Files\Dell\OpenManage\LU\bin;C:\Program Files\Dell\OpenManage\oldiags\bin;C:\Program Files\Dell\OpenManage\OMSA\bin;C:\Program Files\Support Tools\
PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER=x86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 7, GenuineIntel
ProgramFiles=C:\Program Files
USERPROFILE=C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator
What am I missing?
VERITAS Backup Exec(TM) for Windows Servers Diagnostics
Copyright 1984-2002 VERITAS Software Corporation. All rights reserved.
Diagnostics initiated from \\W2K by MUTCHLER\Administrator at 13:03:53 04/01/2005
Command line: bediag "/o:C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\Data\bediag.fax" W2K
Backup Exec License Information on \\W2K:
0874942087035129Backup Exec for Windows Servers
******** BEGIN adamm.log file ********
11/04/04 17:20:50 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1022
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
Evaluation Days Remaining: 53
11/04/04 17:20:51 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/04/04 17:21:16 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x00001000
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/04/04 17:21:16 Device Discovery End:
11/13/04 14:10:47 Adamm Log Stopped!
11/13/04 14:35:14 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1022
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
Evaluation Days Remaining: 44
11/13/04 14:35:14 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/13/04 14:35:44 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/13/04 14:35:44 Device Discovery End:
11/13/04 18:07:07 Adamm Log Stopped!
11/13/04 18:34:50 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1022
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
Evaluation Days Remaining: 44
11/13/04 18:34:50 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/13/04 18:35:17 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/13/04 18:35:17 Device Discovery End:
11/13/04 18:37:02 Adamm Log Stopped!
11/13/04 18:44:29 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1022
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
Evaluation Days Remaining: 44
11/13/04 18:44:30 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/13/04 18:44:57 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/13/04 18:44:57 Device Discovery End:
11/13/04 18:49:46 Adamm Log Stopped!
11/13/04 18:57:09 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1022
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
Evaluation Days Remaining: 44
11/13/04 18:57:09 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/13/04 18:57:37 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/13/04 18:57:37 Device Discovery End:
11/13/04 20:38:55 Adamm Log Stopped!
11/13/04 20:46:20 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1022
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
Evaluation Days Remaining: 44
11/13/04 20:46:20 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/13/04 20:46:47 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/13/04 20:46:47 Device Discovery End:
11/14/04 13:59:30 Adamm Log Stopped!
11/14/04 14:06:52 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1022
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
Evaluation Days Remaining: 43
11/14/04 14:06:52 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/14/04 14:07:18 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/14/04 14:07:18 Device Discovery End:
11/14/04 14:25:30 Adamm Log Stopped!
11/14/04 16:58:49 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1022
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
Evaluation Days Remaining: 43
11/14/04 16:58:49 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/14/04 16:59:15 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/14/04 16:59:15 Device Discovery End:
11/14/04 17:20:35 Adamm Log Stopped!
11/14/04 17:28:13 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1022
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
Evaluation Days Remaining: 43
11/14/04 17:28:13 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/14/04 17:28:41 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/14/04 17:28:41 Device Discovery End:
11/14/04 17:31:09 Adamm Log Stopped!
11/14/04 17:48:12 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1022
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
Evaluation Days Remaining: 43
11/14/04 17:48:12 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/14/04 17:48:41 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/14/04 17:48:41 Device Discovery End:
11/14/04 19:01:38 Adamm Log Stopped!
11/14/04 19:19:04 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1022
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
Evaluation Days Remaining: 43
11/14/04 19:19:05 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/14/04 19:19:30 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/14/04 19:19:30 Device Discovery End:
11/14/04 20:28:12 Adamm Log Stopped!
11/14/04 20:38:24 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1022
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
Evaluation Days Remaining: 43
11/14/04 20:38:25 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/14/04 20:38:51 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/14/04 20:38:51 Device Discovery End:
11/14/04 20:48:31 Adamm Log Stopped!
11/14/04 20:59:38 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1022
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
Evaluation Days Remaining: 43
11/14/04 20:59:38 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/14/04 21:00:06 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/14/04 21:00:06 Device Discovery End:
11/18/04 05:58:53 Adamm Log Stopped!
11/18/04 06:06:12 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1022
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
Evaluation Days Remaining: 39
11/18/04 06:06:13 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/18/04 06:06:39 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/18/04 06:06:39 Device Discovery End:
11/18/04 15:39:35 Adamm Log Stopped!
11/18/04 15:46:49 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1022
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
Evaluation Days Remaining: 39
11/18/04 15:46:49 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/18/04 15:47:14 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/18/04 15:47:14 Device Discovery End:
11/18/04 18:18:51 Adamm Log Stopped!
11/19/04 07:43:24 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1022
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
Evaluation Days Remaining: 38
11/19/04 07:43:25 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/19/04 07:43:53 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/19/04 07:43:53 Device Discovery End:
11/19/04 08:06:47 Adamm Log Stopped!
11/19/04 08:19:03 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1022
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
Evaluation Days Remaining: 38
11/19/04 08:19:03 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/19/04 08:19:32 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/19/04 08:19:32 Device Discovery End:
11/19/04 09:17:08 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1022
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
Evaluation Days Remaining: 38
11/19/04 09:17:08 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/19/04 09:17:38 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/19/04 09:17:38 Device Discovery End:
11/19/04 09:34:00 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1022
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
Evaluation Days Remaining: 38
11/19/04 09:34:00 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/19/04 09:34:31 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/19/04 09:34:31 Device Discovery End:
11/19/04 10:27:15 Adamm Log Stopped!
11/19/04 10:43:34 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1022
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
Evaluation Days Remaining: 38
11/19/04 10:43:34 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/19/04 10:44:04 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/19/04 10:44:04 Device Discovery End:
11/19/04 11:09:10 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1022
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
Evaluation Days Remaining: 38
11/19/04 11:09:11 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/19/04 11:09:44 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/19/04 11:09:44 Device Discovery End:
11/19/04 11:42:08 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1022
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
Evaluation Days Remaining: 38
11/19/04 11:42:09 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/19/04 11:42:38 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/19/04 11:42:38 Device Discovery End:
11/19/04 11:43:24 Adamm Log Stopped!
11/19/04 12:08:50 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1022
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
Evaluation Days Remaining: 38
11/19/04 12:08:51 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/19/04 12:09:19 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/19/04 12:09:19 Device Discovery End:
11/21/04 10:50:56 Adamm Log Stopped!
11/21/04 10:57:00 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1022
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
Evaluation Days Remaining: 36
11/21/04 10:57:01 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/21/04 10:57:28 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/21/04 10:57:28 Device Discovery End:
11/29/04 18:52:43 Adamm Log Stopped!
11/29/04 18:59:02 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1022
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
Evaluation Days Remaining: 28
11/29/04 18:59:02 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/29/04 18:59:29 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/29/04 18:59:29 Device Discovery End:
12/02/04 18:12:43 Adamm Log Stopped!
12/02/04 18:18:19 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1022
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
Evaluation Days Remaining: 25
12/02/04 18:18:20 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12/02/04 18:18:47 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12/02/04 18:18:47 Device Discovery End:
12/05/04 10:56:08 Adamm Log Stopped!
12/05/04 11:01:41 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1022
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
Evaluation Days Remaining: 22
12/05/04 11:01:41 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12/05/04 11:02:07 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12/05/04 11:02:07 Device Discovery End:
12/12/04 15:45:08 Adamm Log Stopped!
12/12/04 15:50:42 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1022
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
Evaluation Days Remaining: 15
12/12/04 15:50:42 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12/12/04 15:51:11 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12/12/04 15:51:11 Device Discovery End:
01/13/05 19:17:20 Adamm Log Stopped!
01/13/05 19:22:54 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1022
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
01/13/05 19:22:55 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
01/13/05 19:23:21 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
01/13/05 19:23:21 Device Discovery End:
02/03/05 18:13:33 Adamm Log Stopped!
02/03/05 18:36:46 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1025
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
02/03/05 18:36:46 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
02/03/05 18:37:12 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
02/03/05 18:37:12 Device Discovery End:
02/03/05 18:47:14 Adamm Log Stopped!
02/03/05 18:52:31 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1025
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
02/03/05 18:52:32 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
02/03/05 18:53:00 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
02/03/05 18:53:00 Device Discovery End:
03/04/05 14:51:47 Adamm Log Stopped!
03/04/05 15:39:07 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1025
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
03/04/05 15:39:08 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
03/04/05 15:39:52 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
03/04/05 15:39:52 Device Discovery End:
03/04/05 15:48:47 Adamm Log Stopped!
03/04/05 15:54:06 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1025
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
03/04/05 15:54:06 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
03/04/05 15:54:07 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
03/04/05 15:54:07 Device Discovery End:
03/04/05 16:14:51 Adamm Log Stopped!
03/04/05 16:19:59 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1025
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
03/04/05 16:19:59 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
03/04/05 16:20:29 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
03/04/05 16:20:29 Device Discovery End:
03/14/05 20:16:06 Adamm Log Stopped!
03/15/05 08:12:41 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1025
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
03/15/05 08:12:41 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
03/15/05 08:13:18 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
03/15/05 08:13:18 Device Discovery End:
03/24/05 14:28:28 Adamm Log Stopped!
03/24/05 15:11:49 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1025
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
03/24/05 15:11:49 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
03/24/05 15:12:26 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
03/24/05 15:12:26 Device Discovery End:
04/01/05 11:44:16 Adamm Log Stopped!
04/01/05 11:47:11 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1025
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
04/01/05 11:47:11 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
04/01/05 11:47:12 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
04/01/05 11:47:12 Device Discovery End:
04/01/05 12:43:54 Adamm Log Stopped!
04/01/05 12:49:17 Adamm Log Started! ("W2K", 1000, {3E7A8233-44FC-4DBF-ACE7-6551C28FE085})
Adamm Info: Version 9.1, Build 4691
OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4
Database Driver Info: SQLSRV32.DLL, 03.85.1025
Database Server Info: Server Name = "W2K", Active Node = ""
Database Connection String: "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=W2K\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB"
Shared Storage Authorization: No
TSM Authorization: No
Library Expansion Options: 1
04/01/05 12:49:17 Device Registry:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0000:0000 "Symmpi", (Port Driver)
0003:0000:0006:0000 "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
04/01/05 12:49:43 Device Discovery:
Scsi Address
Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 9100"
Secondary Inquiry "ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100"
Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 HN07L6T"
Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
Device State 3, Online
Device IDs 1002, {A221C327-08F4-4E8D-B54C-F3E16A6149B6}
Device Name "DELL 1"
Device Type 16785408, "4MM 8K (32K,10,7,E)"
Device Features 0x0009F97F
Device Element 0, 0
------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
04/01/05 12:49:43 Device Discovery End:
******** END adamm.log file ********
Backup Exec file versions on \\W2K:
Backup Exec path: C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\
File name Modify date & time Size ProdVer FileVer Description
----------------------------- -------------------- ------- -------------- -------------- -----------
adsmcfg.exe 10/07/03 5:15:18 AM 25088
bediag.exe 10/07/03 6:27:06 AM 577496 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Diagnostic Utility
begather.exe 10/30/03 1:36:10 PM 290776 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Gather Utility
bemcmd.exe 10/07/03 6:24:50 AM 1383896 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 BE Command Line Interface
bemig.exe 10/07/03 6:26:16 AM 113112 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Backup Exec Migration Application
benetns.exe 11/22/04 7:17:20 PM 29328 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.40 Backup Exec Agent Browser
bengine.exe 12/14/04 5:06:50 PM 1435280 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.42 Backup Exec Job Engine
benser.exe 10/07/03 6:25:14 AM 59864 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Naming Service
beperfsetup.exe 10/07/03 6:27:44 AM 89048 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Performance Counter Setup
beremote.exe 8/17/04 9:29:24 PM 320656 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.35 Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows NT/2000
beserver.exe 11/07/03 3:46:46 PM 2069464 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec RPC Server
beutility.exe 11/07/03 3:46:58 PM 736216 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Utility Resources
bkupexec.exe 12/16/03 9:25:42 PM 4961424 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.3 Backup Exec User Interface
catrebuildindex.exe 10/07/03 6:26:42 AM 9184 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Catalog Index Rebuild Resource
clrest.exe 10/07/03 6:27:08 AM 82904 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Cluster Quorum Database Restore Utility
clusconfig.exe 11/07/03 3:46:26 PM 490456 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Cluster Configuration Application
dloconsoleu.exe 12/09/04 3:19:44 PM 2868320 Console
drprepwizard.exe 3/08/04 4:56:42 PM 832152 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.14 VERITAS Intelligent Disaster Recovery Preparation Wizard
hotswap.exe 11/07/03 3:46:52 PM 165336 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Hot-Swappable Device Wizard
onlinereg.exe 11/07/03 3:46:22 PM 142296 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Online Registration
pvlsvr.exe 6/25/04 1:09:20 PM 735888 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.30 Backup Exec PVL Service
servicesmgr.exe 10/07/03 6:27:10 AM 67032 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Services Manager Resources
sgmon.exe 10/07/03 6:27:16 AM 38360 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 SGMon Application
tapeinst.exe 10/07/03 6:27:18 AM 374744 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Tape Driver Installation Wizard
wwname.exe 10/07/03 6:25:14 AM 77784 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Compaq Fiber Channel Bridge World Wide Name and Device ID's
adsm32.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 355700
ansapi.dll 10/07/03 6:25:14 AM 17368 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Naming Service API
bebsdu.dll 10/07/03 6:25:16 AM 97752 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Matcher
becatdrv.dll 10/02/04 3:21:30 AM 369808 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.36 Backup Exec Catalog ODBC Driver
becatdrv_de.dll 10/07/03 6:26:44 AM 124888 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Catalog ODBC Driver
becatdrv_en.dll 10/07/03 6:26:44 AM 123864 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Catalog ODBC Driver
becatdrv_es.dll 10/07/03 6:26:46 AM 124888 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Catalog ODBC Driver
becatdrv_fr.dll 10/07/03 6:26:46 AM 124888 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Catalog ODBC Driver
becatdrv_it.dll 10/07/03 6:26:46 AM 124888 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Catalog ODBC Driver
becatdrv_jp.dll 10/07/03 6:26:48 AM 121304 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Catalog ODBC Driver
becatdrv_ko.dll 10/07/03 6:26:48 AM 121304 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Catalog ODBC Driver
becatdrv_zh.dll 10/07/03 6:26:48 AM 120280 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Catalog ODBC Driver
becatsrv.dll 10/02/04 3:21:52 AM 720528 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.36 Backup Exec Catalog Server
becatsrv_de.dll 10/07/03 6:26:50 AM 10712 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Catalog Server Resource
becatsrv_en.dll 10/07/03 6:26:50 AM 10200 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Catalog Server Resource
becatsrv_es.dll 10/07/03 6:26:50 AM 10200 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Catalog Server Resource
becatsrv_fr.dll 10/07/03 6:26:52 AM 10200 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Catalog Server Resource
becatsrv_it.dll 10/07/03 6:26:52 AM 10200 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Catalog Server Resource
becatsrv_jp.dll 10/07/03 6:26:52 AM 10200 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Catalog Server Resource
becatsrv_ko.dll 10/07/03 6:26:54 AM 10200 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Catalog Server Resource
becatsrv_zh.dll 10/07/03 6:26:54 AM 10200 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Catalog Server Resource
beclass.dll 1/27/04 9:54:12 PM 398992 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.8 Backup Exec Class Library
bediscovery.dll 10/28/04 9:37:46 PM 96912 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.39 Backup Exec Software Update Discovery
bedsagnt.dll 10/07/03 6:25:18 AM 36824 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Agent Store
bedscomn.dll 7/16/04 8:08:52 PM 52880 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.33 Backup Exec Generic Store
bedsmbox.dll 7/16/04 8:08:28 PM 266896 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.33 Backup Exec Mailbox Store
bedsmdoc.dll 10/07/03 6:25:20 AM 55256 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec MS Document Store
bedsnote.dll 10/07/03 6:25:20 AM 366552 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Notes Store
bedsnt5.dll 4/07/04 1:11:40 PM 646800 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.20 Backup Exec NTFS Store
bedspush.dll 10/07/03 6:25:22 AM 20952 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows NT/2000 Store
bedsshadow.dll 1/25/05 4:11:08 PM 481936 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.45 Backup Exec Shadow Copy Store
bedssms.dll 10/07/03 6:25:24 AM 56792 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec SMS Store
bedssmsp.dll 10/07/03 6:25:26 AM 15320 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec SIDF Parser
bedssql2.dll 10/07/03 6:25:26 AM 287192 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec SQL Store
bedsupfs.dll 10/07/03 6:25:30 AM 30680 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Utility Partition Store
bedsxchg.dll 10/07/03 6:25:30 AM 50136 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Exchange Store
bedsxese.dll 10/07/03 6:25:18 AM 55256 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Platinum Store
beerrors_de.dll 3/30/04 9:27:40 PM 156816 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.19 Backup Exec Error Text Library
beerrors_en.dll 3/30/04 9:27:40 PM 134288 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.19 Backup Exec Error Text Library
beerrors_es.dll 3/30/04 9:27:42 PM 155792 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.19 Backup Exec Error Text Library
beerrors_fr.dll 3/30/04 9:27:42 PM 156304 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.19 Backup Exec Error Text Library
beerrors_it.dll 3/30/04 9:27:42 PM 156304 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.19 Backup Exec Error Text Library
beerrors_jp.dll 3/30/04 9:27:44 PM 175760 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.19 Backup Exec Error Text Library
beerrors_ko.dll 3/30/04 9:27:42 PM 173200 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.19 Backup Exec Error Text Library
beerrors_zh.dll 3/30/04 9:27:40 PM 129168 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.19 Backup Exec Error Text Library
bemigl.dll 11/07/03 3:46:28 PM 143832 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS BEMig Library
bemsdk.dll 10/07/03 6:24:48 AM 1411544 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec SDK Class Library
benetapi.dll 10/07/03 6:25:32 AM 19416 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Communications API
benetat.dll 10/07/03 6:25:32 AM 11736 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec AppleTalk Interface
benetspx.dll 10/07/03 6:25:34 AM 12248 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec SPX Interface
benettcp.dll 10/07/03 6:25:34 AM 11736 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec TCP/IP Interface
benetutl.dll 10/07/03 6:25:34 AM 12760 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Network Communications Utilities
besmdr.dll 10/07/03 6:25:34 AM 34264 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec SMS Data Requestor
besnmp.dll 10/07/03 6:25:42 AM 40408 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec SNMP Extension Agent
besnmpmg_de.dll 10/07/03 6:25:02 AM 13272 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 BESNMP Message Library
besnmpmg_en.dll 10/07/03 6:25:00 AM 12248 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 BESNMP Message Library
besnmpmg_es.dll 10/07/03 6:25:04 AM 13784 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 BESNMP Message Library
besnmpmg_fr.dll 10/07/03 6:25:02 AM 13272 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 BESNMP Message Library
besnmpmg_it.dll 10/07/03 6:25:04 AM 13272 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 BESNMP Message Library
besnmpmg_jp.dll 10/07/03 6:25:04 AM 14296 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 BESNMP Message Library
besnmpmg_ko.dll 10/07/03 6:25:04 AM 14296 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 BESNMP Message Library
besnmpmg_zh.dll 10/07/03 6:25:02 AM 12248 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 BESNMP Message Library
besql.dll 10/07/03 6:26:38 AM 654296 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec SQL Interface
bestdutl.dll 10/07/03 6:25:42 AM 37336 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Utilities
beutility_de.dll 10/07/03 6:27:28 AM 129504 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Utility Resources
beutility_en.dll 10/07/03 6:27:28 AM 122848 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Utility Resources
beutility_es.dll 10/07/03 6:27:30 AM 133088 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Utility Resources
beutility_fr.dll 10/07/03 6:27:30 AM 134112 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Utility Resources
beutility_it.dll 10/07/03 6:27:30 AM 128992 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Utility Resources
beutility_jp.dll 10/07/03 6:27:32 AM 111584 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Utility Resources
beutility_ko.dll 10/07/03 6:27:32 AM 108000 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Utility Resources
beutility_zh.dll 10/07/03 6:27:32 AM 102880 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Utility Resources
bkupexec_de.dll 10/09/03 9:43:36 PM 2404824 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec User Interface Resources
bkupexec_en.dll 10/09/03 9:43:36 PM 2317784 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec User Interface Resources
bkupexec_es.dll 10/09/03 9:43:36 PM 2406360 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec User Interface Resources
bkupexec_fr.dll 10/09/03 9:43:40 PM 2427352 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec User Interface Resources
bkupexec_it.dll 10/09/03 9:43:40 PM 2401752 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec User Interface Resources
bkupexec_jp.dll 10/09/03 9:43:40 PM 2156504 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec User Interface Resources
bkupexec_ko.dll 10/09/03 9:43:42 PM 2135000 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec User Interface Resources
bkupexec_zh.dll 10/09/03 9:43:42 PM 2055128 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec User Interface Resources
blkhook.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 24576
catupgrade.dll 10/07/03 6:26:42 AM 128984 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Catalog Top Index Database Upgrade DLL
clusbemig.dll 10/07/03 6:26:14 AM 51672 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Cluster Migration
clusconbe.dll 11/07/03 3:50:40 PM 187864 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec cluster config
clusconfigl.dll 11/07/03 3:46:28 PM 289240 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Cluster Library
crpe32.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 4587577 Crystal Reports Print Engine
crtslv.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 49223 TSLV Module
crxf_pdf.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 294912 Portable Document Format DLL for Crystal Reports
csh.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 46592 User RunTime Communication DLL
ctxmenu.dll 10/07/03 6:27:46 AM 118744 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Context Menu COM Object
ctxmenu_de.dll 10/07/03 6:27:46 AM 25560 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Context Menu COM Object Resources
ctxmenu_en.dll 10/07/03 6:27:46 AM 24536 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Context Menu COM Object Resources
ctxmenu_es.dll 10/07/03 6:27:48 AM 25560 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Context Menu COM Object Resources
ctxmenu_fr.dll 10/07/03 6:27:48 AM 26072 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Context Menu COM Object Resources
ctxmenu_it.dll 10/07/03 6:27:48 AM 25560 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Context Menu COM Object Resources
ctxmenu_jp.dll 10/07/03 6:27:48 AM 24024 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Context Menu COM Object Resources
ctxmenu_ko.dll 10/07/03 6:27:50 AM 21464 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Context Menu COM Object Resources
ctxmenu_zh.dll 10/07/03 6:27:50 AM 23000 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Context Menu COM Object Resources
daoview.dll 10/07/03 6:24:50 AM 234968 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec DAO Interface
dbutil.dll 10/07/03 6:31:24 AM 77272 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Database Utility Library
devtypes.dll 10/07/03 6:25:08 AM 26584 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Device Types
dloconsoleu_de.dll 12/09/04 3:09:28 PM 1180768 Console
dloconsoleu_en.dll 12/09/04 3:09:02 PM 1143904 Console
dloconsoleu_es.dll 12/09/04 3:09:40 PM 1180768 Console
dloconsoleu_fr.dll 12/09/04 3:09:52 PM 1188960 Console
dloconsoleu_it.dll 12/09/04 3:10:04 PM 1176672 Console
dloconsoleu_jp.dll 12/09/04 3:10:18 PM 1123424 Console
dloconsoleu_ko.dll 12/09/04 3:10:30 PM 1119328 Console
dloconsoleu_zh.dll 12/09/04 3:09:16 PM 1102944 Console
dloerrorsu_de.dll 12/09/04 2:42:26 PM 41568 DLO Errors Language Resource
dloerrorsu_en.dll 12/09/04 2:42:14 PM 35936 DLO Errors Language Resource
dloerrorsu_es.dll 12/09/04 2:42:28 PM 42080 DLO Errors Language Resource
dloerrorsu_fr.dll 12/09/04 2:42:32 PM 43616 DLO Errors Language Resource
dloerrorsu_it.dll 12/09/04 2:42:36 PM 42080 DLO Errors Language Resource
dloerrorsu_jp.dll 12/09/04 2:42:40 PM 29792 DLO Errors Language Resource
dloerrorsu_ko.dll 12/09/04 2:42:44 PM 29280 DLO Errors Language Resource
dloerrorsu_zh.dll 12/09/04 2:42:22 PM 23648 DLO Errors Language Resource
dloshareduiu.dll 12/09/04 2:55:28 PM 1569888 Console
dloshareduiu_de.dll 12/09/04 2:49:56 PM 140384 DLO Shared UI Language Resource
dloshareduiu_en.dll 12/09/04 2:49:34 PM 132192 DLO Shared UI Language Resource
dloshareduiu_es.dll 12/09/04 2:50:04 PM 136288 DLO Shared UI Language Resource
dloshareduiu_fr.dll 12/09/04 2:50:16 PM 140384 DLO Shared UI Language Resource
dloshareduiu_it.dll 12/09/04 2:50:28 PM 136288 DLO Shared UI Language Resource
dloshareduiu_jp.dll 12/09/04 2:50:42 PM 124000 DLO Shared UI Language Resource
dloshareduiu_ko.dll 12/09/04 2:50:58 PM 119904 DLO Shared UI Language Resource
dloshareduiu_zh.dll 12/09/04 2:49:48 PM 115808 DLO Shared UI Language Resource
drprepwizard_de.dll 10/07/03 6:27:34 AM 351712 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Intelligent Disaster Recovery Preparation Wizard Resources
drprepwizard_en.dll 10/07/03 6:27:34 AM 341984 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Intelligent Disaster Recovery Preparation Wizard Resources
drprepwizard_es.dll 10/07/03 6:27:34 AM 352736 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Intelligent Disaster Recovery Preparation Wizard Resources
drprepwizard_fr.dll 10/07/03 6:27:36 AM 355808 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Intelligent Disaster Recovery Preparation Wizard Resources
drprepwizard_it.dll 10/07/03 6:27:36 AM 353760 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Intelligent Disaster Recovery Preparation Wizard Resources
drprepwizard_jp.dll 10/07/03 6:27:36 AM 319456 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Intelligent Disaster Recovery Preparation Wizard Resources
drprepwizard_ko.dll 10/07/03 6:27:38 AM 315360 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Intelligent Disaster Recovery Preparation Wizard Resources
drprepwizard_zh.dll 10/07/03 6:27:38 AM 305632 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Intelligent Disaster Recovery Preparation Wizard Resources
drvwddm.dll 10/07/03 5:15:16 AM 122880 Device Driver Manager
engine_de.dll 10/07/03 6:25:36 AM 231384 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Job Engine
engine_en.dll 10/07/03 6:25:36 AM 200664 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Job Engine
engine_es.dll 10/07/03 6:25:38 AM 232920 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Job Engine
engine_fr.dll 10/07/03 6:25:38 AM 239576 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Job Engine
engine_it.dll 10/07/03 6:25:38 AM 231384 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Job Engine
engine_jp.dll 10/07/03 6:25:40 AM 146904 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Job Engine
engine_ko.dll 10/07/03 6:25:40 AM 142808 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Job Engine
engine_zh.dll 10/07/03 6:25:40 AM 110040 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Job Engine
exlate32.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 663609 HTML translator DLL for Crystal Reports
exportmodeller.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 307200 ExportModeller Module
foundationerror.dll 11/20/03 6:21:38 PM 27560 Foundation Components
hbaapi.dll 10/07/03 6:25:26 AM 15832 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec HBA Interface Library
hotswap_de.dll 10/07/03 6:27:24 AM 133080 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Hot-Swappable Device Wizard
hotswap_en.dll 10/07/03 6:27:24 AM 128984 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Hot-Swappable Device Wizard
hotswap_es.dll 10/07/03 6:27:24 AM 133080 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Hot-Swappable Device Wizard
hotswap_fr.dll 10/07/03 6:27:24 AM 132056 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Hot-Swappable Device Wizard
hotswap_it.dll 10/07/03 6:27:26 AM 132056 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Hot-Swappable Device Wizard
hotswap_jp.dll 10/07/03 6:27:26 AM 126424 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Hot-Swappable Device Wizard
hotswap_ko.dll 10/07/03 6:27:26 AM 125912 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Hot-Swappable Device Wizard
hotswap_zh.dll 10/07/03 6:27:26 AM 123864 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Hot-Swappable Device Wizard
inetwh16.dll 10/07/03 5:15:16 AM 9136
inetwh32.dll 10/07/03 5:15:16 AM 48640 INETWH32
instops.dll 12/17/03 11:22:10 AM 472208 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.4 Backup Exec Install Operations Interface
intranw.dll 10/07/03 6:25:18 AM 130008 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec IntraNW Client Interface
ipvlapi.dll 3/30/04 9:41:04 PM 131728 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.19 Backup Exec PVL Interface DLL
jobmigration.dll 10/07/03 6:26:26 AM 263648 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Job Migration DLL
lncatsup.dll 10/07/03 6:25:22 AM 12248 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Lotus Notes Store
lnrpcsrv.dll 10/07/03 6:25:20 AM 113112 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Notes RPC Interface
mapvol400.dll 10/07/03 6:25:26 AM 14296 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Volume Mapper Library for NT 4
mapvolw2k.dll 10/07/03 6:25:28 AM 24536 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Volume Mapper Library for Win2K
mchxface.dll 9/10/02 8:21:10 PM 10368 3.51.1057.1 3.51.1057.1 SCSI Changer Interface
mll_be.dll 10/07/03 6:25:06 AM 14296 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Media Label Library
msgq.dll 10/07/03 6:26:24 AM 192984 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Message Queue Library
ndmpcomm.dll 10/07/03 6:25:30 AM 65496 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec NDMP Interface Library
ndmpsrvr.dll 8/17/04 8:47:22 PM 873616 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.35 Backup Exec NDMP Server
ninja.dll 10/07/03 5:15:16 AM 40960 Ninja
notificationui300.dll 8/29/03 4:28:06 AM 108040 VERITAS Notification Service Component
notificationui300u.dll 8/29/03 4:28:06 AM 108048 VERITAS Notification Service Component
notificationui300_de.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 30088 VERITAS Notification Service Component
notificationui300_en.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 30088 VERITAS Notification Service Component
notificationui300_es.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 30088 VERITAS Notification Service Component
notificationui300_fr.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 30088 VERITAS Notification Service Component
notificationui300_it.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 30088 VERITAS Notification Service Component
notificationui300_ja.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 30088 VERITAS Notification Service Component
notificationui300_ko.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 30088 VERITAS Notification Service Component
notificationui300_zh.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 30088 VERITAS Notification Service Component
ns300.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 853384 VERITAS Notification Service Component
ns300_de.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 25992 Notification Service Resources
ns300_en.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 21896 Notification Service Resources
ns300_es.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 25992 Notification Service Resources
ns300_fr.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 25992 Notification Service Resources
ns300_it.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 25992 Notification Service Resources
ns300_ja.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 21896 Notification Service Resources
ns300_ko.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 21896 Notification Service Resources
ns300_zh.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 17800 Notification Service Resources
onlineregdlgs.dll 11/07/03 3:51:52 PM 565216 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Online Registration Core
p2sevt.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 133120 P2SEVT
p2soledb.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 204800 Crystal Reports OLE DB Database Driver DLL
pager300.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 247264 SIG VERITAS Pager
pg32conv.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 100352
pvlraid.dll 10/07/03 6:25:08 AM 136664 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec PVL RAID
pvlsvr_de.dll 3/30/04 9:41:06 PM 36496 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.19 Backup Exec PVL German Resources
pvlsvr_en.dll 4/03/04 2:53:04 AM 32400 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.19 Backup Exec PVL English Resources
pvlsvr_es.dll 3/30/04 9:41:06 PM 35984 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.19 Backup Exec PVL Spanish Resources
pvlsvr_fr.dll 3/30/04 9:41:08 PM 34448 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.19 Backup Exec PVL French Resources
pvlsvr_it.dll 3/30/04 9:41:08 PM 36496 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.19 Backup Exec PVL Italian Resources
pvlsvr_jp.dll 3/30/04 9:41:10 PM 23184 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.19 Backup Exec PVL Japanese Resources
pvlsvr_ko.dll 3/30/04 9:41:08 PM 23184 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.19 Backup Exec PVL Korean Resources
pvlsvr_zh.dll 3/30/04 9:41:06 PM 18064 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.19 Backup Exec PVL Chinese Resources
pvltypes.dll 10/07/03 6:25:08 AM 27608 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 PVL Types
pvlupgrade.dll 10/07/03 6:25:10 AM 245720 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 ADAMM Database Upgrade DLL
recipientui300.dll 8/29/03 4:28:10 AM 173576 VERITAS Notification Service Component
recipientui300u.dll 8/29/03 4:28:10 AM 173576 VERITAS Notification Service Component
recipientui300_de.dll 8/29/03 4:28:10 AM 62856 VERITAS Notification Service Component
recipientui300_en.dll 8/29/03 4:28:10 AM 58760 VERITAS Notification Service Component
recipientui300_es.dll 8/29/03 4:28:10 AM 62856 VERITAS Notification Service Component
recipientui300_fr.dll 8/29/03 4:28:10 AM 62856 VERITAS Notification Service Component
recipientui300_it.dll 8/29/03 4:28:10 AM 58760 VERITAS Notification Service Component
recipientui300_ja.dll 8/29/03 4:28:12 AM 54664 VERITAS Notification Service Component
recipientui300_ko.dll 8/29/03 4:28:12 AM 54664 VERITAS Notification Service Component
recipientui300_zh.dll 8/29/03 4:28:12 AM 50568 VERITAS Notification Service Component
resdll_de.dll 10/08/03 9:09:42 AM 2660824 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Setup Resource
resdll_en.dll 10/07/03 6:25:56 AM 2621912 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Setup Resource
resdll_es.dll 10/08/03 9:09:42 AM 2654168 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Setup Resource
resdll_fr.dll 10/08/03 9:09:42 AM 2665432 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Setup Resource
resdll_it.dll 10/08/03 9:09:44 AM 2656728 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Setup Resource
resdll_jp.dll 10/08/03 9:09:44 AM 2542040 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Setup Resource
resdll_ko.dll 10/08/03 9:09:46 AM 2527704 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Setup Resource
resdll_zh.dll 10/08/03 9:09:44 AM 2493400 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Setup Resource
schedmgrur.dll 4/16/03 4:17:48 AM 62856
schedu.dll 4/16/03 4:17:48 AM 112096
scheduichs.dll 4/16/03 4:17:48 AM 50568 Scheduling Service
scheduideu.dll 4/16/03 4:17:48 AM 62856 Scheduling Service
scheduienu.dll 4/16/03 4:17:48 AM 58760 Scheduling Service
scheduiesp.dll 4/16/03 4:17:48 AM 62856 Scheduling Service
scheduifra.dll 4/16/03 4:17:48 AM 62856 Scheduling Service
scheduiita.dll 4/16/03 4:17:48 AM 62856 Scheduling Service
scheduijpn.dll 4/16/03 4:17:48 AM 54664 Scheduling Service
scheduikor.dll 4/16/03 4:17:48 AM 54664 Scheduling Service
scheduiur.dll 4/16/03 4:17:48 AM 108000
servicesmgr_de.dll 10/07/03 6:27:12 AM 30176 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Services Manager Resources
servicesmgr_en.dll 10/07/03 6:27:10 AM 29152 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Services Manager Resources
servicesmgr_es.dll 10/07/03 6:27:12 AM 30176 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Services Manager Resources
servicesmgr_fr.dll 10/07/03 6:27:14 AM 30688 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Services Manager Resources
servicesmgr_it.dll 10/07/03 6:27:14 AM 29664 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Services Manager Resources
servicesmgr_jp.dll 10/07/03 6:27:14 AM 27104 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Services Manager Resources
servicesmgr_ko.dll 10/07/03 6:27:14 AM 24544 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Services Manager Resources
servicesmgr_zh.dll 10/07/03 6:27:16 AM 25568 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Services Manager Resources
sfcwall30u.dll 4/16/03 4:17:48 AM 280016 Foundation Components
shuie.dll 10/07/03 6:26:28 AM 154072 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Utilities
sigcomp230.dll 8/29/03 4:28:12 AM 54664 Component Library
sigfcl250.dll 8/29/03 4:28:12 AM 226696 SIG Foundation Class Library
sigfcl250u.dll 8/29/03 4:28:12 AM 230792 SIG Foundation Class Library
sigmapimail300u.dll 8/29/03 4:28:14 AM 238984 SIG MAPIMail
sigprintnote100.dll 8/29/03 4:28:14 AM 87432 VERITAS Notification Service Component
sigvimmail100.dll 8/29/03 4:28:14 AM 124296 VIM Mail Component
smtpmail300.dll 8/29/03 4:28:14 AM 157064 SMTP Mail Component
sscsdk80.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 1163264 Chart Engine DLL
storex_de.dll 10/07/03 6:26:56 AM 282584 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 StoreX Resources
storex_en.dll 10/07/03 6:26:56 AM 257496 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 StoreX Resources
storex_es.dll 10/07/03 6:26:58 AM 282584 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 StoreX Resources
storex_fr.dll 10/07/03 6:26:58 AM 284632 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 StoreX Resources
storex_it.dll 10/07/03 6:27:00 AM 281048 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 StoreX Resources
storex_jp.dll 10/07/03 6:27:00 AM 260568 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 StoreX Resources
storex_ko.dll 10/07/03 6:27:02 AM 243160 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 StoreX Resources
storex_zh.dll 10/07/03 6:27:04 AM 250840 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 StoreX Resources
tapealrt.dll 10/07/03 6:25:44 AM 554456 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Tape Alert
tapeinstdll.dll 10/07/03 6:27:18 AM 114136 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec TapeInst Interface DLL
tapeinst_de.dll 10/07/03 6:27:18 AM 198104 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Tape Driver Installation Wizard Resources
tapeinst_en.dll 10/07/03 6:27:18 AM 196056 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Tape Driver Installation Wizard Resources
tapeinst_es.dll 10/07/03 6:27:20 AM 198616 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Tape Driver Installation Wizard Resources
tapeinst_fr.dll 10/07/03 6:27:20 AM 198616 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Tape Driver Installation Wizard Resources
tapeinst_it.dll 10/07/03 6:27:20 AM 199128 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Tape Driver Installation Wizard Resources
tapeinst_jp.dll 10/07/03 6:27:20 AM 192472 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Tape Driver Installation Wizard Resources
tapeinst_ko.dll 10/07/03 6:27:22 AM 189912 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Tape Driver Installation Wizard Resources
tapeinst_zh.dll 10/07/03 6:27:22 AM 190424 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Tape Driver Installation Wizard Resources
trap201.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 73728 SNMP Trap Component
u252000.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 24576 UF5 to convert 20th century dates to 21st century dates
u25dts.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 24576 Date Time String User Function Library
u2ddisk.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 28672 Disk Export Destination DLL for Crystal Reports
u2fcr.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 28672 Report Export Format DLL for Crystal Reports
u2fhtml.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 45056 HTML Format DLL for Crystal Reports
u2fwordw.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 106496 Word for Windows Export Format DLL for Crystal Reports
u2fxls.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 212992 Excel Export Format DLL for Crystal Reports
u2fxml.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 225280 XML Export Format DLL for Crystal Reports
u2lbe9.dll 10/07/03 6:24:56 AM 29144 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec CR User Function DLL
u2lbe9_de.dll 10/07/03 6:24:52 AM 31704 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec CR English Language DLL
u2lbe9_en.dll 10/07/03 6:24:50 AM 29656 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec CR English Language DLL
u2lbe9_es.dll 10/07/03 6:24:54 AM 32216 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec CR English Language DLL
u2lbe9_fr.dll 10/07/03 6:24:52 AM 32728 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec CR English Language DLL
u2lbe9_it.dll 10/07/03 6:24:54 AM 31192 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec CR English Language DLL
u2lbe9_jp.dll 10/07/03 6:24:54 AM 25560 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec CR English Language DLL
u2lbe9_ko.dll 10/07/03 6:24:54 AM 23000 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec CR English Language DLL
u2lbe9_zh.dll 10/07/03 6:24:52 AM 24024 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec CR English Language DLL
vspapi.dll 9/05/03 5:45:00 PM 25728 Volume Snapshot Provider Interface
vxace502.dll 4/25/02 6:00:24 PM 1205712 ACE
xerces-c_1_3.dll 8/29/03 4:28:14 AM 644488 Shared Library for Xerces-C Version 1.3.0
Remote Agent file versions on \\W2K:
Remote Agent path: C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\
File name Modify date & time Size ProdVer FileVer Description
----------------------------- -------------------- ------- -------------- -------------- -----------
adsmcfg.exe 10/07/03 5:15:18 AM 25088
bediag.exe 10/07/03 6:27:06 AM 577496 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Diagnostic Utility
begather.exe 10/30/03 1:36:10 PM 290776 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Gather Utility
bemcmd.exe 10/07/03 6:24:50 AM 1383896 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 BE Command Line Interface
bemig.exe 10/07/03 6:26:16 AM 113112 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Backup Exec Migration Application
benetns.exe 11/22/04 7:17:20 PM 29328 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.40 Backup Exec Agent Browser
bengine.exe 12/14/04 5:06:50 PM 1435280 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.42 Backup Exec Job Engine
benser.exe 10/07/03 6:25:14 AM 59864 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Naming Service
beperfsetup.exe 10/07/03 6:27:44 AM 89048 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Performance Counter Setup
beremote.exe 8/17/04 9:29:24 PM 320656 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.35 Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows NT/2000
beserver.exe 11/07/03 3:46:46 PM 2069464 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec RPC Server
beutility.exe 11/07/03 3:46:58 PM 736216 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Utility Resources
bkupexec.exe 12/16/03 9:25:42 PM 4961424 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.3 Backup Exec User Interface
catrebuildindex.exe 10/07/03 6:26:42 AM 9184 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Catalog Index Rebuild Resource
clrest.exe 10/07/03 6:27:08 AM 82904 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Cluster Quorum Database Restore Utility
clusconfig.exe 11/07/03 3:46:26 PM 490456 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Cluster Configuration Application
dloconsoleu.exe 12/09/04 3:19:44 PM 2868320 Console
drprepwizard.exe 3/08/04 4:56:42 PM 832152 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.14 VERITAS Intelligent Disaster Recovery Preparation Wizard
hotswap.exe 11/07/03 3:46:52 PM 165336 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Hot-Swappable Device Wizard
onlinereg.exe 11/07/03 3:46:22 PM 142296 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Online Registration
pvlsvr.exe 6/25/04 1:09:20 PM 735888 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.30 Backup Exec PVL Service
servicesmgr.exe 10/07/03 6:27:10 AM 67032 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Services Manager Resources
sgmon.exe 10/07/03 6:27:16 AM 38360 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 SGMon Application
tapeinst.exe 10/07/03 6:27:18 AM 374744 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Tape Driver Installation Wizard
wwname.exe 10/07/03 6:25:14 AM 77784 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Compaq Fiber Channel Bridge World Wide Name and Device ID's
adsm32.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 355700
ansapi.dll 10/07/03 6:25:14 AM 17368 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Naming Service API
bebsdu.dll 10/07/03 6:25:16 AM 97752 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Matcher
becatdrv.dll 10/02/04 3:21:30 AM 369808 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.36 Backup Exec Catalog ODBC Driver
becatdrv_de.dll 10/07/03 6:26:44 AM 124888 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Catalog ODBC Driver
becatdrv_en.dll 10/07/03 6:26:44 AM 123864 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Catalog ODBC Driver
becatdrv_es.dll 10/07/03 6:26:46 AM 124888 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Catalog ODBC Driver
becatdrv_fr.dll 10/07/03 6:26:46 AM 124888 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Catalog ODBC Driver
becatdrv_it.dll 10/07/03 6:26:46 AM 124888 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Catalog ODBC Driver
becatdrv_jp.dll 10/07/03 6:26:48 AM 121304 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Catalog ODBC Driver
becatdrv_ko.dll 10/07/03 6:26:48 AM 121304 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Catalog ODBC Driver
becatdrv_zh.dll 10/07/03 6:26:48 AM 120280 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Catalog ODBC Driver
becatsrv.dll 10/02/04 3:21:52 AM 720528 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.36 Backup Exec Catalog Server
becatsrv_de.dll 10/07/03 6:26:50 AM 10712 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Catalog Server Resource
becatsrv_en.dll 10/07/03 6:26:50 AM 10200 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Catalog Server Resource
becatsrv_es.dll 10/07/03 6:26:50 AM 10200 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Catalog Server Resource
becatsrv_fr.dll 10/07/03 6:26:52 AM 10200 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Catalog Server Resource
becatsrv_it.dll 10/07/03 6:26:52 AM 10200 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Catalog Server Resource
becatsrv_jp.dll 10/07/03 6:26:52 AM 10200 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Catalog Server Resource
becatsrv_ko.dll 10/07/03 6:26:54 AM 10200 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Catalog Server Resource
becatsrv_zh.dll 10/07/03 6:26:54 AM 10200 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Catalog Server Resource
beclass.dll 1/27/04 9:54:12 PM 398992 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.8 Backup Exec Class Library
bediscovery.dll 10/28/04 9:37:46 PM 96912 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.39 Backup Exec Software Update Discovery
bedsagnt.dll 10/07/03 6:25:18 AM 36824 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Agent Store
bedscomn.dll 7/16/04 8:08:52 PM 52880 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.33 Backup Exec Generic Store
bedsmbox.dll 7/16/04 8:08:28 PM 266896 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.33 Backup Exec Mailbox Store
bedsmdoc.dll 10/07/03 6:25:20 AM 55256 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec MS Document Store
bedsnote.dll 10/07/03 6:25:20 AM 366552 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Notes Store
bedsnt5.dll 4/07/04 1:11:40 PM 646800 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.20 Backup Exec NTFS Store
bedspush.dll 10/07/03 6:25:22 AM 20952 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows NT/2000 Store
bedsshadow.dll 1/25/05 4:11:08 PM 481936 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.45 Backup Exec Shadow Copy Store
bedssms.dll 10/07/03 6:25:24 AM 56792 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec SMS Store
bedssmsp.dll 10/07/03 6:25:26 AM 15320 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec SIDF Parser
bedssql2.dll 10/07/03 6:25:26 AM 287192 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec SQL Store
bedsupfs.dll 10/07/03 6:25:30 AM 30680 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Utility Partition Store
bedsxchg.dll 10/07/03 6:25:30 AM 50136 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Exchange Store
bedsxese.dll 10/07/03 6:25:18 AM 55256 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Platinum Store
beerrors_de.dll 3/30/04 9:27:40 PM 156816 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.19 Backup Exec Error Text Library
beerrors_en.dll 3/30/04 9:27:40 PM 134288 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.19 Backup Exec Error Text Library
beerrors_es.dll 3/30/04 9:27:42 PM 155792 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.19 Backup Exec Error Text Library
beerrors_fr.dll 3/30/04 9:27:42 PM 156304 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.19 Backup Exec Error Text Library
beerrors_it.dll 3/30/04 9:27:42 PM 156304 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.19 Backup Exec Error Text Library
beerrors_jp.dll 3/30/04 9:27:44 PM 175760 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.19 Backup Exec Error Text Library
beerrors_ko.dll 3/30/04 9:27:42 PM 173200 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.19 Backup Exec Error Text Library
beerrors_zh.dll 3/30/04 9:27:40 PM 129168 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.19 Backup Exec Error Text Library
bemigl.dll 11/07/03 3:46:28 PM 143832 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS BEMig Library
bemsdk.dll 10/07/03 6:24:48 AM 1411544 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec SDK Class Library
benetapi.dll 10/07/03 6:25:32 AM 19416 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Communications API
benetat.dll 10/07/03 6:25:32 AM 11736 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec AppleTalk Interface
benetspx.dll 10/07/03 6:25:34 AM 12248 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec SPX Interface
benettcp.dll 10/07/03 6:25:34 AM 11736 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec TCP/IP Interface
benetutl.dll 10/07/03 6:25:34 AM 12760 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Network Communications Utilities
besmdr.dll 10/07/03 6:25:34 AM 34264 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec SMS Data Requestor
besnmp.dll 10/07/03 6:25:42 AM 40408 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec SNMP Extension Agent
besnmpmg_de.dll 10/07/03 6:25:02 AM 13272 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 BESNMP Message Library
besnmpmg_en.dll 10/07/03 6:25:00 AM 12248 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 BESNMP Message Library
besnmpmg_es.dll 10/07/03 6:25:04 AM 13784 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 BESNMP Message Library
besnmpmg_fr.dll 10/07/03 6:25:02 AM 13272 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 BESNMP Message Library
besnmpmg_it.dll 10/07/03 6:25:04 AM 13272 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 BESNMP Message Library
besnmpmg_jp.dll 10/07/03 6:25:04 AM 14296 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 BESNMP Message Library
besnmpmg_ko.dll 10/07/03 6:25:04 AM 14296 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 BESNMP Message Library
besnmpmg_zh.dll 10/07/03 6:25:02 AM 12248 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 BESNMP Message Library
besql.dll 10/07/03 6:26:38 AM 654296 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec SQL Interface
bestdutl.dll 10/07/03 6:25:42 AM 37336 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Utilities
beutility_de.dll 10/07/03 6:27:28 AM 129504 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Utility Resources
beutility_en.dll 10/07/03 6:27:28 AM 122848 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Utility Resources
beutility_es.dll 10/07/03 6:27:30 AM 133088 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Utility Resources
beutility_fr.dll 10/07/03 6:27:30 AM 134112 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Utility Resources
beutility_it.dll 10/07/03 6:27:30 AM 128992 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Utility Resources
beutility_jp.dll 10/07/03 6:27:32 AM 111584 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Utility Resources
beutility_ko.dll 10/07/03 6:27:32 AM 108000 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Utility Resources
beutility_zh.dll 10/07/03 6:27:32 AM 102880 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Utility Resources
bkupexec_de.dll 10/09/03 9:43:36 PM 2404824 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec User Interface Resources
bkupexec_en.dll 10/09/03 9:43:36 PM 2317784 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec User Interface Resources
bkupexec_es.dll 10/09/03 9:43:36 PM 2406360 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec User Interface Resources
bkupexec_fr.dll 10/09/03 9:43:40 PM 2427352 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec User Interface Resources
bkupexec_it.dll 10/09/03 9:43:40 PM 2401752 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec User Interface Resources
bkupexec_jp.dll 10/09/03 9:43:40 PM 2156504 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec User Interface Resources
bkupexec_ko.dll 10/09/03 9:43:42 PM 2135000 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec User Interface Resources
bkupexec_zh.dll 10/09/03 9:43:42 PM 2055128 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec User Interface Resources
blkhook.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 24576
catupgrade.dll 10/07/03 6:26:42 AM 128984 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Catalog Top Index Database Upgrade DLL
clusbemig.dll 10/07/03 6:26:14 AM 51672 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Cluster Migration
clusconbe.dll 11/07/03 3:50:40 PM 187864 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec cluster config
clusconfigl.dll 11/07/03 3:46:28 PM 289240 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Cluster Library
crpe32.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 4587577 Crystal Reports Print Engine
crtslv.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 49223 TSLV Module
crxf_pdf.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 294912 Portable Document Format DLL for Crystal Reports
csh.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 46592 User RunTime Communication DLL
ctxmenu.dll 10/07/03 6:27:46 AM 118744 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Context Menu COM Object
ctxmenu_de.dll 10/07/03 6:27:46 AM 25560 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Context Menu COM Object Resources
ctxmenu_en.dll 10/07/03 6:27:46 AM 24536 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Context Menu COM Object Resources
ctxmenu_es.dll 10/07/03 6:27:48 AM 25560 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Context Menu COM Object Resources
ctxmenu_fr.dll 10/07/03 6:27:48 AM 26072 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Context Menu COM Object Resources
ctxmenu_it.dll 10/07/03 6:27:48 AM 25560 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Context Menu COM Object Resources
ctxmenu_jp.dll 10/07/03 6:27:48 AM 24024 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Context Menu COM Object Resources
ctxmenu_ko.dll 10/07/03 6:27:50 AM 21464 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Context Menu COM Object Resources
ctxmenu_zh.dll 10/07/03 6:27:50 AM 23000 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Context Menu COM Object Resources
daoview.dll 10/07/03 6:24:50 AM 234968 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec DAO Interface
dbutil.dll 10/07/03 6:31:24 AM 77272 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Database Utility Library
devtypes.dll 10/07/03 6:25:08 AM 26584 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Device Types
dloconsoleu_de.dll 12/09/04 3:09:28 PM 1180768 Console
dloconsoleu_en.dll 12/09/04 3:09:02 PM 1143904 Console
dloconsoleu_es.dll 12/09/04 3:09:40 PM 1180768 Console
dloconsoleu_fr.dll 12/09/04 3:09:52 PM 1188960 Console
dloconsoleu_it.dll 12/09/04 3:10:04 PM 1176672 Console
dloconsoleu_jp.dll 12/09/04 3:10:18 PM 1123424 Console
dloconsoleu_ko.dll 12/09/04 3:10:30 PM 1119328 Console
dloconsoleu_zh.dll 12/09/04 3:09:16 PM 1102944 Console
dloerrorsu_de.dll 12/09/04 2:42:26 PM 41568 DLO Errors Language Resource
dloerrorsu_en.dll 12/09/04 2:42:14 PM 35936 DLO Errors Language Resource
dloerrorsu_es.dll 12/09/04 2:42:28 PM 42080 DLO Errors Language Resource
dloerrorsu_fr.dll 12/09/04 2:42:32 PM 43616 DLO Errors Language Resource
dloerrorsu_it.dll 12/09/04 2:42:36 PM 42080 DLO Errors Language Resource
dloerrorsu_jp.dll 12/09/04 2:42:40 PM 29792 DLO Errors Language Resource
dloerrorsu_ko.dll 12/09/04 2:42:44 PM 29280 DLO Errors Language Resource
dloerrorsu_zh.dll 12/09/04 2:42:22 PM 23648 DLO Errors Language Resource
dloshareduiu.dll 12/09/04 2:55:28 PM 1569888 Console
dloshareduiu_de.dll 12/09/04 2:49:56 PM 140384 DLO Shared UI Language Resource
dloshareduiu_en.dll 12/09/04 2:49:34 PM 132192 DLO Shared UI Language Resource
dloshareduiu_es.dll 12/09/04 2:50:04 PM 136288 DLO Shared UI Language Resource
dloshareduiu_fr.dll 12/09/04 2:50:16 PM 140384 DLO Shared UI Language Resource
dloshareduiu_it.dll 12/09/04 2:50:28 PM 136288 DLO Shared UI Language Resource
dloshareduiu_jp.dll 12/09/04 2:50:42 PM 124000 DLO Shared UI Language Resource
dloshareduiu_ko.dll 12/09/04 2:50:58 PM 119904 DLO Shared UI Language Resource
dloshareduiu_zh.dll 12/09/04 2:49:48 PM 115808 DLO Shared UI Language Resource
drprepwizard_de.dll 10/07/03 6:27:34 AM 351712 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Intelligent Disaster Recovery Preparation Wizard Resources
drprepwizard_en.dll 10/07/03 6:27:34 AM 341984 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Intelligent Disaster Recovery Preparation Wizard Resources
drprepwizard_es.dll 10/07/03 6:27:34 AM 352736 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Intelligent Disaster Recovery Preparation Wizard Resources
drprepwizard_fr.dll 10/07/03 6:27:36 AM 355808 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Intelligent Disaster Recovery Preparation Wizard Resources
drprepwizard_it.dll 10/07/03 6:27:36 AM 353760 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Intelligent Disaster Recovery Preparation Wizard Resources
drprepwizard_jp.dll 10/07/03 6:27:36 AM 319456 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Intelligent Disaster Recovery Preparation Wizard Resources
drprepwizard_ko.dll 10/07/03 6:27:38 AM 315360 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Intelligent Disaster Recovery Preparation Wizard Resources
drprepwizard_zh.dll 10/07/03 6:27:38 AM 305632 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Intelligent Disaster Recovery Preparation Wizard Resources
drvwddm.dll 10/07/03 5:15:16 AM 122880 Device Driver Manager
engine_de.dll 10/07/03 6:25:36 AM 231384 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Job Engine
engine_en.dll 10/07/03 6:25:36 AM 200664 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Job Engine
engine_es.dll 10/07/03 6:25:38 AM 232920 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Job Engine
engine_fr.dll 10/07/03 6:25:38 AM 239576 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Job Engine
engine_it.dll 10/07/03 6:25:38 AM 231384 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Job Engine
engine_jp.dll 10/07/03 6:25:40 AM 146904 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Job Engine
engine_ko.dll 10/07/03 6:25:40 AM 142808 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Job Engine
engine_zh.dll 10/07/03 6:25:40 AM 110040 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Job Engine
exlate32.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 663609 HTML translator DLL for Crystal Reports
exportmodeller.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 307200 ExportModeller Module
foundationerror.dll 11/20/03 6:21:38 PM 27560 Foundation Components
hbaapi.dll 10/07/03 6:25:26 AM 15832 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec HBA Interface Library
hotswap_de.dll 10/07/03 6:27:24 AM 133080 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Hot-Swappable Device Wizard
hotswap_en.dll 10/07/03 6:27:24 AM 128984 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Hot-Swappable Device Wizard
hotswap_es.dll 10/07/03 6:27:24 AM 133080 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Hot-Swappable Device Wizard
hotswap_fr.dll 10/07/03 6:27:24 AM 132056 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Hot-Swappable Device Wizard
hotswap_it.dll 10/07/03 6:27:26 AM 132056 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Hot-Swappable Device Wizard
hotswap_jp.dll 10/07/03 6:27:26 AM 126424 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Hot-Swappable Device Wizard
hotswap_ko.dll 10/07/03 6:27:26 AM 125912 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Hot-Swappable Device Wizard
hotswap_zh.dll 10/07/03 6:27:26 AM 123864 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Hot-Swappable Device Wizard
inetwh16.dll 10/07/03 5:15:16 AM 9136
inetwh32.dll 10/07/03 5:15:16 AM 48640 INETWH32
instops.dll 12/17/03 11:22:10 AM 472208 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.4 Backup Exec Install Operations Interface
intranw.dll 10/07/03 6:25:18 AM 130008 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec IntraNW Client Interface
ipvlapi.dll 3/30/04 9:41:04 PM 131728 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.19 Backup Exec PVL Interface DLL
jobmigration.dll 10/07/03 6:26:26 AM 263648 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Job Migration DLL
lncatsup.dll 10/07/03 6:25:22 AM 12248 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Lotus Notes Store
lnrpcsrv.dll 10/07/03 6:25:20 AM 113112 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Notes RPC Interface
mapvol400.dll 10/07/03 6:25:26 AM 14296 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Volume Mapper Library for NT 4
mapvolw2k.dll 10/07/03 6:25:28 AM 24536 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Volume Mapper Library for Win2K
mchxface.dll 9/10/02 8:21:10 PM 10368 3.51.1057.1 3.51.1057.1 SCSI Changer Interface
mll_be.dll 10/07/03 6:25:06 AM 14296 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Media Label Library
msgq.dll 10/07/03 6:26:24 AM 192984 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Message Queue Library
ndmpcomm.dll 10/07/03 6:25:30 AM 65496 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec NDMP Interface Library
ndmpsrvr.dll 8/17/04 8:47:22 PM 873616 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.35 Backup Exec NDMP Server
ninja.dll 10/07/03 5:15:16 AM 40960 Ninja
notificationui300.dll 8/29/03 4:28:06 AM 108040 VERITAS Notification Service Component
notificationui300u.dll 8/29/03 4:28:06 AM 108048 VERITAS Notification Service Component
notificationui300_de.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 30088 VERITAS Notification Service Component
notificationui300_en.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 30088 VERITAS Notification Service Component
notificationui300_es.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 30088 VERITAS Notification Service Component
notificationui300_fr.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 30088 VERITAS Notification Service Component
notificationui300_it.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 30088 VERITAS Notification Service Component
notificationui300_ja.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 30088 VERITAS Notification Service Component
notificationui300_ko.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 30088 VERITAS Notification Service Component
notificationui300_zh.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 30088 VERITAS Notification Service Component
ns300.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 853384 VERITAS Notification Service Component
ns300_de.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 25992 Notification Service Resources
ns300_en.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 21896 Notification Service Resources
ns300_es.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 25992 Notification Service Resources
ns300_fr.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 25992 Notification Service Resources
ns300_it.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 25992 Notification Service Resources
ns300_ja.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 21896 Notification Service Resources
ns300_ko.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 21896 Notification Service Resources
ns300_zh.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 17800 Notification Service Resources
onlineregdlgs.dll 11/07/03 3:51:52 PM 565216 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Online Registration Core
p2sevt.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 133120 P2SEVT
p2soledb.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 204800 Crystal Reports OLE DB Database Driver DLL
pager300.dll 8/29/03 4:28:08 AM 247264 SIG VERITAS Pager
pg32conv.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 100352
pvlraid.dll 10/07/03 6:25:08 AM 136664 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec PVL RAID
pvlsvr_de.dll 3/30/04 9:41:06 PM 36496 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.19 Backup Exec PVL German Resources
pvlsvr_en.dll 4/03/04 2:53:04 AM 32400 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.19 Backup Exec PVL English Resources
pvlsvr_es.dll 3/30/04 9:41:06 PM 35984 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.19 Backup Exec PVL Spanish Resources
pvlsvr_fr.dll 3/30/04 9:41:08 PM 34448 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.19 Backup Exec PVL French Resources
pvlsvr_it.dll 3/30/04 9:41:08 PM 36496 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.19 Backup Exec PVL Italian Resources
pvlsvr_jp.dll 3/30/04 9:41:10 PM 23184 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.19 Backup Exec PVL Japanese Resources
pvlsvr_ko.dll 3/30/04 9:41:08 PM 23184 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.19 Backup Exec PVL Korean Resources
pvlsvr_zh.dll 3/30/04 9:41:06 PM 18064 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.19 Backup Exec PVL Chinese Resources
pvltypes.dll 10/07/03 6:25:08 AM 27608 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 PVL Types
pvlupgrade.dll 10/07/03 6:25:10 AM 245720 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 ADAMM Database Upgrade DLL
recipientui300.dll 8/29/03 4:28:10 AM 173576 VERITAS Notification Service Component
recipientui300u.dll 8/29/03 4:28:10 AM 173576 VERITAS Notification Service Component
recipientui300_de.dll 8/29/03 4:28:10 AM 62856 VERITAS Notification Service Component
recipientui300_en.dll 8/29/03 4:28:10 AM 58760 VERITAS Notification Service Component
recipientui300_es.dll 8/29/03 4:28:10 AM 62856 VERITAS Notification Service Component
recipientui300_fr.dll 8/29/03 4:28:10 AM 62856 VERITAS Notification Service Component
recipientui300_it.dll 8/29/03 4:28:10 AM 58760 VERITAS Notification Service Component
recipientui300_ja.dll 8/29/03 4:28:12 AM 54664 VERITAS Notification Service Component
recipientui300_ko.dll 8/29/03 4:28:12 AM 54664 VERITAS Notification Service Component
recipientui300_zh.dll 8/29/03 4:28:12 AM 50568 VERITAS Notification Service Component
resdll_de.dll 10/08/03 9:09:42 AM 2660824 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Setup Resource
resdll_en.dll 10/07/03 6:25:56 AM 2621912 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Setup Resource
resdll_es.dll 10/08/03 9:09:42 AM 2654168 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Setup Resource
resdll_fr.dll 10/08/03 9:09:42 AM 2665432 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Setup Resource
resdll_it.dll 10/08/03 9:09:44 AM 2656728 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Setup Resource
resdll_jp.dll 10/08/03 9:09:44 AM 2542040 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Setup Resource
resdll_ko.dll 10/08/03 9:09:46 AM 2527704 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Setup Resource
resdll_zh.dll 10/08/03 9:09:44 AM 2493400 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Setup Resource
schedmgrur.dll 4/16/03 4:17:48 AM 62856
schedu.dll 4/16/03 4:17:48 AM 112096
scheduichs.dll 4/16/03 4:17:48 AM 50568 Scheduling Service
scheduideu.dll 4/16/03 4:17:48 AM 62856 Scheduling Service
scheduienu.dll 4/16/03 4:17:48 AM 58760 Scheduling Service
scheduiesp.dll 4/16/03 4:17:48 AM 62856 Scheduling Service
scheduifra.dll 4/16/03 4:17:48 AM 62856 Scheduling Service
scheduiita.dll 4/16/03 4:17:48 AM 62856 Scheduling Service
scheduijpn.dll 4/16/03 4:17:48 AM 54664 Scheduling Service
scheduikor.dll 4/16/03 4:17:48 AM 54664 Scheduling Service
scheduiur.dll 4/16/03 4:17:48 AM 108000
servicesmgr_de.dll 10/07/03 6:27:12 AM 30176 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Services Manager Resources
servicesmgr_en.dll 10/07/03 6:27:10 AM 29152 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Services Manager Resources
servicesmgr_es.dll 10/07/03 6:27:12 AM 30176 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Services Manager Resources
servicesmgr_fr.dll 10/07/03 6:27:14 AM 30688 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Services Manager Resources
servicesmgr_it.dll 10/07/03 6:27:14 AM 29664 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Services Manager Resources
servicesmgr_jp.dll 10/07/03 6:27:14 AM 27104 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Services Manager Resources
servicesmgr_ko.dll 10/07/03 6:27:14 AM 24544 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Services Manager Resources
servicesmgr_zh.dll 10/07/03 6:27:16 AM 25568 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Services Manager Resources
sfcwall30u.dll 4/16/03 4:17:48 AM 280016 Foundation Components
shuie.dll 10/07/03 6:26:28 AM 154072 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Utilities
sigcomp230.dll 8/29/03 4:28:12 AM 54664 Component Library
sigfcl250.dll 8/29/03 4:28:12 AM 226696 SIG Foundation Class Library
sigfcl250u.dll 8/29/03 4:28:12 AM 230792 SIG Foundation Class Library
sigmapimail300u.dll 8/29/03 4:28:14 AM 238984 SIG MAPIMail
sigprintnote100.dll 8/29/03 4:28:14 AM 87432 VERITAS Notification Service Component
sigvimmail100.dll 8/29/03 4:28:14 AM 124296 VIM Mail Component
smtpmail300.dll 8/29/03 4:28:14 AM 157064 SMTP Mail Component
sscsdk80.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 1163264 Chart Engine DLL
storex_de.dll 10/07/03 6:26:56 AM 282584 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 StoreX Resources
storex_en.dll 10/07/03 6:26:56 AM 257496 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 StoreX Resources
storex_es.dll 10/07/03 6:26:58 AM 282584 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 StoreX Resources
storex_fr.dll 10/07/03 6:26:58 AM 284632 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 StoreX Resources
storex_it.dll 10/07/03 6:27:00 AM 281048 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 StoreX Resources
storex_jp.dll 10/07/03 6:27:00 AM 260568 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 StoreX Resources
storex_ko.dll 10/07/03 6:27:02 AM 243160 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 StoreX Resources
storex_zh.dll 10/07/03 6:27:04 AM 250840 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 StoreX Resources
tapealrt.dll 10/07/03 6:25:44 AM 554456 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec Tape Alert
tapeinstdll.dll 10/07/03 6:27:18 AM 114136 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec TapeInst Interface DLL
tapeinst_de.dll 10/07/03 6:27:18 AM 198104 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Tape Driver Installation Wizard Resources
tapeinst_en.dll 10/07/03 6:27:18 AM 196056 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Tape Driver Installation Wizard Resources
tapeinst_es.dll 10/07/03 6:27:20 AM 198616 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Tape Driver Installation Wizard Resources
tapeinst_fr.dll 10/07/03 6:27:20 AM 198616 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Tape Driver Installation Wizard Resources
tapeinst_it.dll 10/07/03 6:27:20 AM 199128 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Tape Driver Installation Wizard Resources
tapeinst_jp.dll 10/07/03 6:27:20 AM 192472 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Tape Driver Installation Wizard Resources
tapeinst_ko.dll 10/07/03 6:27:22 AM 189912 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Tape Driver Installation Wizard Resources
tapeinst_zh.dll 10/07/03 6:27:22 AM 190424 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 VERITAS Tape Driver Installation Wizard Resources
trap201.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 73728 SNMP Trap Component
u252000.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 24576 UF5 to convert 20th century dates to 21st century dates
u25dts.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 24576 Date Time String User Function Library
u2ddisk.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 28672 Disk Export Destination DLL for Crystal Reports
u2fcr.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 28672 Report Export Format DLL for Crystal Reports
u2fhtml.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 45056 HTML Format DLL for Crystal Reports
u2fwordw.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 106496 Word for Windows Export Format DLL for Crystal Reports
u2fxls.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 212992 Excel Export Format DLL for Crystal Reports
u2fxml.dll 10/07/03 5:14:28 AM 225280 XML Export Format DLL for Crystal Reports
u2lbe9.dll 10/07/03 6:24:56 AM 29144 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec CR User Function DLL
u2lbe9_de.dll 10/07/03 6:24:52 AM 31704 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec CR English Language DLL
u2lbe9_en.dll 10/07/03 6:24:50 AM 29656 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec CR English Language DLL
u2lbe9_es.dll 10/07/03 6:24:54 AM 32216 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec CR English Language DLL
u2lbe9_fr.dll 10/07/03 6:24:52 AM 32728 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec CR English Language DLL
u2lbe9_it.dll 10/07/03 6:24:54 AM 31192 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec CR English Language DLL
u2lbe9_jp.dll 10/07/03 6:24:54 AM 25560 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec CR English Language DLL
u2lbe9_ko.dll 10/07/03 6:24:54 AM 23000 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec CR English Language DLL
u2lbe9_zh.dll 10/07/03 6:24:52 AM 24024 9.1.4691.0 9.1.4691.0 Backup Exec CR English Language DLL
vspapi.dll 9/05/03 5:45:00 PM 25728 Volume Snapshot Provider Interface
vxace502.dll 4/25/02 6:00:24 PM 1205712 ACE
xerces-c_1_3.dll 8/29/03 4:28:14 AM 644488 Shared Library for Xerces-C Version 1.3.0
Drivers and Loader support files on C:\WINNT\system32\drivers:
File name Modify date & time Size ProdVer FileVer Description
----------------------------- -------------------- ------- -------------- -------------- -----------
04mmdat.sys 7/24/03 7:02:22 PM 25712 SCSI Tape Driver
4mmdat.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 10928 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 SCSI Tape Driver
acpi.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 163120 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 ACPI Driver for NT
acpiec.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 11536 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 ACPI Embedded Controller Driver
afamgt.sys 11/01/02 8:43:02 PM 71376 PERC 2 Management Driver
afd.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 120240 5.0.2195.6687 5.0.2195.6687 Ancillary Function Driver for WinSock
aspi32.sys 9/06/02 5:51:32 PM 25244 ASPI for WIN32 Kernel Driver
asyncmac.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 17840 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 MS Remote Access serial network driver
atapi.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 86672 5.0.2195.6699 5.0.2195.6699 IDE/ATAPI Port Driver
ati2mpad.sys 12/21/01 8:09:52 AM 323793 5.0.2195.5012 5.0.2195.5012 ATI2MPAD Miniport Driver
atmarpc.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 57904 5.0.2166.1 5.0.2166.1 IP/ATM Arp Client
atmarps.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 32944 5.0.2145.1 5.0.2145.1 IP/ATM Arp Server
atmlane.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 48496 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 ATM Lan Emulation Driver
atmuni.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 331088 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 ATM UNI Call Manager
audstub.sys 9/25/99 10:35:34 AM 2896 5.0.2134.1 5.0.2134.1 AudStub Driver
battc.sys 6/19/03 5:05:04 PM 7184 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 Battery Class Driver
beep.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 4080 5.0.2158.1 5.0.2158.1 BEEP Driver
brpar.sys 11/18/99 10:17:44 PM 19361 5.0.2178.1 5.0.2178.1 Brother Parallel class Driver version 1.00
brserial.sys 3/15/02 4:13:06 PM 56660 Brother Serial driver for W2K
cdaudio.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 19088 5.0.2135.1 5.0.2135.1 CD-ROM Audio Filter Driver
cdfs.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 61680 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 CD-ROM File System Driver
cdrom.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 27984 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 SCSI CD-ROM Driver
cinemst2.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 272496 CineMaster C 1.2 WDM Main Driver
class2.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 12880 5.0.2134.1 5.0.2134.1 SCSI Class System Dll
classpnp.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 34832 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 SCSI Class System Dll
compbatt.sys 6/19/03 5:05:04 PM 9264 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 Composite Battery Driver
dcesm.sys 4/15/03 3:24:06 AM 68028 Dell Embedded Server Management Driver
dfs.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 74448 5.0.2195.6664 5.0.2195.6664 Windows NT Distributed File System Driver
disk.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 30768 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 PnP Disk Driver
diskdump.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 14288 5.0.2195.6672 5.0.2195.6672 Crash Dump Disk Driver
diskperf.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 7728 5.0.2195.6664 5.0.2195.6664 Disk Performance Driver
dlc.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 56112 5.0.2195.6693 5.0.2195.6693 NT DLC Protocol Driver
dmboot.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 369104 2195.6655.297.3 NT Disk Manager Startup Driver
dmio.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 137936 2195.6655.297.3 NT Disk Manager I/O Driver
dmload.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 7312 2195.6655.297.3 NT Disk Manager Startup Driver
dxapi.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 10064 5.0.2180.1 5.0.2180.1 DirectX API Driver
e1000nt5.sys 3/03/03 5:38:22 PM 125552 5.0.2195.1 Intel(R) PRO/1000 Adapter NDIS 5 deserialized driver
efs.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 27440 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 EFS File System Filter Driver
fastfat.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 140496 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 Fast FAT File System Driver
fdc.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 26256 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 Floppy Disk Controller Driver
fips.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 33616 5.0.2195.1569 5.0.2195.1569 FIPS Crypto Driver
flpydisk.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 19312 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 Floppy Driver
fsvga.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 12368 5.0.2134.1 5.0.2134.1 Full Screen Video Driver
fs_rec.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 7600 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 File System Recognizer Driver
ftdisk.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 115504 5.0.2195.6697 5.0.2195.6697 FT Disk Driver
hidbatt.sys 6/19/03 5:05:04 PM 18928 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 Hid Battery Driver
hidclass.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 24752 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 Hid Class Library
hidparse.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 23056 5.0.2195.6702 5.0.2195.6702 Hid Parsing Library
hidusb.sys 10/04/99 8:03:32 PM 13904 5.0.2142.1 5.0.2142.1 USB Miniport Driver for Input Devices
hpzid412.sys 3/21/04 1:35:48 PM 51088 IEEE-1284.4-1999 Driver (Windows 2000)
hpzipr12.sys 3/21/04 1:35:52 PM 16496 IEEE-1284.4-1999 Print Class Driver
hpzius12.sys 3/21/04 1:35:58 PM 21744 1284.4<->Usb Datalink Driver (Windows 2000)
i8042prt.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 46992 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 i8042 Port Driver
intelide.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 4624 5.0.2195.6666 5.0.2195.6666 Intel PCI IDE Driver
ipfltdrv.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 34416 5.0.2168.1 5.0.2168.1 IP FILTER DRIVER
ipinip.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 19984 5.0.2168.1 5.0.2168.1 IP in IP Encapsulation Driver
ipnat.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 67120 5.0.2195.6616 5.0.2195.6616 IP Network Address Translator
ipsec.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 64304 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 IPSEC Driver (US/Canada Only, Not for Export)
iqvw32.sys 3/10/03 11:10:44 PM 20352 5.1.2600.0 Intel(R) Network Adapter Diagnostic Driver
irda.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 57296 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 IRDA Protocol Driver
irenum.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 10288 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 Infra-Red Bus Enumerator
irsir.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 19952 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 Serial Infrared Driver
isapnp.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 46992 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 PNP ISA Bus Driver
kbdclass.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 24528 5.0.2195.6666 5.0.2195.6666 Keyboard Class Driver
ks.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 113744 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 Kernel CSA Library
ksecdd.sys 9/21/03 12:32:20 AM 71888 5.0.2195.6824 5.0.2195.6824 Kernel Security Support Provider Interface
lvcam.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 88816
lvcodek.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 79120 Video Codec
lvsound.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 17424
mf.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 57264 5.0.2195.6668 5.0.2195.6668 Multifunction Enumerator
mnmdd.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 4240 5.0.2134.1 5.0.2134.1 Frame buffer simulator
modem.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 29168 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 Modem Device Driver
mouclass.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 21776 5.0.2195.6666 5.0.2195.6666 Mouse Class Driver
mountmgr.sys 2/10/04 7:47:54 PM 30160 5.0.2195.6897 5.0.2195.6897 Mount Manager
mraid2k.sys 1/22/03 6:56:26 PM 23552 5.0.2195.5438 5.0.2195.5438 MEGARAID SCSI Controller Driver for Windows 2000 PAE
mrxsmb.sys 1/20/05 7:25:23 AM 413104 5.0.2195.7023 5.0.2195.7023 Windows NT SMB Minirdr
msfs.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 21328 5.0.2164.1 5.0.2164.1 Mailslot driver
msgpc.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 34704 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 MS General Packet Classifier
msircomm.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 20208 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 Microsoft Infra-Red Communications Driver
mskssrv.sys 9/25/99 3:36:32 PM 6640 5.0.2134.1 5.0.2134.1 MS KS Server
mspclock.sys 9/25/99 3:36:32 PM 5008 5.0.2134.1 5.0.2134.1 MS Proxy Clock
mspqm.sys 9/25/99 3:36:32 PM 4816 5.0.2134.1 5.0.2134.1 MS Proxy Quality Manager
mup.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 87888 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 Multiple UNC Provider driver
nbf.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 102160 5.0.2134.1 5.0.2134.1 NetBEUI Frames Protocol Driver
ndis.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 170928 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 NDIS 3.0 wrapper driver
ndistapi.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 9200 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 NDIS 3.0 connection wrapper driver
ndisuio.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 11984 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 NDIS User mode I/O Driver
ndiswan.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 93360 5.0.2195.6699 5.0.2195.6699 MS WAN Wrapper Network Driver (US/Canada Only, Not for Export)
ndproxy.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 40432 5.0.2138.1 5.0.2138.1 NDIS Proxy
netbios.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 33456 5.0.2149.1 5.0.2149.1 NetBIOS interface driver
netbt.sys 7/16/03 5:44:28 PM 163600 5.0.2195.6783 5.0.2195.6783 MBT Transport driver
netdtect.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 9680 5.0.2138.1 5.0.2138.1 Network Card Detection driver
nmnt.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 37552 5.0.2195.6699 5.0.2195.6699 Netmon NT Driver
npfs.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 37040 5.0.2147.1 5.0.2147.1 NPFS Driver
ntfs.sys 6/04/03 8:11:36 PM 514320 5.0.2195.6753 5.0.2195.6753 NT File System Driver
null.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 2800 5.0.2134.1 5.0.2134.1 NULL Driver
nwlnkflt.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 12560 5.0.2134.1 5.0.2134.1 NWLINK2 Traffic Filter Driver
nwlnkfwd.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 35344 5.0.2173.1 5.0.2173.1 NWLINK2 Forwarder Driver
nwlnkipx.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 91408 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 NWLINK2 IPX Protocol Driver
nwlnknb.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 65520 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 NWLINK2 IPX Netbios Protocol Driver
nwlnkspx.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 58480 5.0.2134.1 5.0.2134.1 NWLINK2 SPX Protocol Driver
nwrdr.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 161072 5.0.2195.6667 5.0.2195.6667 NetWare Redirector File System Driver
openhci.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 24784 5.0.2195.6675 5.0.2195.6675 Open Host Controller Interface USB Driver
parallel.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 60208 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 Parallel Printer Driver
parport.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 25104 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 Parallel Port Driver
partmgr.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 11792 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 Partition Manager
parvdm.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 6512 5.0.2135.1 5.0.2135.1 VDM Parallel Driver
pcdrnt.sys 6/26/03 2:11:45 PM 44192 PC-Doctor NT Support Driver
pci.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 59312 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 NT Plug and Play PCI Enumerator
pciide.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 3088 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 Generic PCI IDE Bus Driver
pciidex.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 22064 5.0.2195.6672 5.0.2195.6672 PCI IDE Bus Driver Extension
pcmcia.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 109584 5.0.2195.6664 5.0.2195.6664 PCMCIA Bus Driver
psched.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 60496 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 MS QoS Packet Scheduler
ptilink.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 17680 5.0.2195.6655 Parallel Technologies DirectParallel IO Library
rasacd.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 8016 5.0.2134.1 5.0.2134.1 RAS Automatic Connection Driver
rasirda.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 19920 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 IrDA WAN Miniport Driver
rasl2tp.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 52112 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 RAS L2TP mini-port/call-manager driver
raspptp.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 48464 5.0.2195.6711 5.0.2195.6711 Peer-to-Peer Tunneling Protocol
raspti.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 16880 5.0.2146.1 5.0.2146.1 PTI DirectParallel(R) mini-port/call-manager driver
rawwan.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 35024 5.0.2134.1 5.0.2134.1 Raw WAN Transport
rca.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 21712 5.0.2164.1 5.0.2164.1 RCA filter
rdbss.sys 12/03/04 3:37:12 AM 170512 5.0.2195.7006 5.0.2195.7006 Redirected Drive Buffering SubSystem Driver
rdpdr.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 143728 5.0.2195.6692 5.0.2195.6692 Microsoft RDP Device redirector
rdpwd.sys 3/24/04 2:17:07 AM 90264 5.0.2195.6892 5.0.2195.6892 RDP Terminal Stack Driver (US/Canada Only, Not for Export)
redbook.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 35344 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 Redbook Audio Filter Driver
rootmdm.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 6032 5.0.2134.1 5.0.2134.1 Legacy Non-Pnp Modem Device Driver
scsichng.sys 7/12/00 9:50:00 PM 15360 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 SCSI Changer Driver
scsiport.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 74192 5.0.2195.6713 5.0.2195.6713 SCSI Port Driver
serenum.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 14160 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 Serial Port Enumerator
serial.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 62736 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 Serial Device Driver
sfloppy.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 10384 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 SCSI Floppy Driver
sfmatalk.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 148400 5.0.2195.6601 5.0.2195.6601 Windows NT Appletalk protocol stack/router
sfmsrv.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 154160 5.0.2195.6604 5.0.2195.6604 Windows NT Macintosh File Server Driver
smclib.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 14832 5.0.2134.1 5.0.2134.1 Smard Card Driver Library
sonydcam.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 22064 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 1394 Desktop Camera Driver
spud.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 12336 5.0.2185.1 5.0.2185.1 Special Purpose Utility Driver
srv.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 244944 5.0.2195.6699 5.0.2195.6699 Server driver
stdatw2k.sys 8/28/04 6:11:00 AM 9728 DAT Tape Driver
stream.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 42000 5.0.2195.6663 5.0.2195.6663 WDM CODEC Class Device Driver
streams.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 105840 5.0.2134.1 5.0.2134.1 STREAMS Networking Environment
swenum.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 3728 5.0.2134.1 5.0.2134.1 Plug and Play Software Device Enumerator
symevent.sys 7/07/03 5:32:26 PM 73224 Symantec Event Library
symmpi.sys 7/17/02 12:22:04 AM 30784 5.0.2195.1 5.0.2195.1 LSI Logic Fusion-MPT MiniPort Driver
tape.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 10928 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 SCSI Tape Class Driver
tcpip.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 332144 5.0.2195.6706 5.0.2195.6706 TCP/IP driver
tdasync.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 12664 5.0.2195.6692 5.0.2195.6692 Serial Transport Driver
tdi.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 16240 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 TDI Wrapper
tdipx.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 20760 5.0.2195.6692 5.0.2195.6692 IPX Transport Driver
tdnetb.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 18392 5.0.2195.6697 5.0.2195.6697 NetBios Transport Driver
tdpipe.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 10552 5.0.2195.6692 5.0.2195.6692 Named Pipe Transport Driver
tdspx.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 18264 5.0.2195.6692 5.0.2195.6692 SPX Transport Driver
tdtcp.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 19032 5.0.2195.6692 5.0.2195.6692 TCP Transport Driver
termdd.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 35832 5.0.2195.6692 5.0.2195.6692 Terminal Server Driver
tosdvd.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 52048 5.0.2134.1 5.0.2134.1 TOSHIBA DVD Stream Minidriver
tsbvcap.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 22000 5.0.2134.1 5.0.2134.1 WDM Toshiba Tecra Video Capture Driver
udfs.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 62672 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 UDF File System Driver
update.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 173232 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 Update Driver
usbcamd.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 23888 5.0.2135.1 5.0.2135.1 Universal Serial Bus Camera Driver
usbd.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 20688 5.0.2195.6658 5.0.2195.6658 Universal Serial Bus Driver
usbehci.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 19728 5.0.2195.6709 5.0.2195.6709 EHCI eUSB Miniport Driver
usbhub.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 40176 5.0.2195.6689 5.0.2195.6689 Default Hub Driver for USB
usbhub20.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 49776 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 Default Hub Driver for USB 2.0
usbintel.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 15120 5.0.2134.1 5.0.2134.1 Universal Serial Bus Camera Driver
usbport.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 138288 5.0.2195.6681 5.0.2195.6681 USB 1.1 & 2.0 Port Driver
usbprint.sys 6/19/03 5:05:04 PM 21872 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 USB Printer driver
usbscan.sys 6/19/03 5:05:04 PM 12592 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 USB Scanner Driver
usbstor.sys 6/19/03 5:05:04 PM 21552 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 USB Mass Storage Class Driver
vdmindvd.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 59280 CineMaster C WDM DVD Minidriver
vga.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 13968 5.0.2134.1 5.0.2134.1 VGA/Super VGA Video Driver
videoprt.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 50640 5.0.2195.6655 5.0.2195.6655 Video Port Driver
vsp.sys 9/05/03 3:34:42 PM 50080 Volume Snapshot Provider Driver
vxboot.sys 2/04/03 9:46:40 PM 382704 3.4.532.0 NT Disk Manager Startup Driver
vxio.sys 2/04/03 9:46:34 PM 164016 3.4.532.0 NT Disk Manager I/O Driver
wanarp.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 32272 5.0.2195.6601 5.0.2195.6601 MS Remote Access and Routing ARP Driver
wlbs.sys 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 66224 5.0.2195.6680 5.0.2195.6680 Network Load Balancing Driver
wmilib.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 4240 5.0.2134.1 5.0.2134.1 WMILIB WMI support library Dll
ws2ifsl.sys 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 12016 5.0.2134.1 5.0.2134.1 Winsock2 IFS Layer
acl_452.vsd 7/31/03 6:41:22 PM 13216 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 Odetics 4/52 Changer VSD Driver
adic1000.vsd 7/15/03 4:26:20 PM 12960 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 ADIC 1000 Changer VSD Driver
adicvls2.vsd 1/14/03 8:36:44 PM 12768 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 ADIC VLS Changer VSD Driver
adic_448.vsd 5/13/03 4:57:32 PM 12640 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 ADIC Scalar 448 Changer VSD Driver
aiwa_2x0.vsd 1/14/03 8:36:58 PM 12352 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 AIWA 210/220 Changer VSD Driver
atlp3000.vsd 2/07/03 5:25:28 PM 13376 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 ATL P3000 Changer VSD Driver
atl_l500.vsd 1/14/03 8:37:20 PM 12704 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 ATL L500 Changer VSD Driver
benchmrk.vsd 5/15/03 5:11:28 PM 12448 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 Benchmark Changer VSD Driver
bhill_q2.vsd 1/14/03 8:37:18 PM 12576 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 Breece Hill Q2-15 Changer VSD Driver
bhill_q7.vsd 1/14/03 8:37:04 PM 13024 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 Breece Hill Q7 Changer VSD Driver
diamdbak.vsd 1/14/03 8:36:44 PM 12320 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 Conner Diamondback Changer VSD Driver
exb_10x.vsd 1/14/03 8:36:50 PM 12384 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 Exabyte 10x Changer VSD Driver
exb_210.vsd 1/14/03 8:36:52 PM 12896 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 Exabyte 210 Changer VSD Driver
exb_230.vsd 1/14/03 8:37:22 PM 13376 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 Exabyte 230/690 Changer VSD Driver
exb_480.vsd 1/14/03 8:36:58 PM 12960 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 Exabyte 440/480 Changer VSD Driver
exb_ez17.vsd 1/14/03 8:37:28 PM 12704 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 Exabyte EZ17 Changer VSD Driver
hp155xld.vsd 1/14/03 8:36:48 PM 12096 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 HP 155x Changer VSD Driver
hpc7200.vsd 1/14/03 8:37:34 PM 12928 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 HP C7200 Changer VSD Driver
hpdlt119.vsd 1/14/03 8:37:06 PM 12288 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 HP DLT 119 Changer VSD Driver
hpdlt515.vsd 1/14/03 8:37:14 PM 12352 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 HP DLT 515 Changer VSD Driver
hpdlt628.vsd 1/14/03 8:37:16 PM 12288 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 HP DLT 6280 Changer VSD Driver
hpstfx.vsd 1/14/03 8:37:12 PM 12480 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 HP ST/FX Series Changer VSD Driver
ibm_3570.vsd 1/14/03 8:37:36 PM 12448 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 IBM 3570 Changer VSD Driver
ibm_3575.vsd 1/14/03 8:37:40 PM 12608 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 IBM 3575 Changer VSD Driver
ibm_3590.vsd 1/14/03 8:37:36 PM 12544 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 IBM 3590 Changer VSD Driver
ibm_alp.vsd 1/14/03 8:37:30 PM 12704 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 IBM Alpine Changer VSD Driver
l7a2700.vsd 1/14/03 8:36:52 PM 12352 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 DLT L7A/2700 Changer VSD Driver
lago_340.vsd 1/14/03 8:37:00 PM 12576 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 LAGO 340 Changer VSD Driver
lago_380.vsd 1/14/03 8:36:54 PM 12640 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 LAGO 380 Changer VSD Driver
libra.vsd 1/14/03 8:36:46 PM 11968 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 DLI Libra Changer VSD Driver
m4_mag.vsd 1/14/03 8:37:42 PM 12800 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 M4 Data Magfile Changer VSD Driver
medlogic.vsd 1/14/03 8:37:26 PM 12512 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 Media Logic SLA Changer VSD Driver
nectl620.vsd 1/14/03 8:37:28 PM 12032 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 NEC TL620 Changer VSD Driver
nec_dl01.vsd 1/14/03 8:37:44 PM 12128 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 NEC DL1010H-0E Changer VSD Driver
over4210.vsd 1/14/03 8:37:10 PM 12512 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 Overland 4210 Changer VSD Driver
over_pro.vsd 3/03/03 7:01:32 PM 12832 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 Overland LibrarPro Changer VSD Driver
over_slr.vsd 1/14/03 8:37:38 PM 12800 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 Overland SLR Changer VSD Driver
plasmon.vsd 1/14/03 8:37:46 PM 12704 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 Plasmon FTA Changer VSD Driver
qntm3520.vsd 2/24/03 10:15:06 PM 12448 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 Quantum 3520 Changer VSD Driver
qstartls.vsd 1/14/03 8:37:08 PM 12992 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 Qualstar TLS Series Changer VSD Driver
sony7000.vsd 1/14/03 8:37:04 PM 12640 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 Sony 7000 Changer VSD Driver
sony_162.vsd 3/03/03 7:14:38 PM 12160 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 Sony 162 Changer VSD Driver
specfrog.vsd 1/14/03 8:37:22 PM 12288 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 Spectra Treefrog Changer VSD Driver
spectra2.vsd 1/14/03 8:36:56 PM 12736 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 Spectra Logic Changer VSD Driver
stek9714.vsd 1/14/03 8:37:16 PM 12896 3.50.807.1 3.50.807.1 StorageTek 9714 Changer VSD Driver
ODBC, MAPI, and EDBBCLI.DLL file versions on \\W2K:
ODBC, MAPI, and EDBBCLI.DLL file path: C:\WINNT\system32
File name Modify date & time Size ProdVer FileVer Description
----------------------------- -------------------- ------- -------------- -------------- -----------
odbcad32.exe 2/20/03 10:39:48 PM 32768 3.525.1022.0 3.525.1022.0 Microsoft Data Access - "ODBC Administrator
odbcconf.exe 2/20/03 9:27:32 PM 69632 3.525.1022.0 3.525.1022.0 Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Driver Configuration Program
odbc16gt.dll 2/06/03 5:33:04 PM 26224 3.510.3711.0 3.510.3711.0 Microsoft ODBC Driver Generic Thunk
odbc32.dll 2/20/03 10:39:02 PM 221184 3.525.1022.0 3.525.1022.0 Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Driver Manager
odbc32gt.dll 2/20/03 10:39:32 PM 16384 3.525.1022.0 3.525.1022.0 Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Driver Generic Thunk
odbcbcp.dll 12/12/03 8:40:28 PM 24576 3.85.1025.0 2000.85.1025.0 Microsoft BCP for ODBC
odbcconf.dll 2/20/03 9:27:30 PM 126976 3.525.1022.0 3.525.1022.0 Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Driver Configuration Program
odbccp32.dll 2/20/03 10:39:32 PM 102400 3.525.1022.0 3.525.1022.0 Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Installer
odbccr32.dll 2/20/03 10:39:34 PM 61440 3.525.1022.0 3.525.1022.0 Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Cursor Library
odbccu32.dll 2/20/03 10:39:36 PM 61440 3.525.1022.0 3.525.1022.0 Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Cursor Library
odbcint.dll 2/20/03 10:39:02 PM 94208 3.525.1022.0 3.525.1022.0 Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Resources
odbcji32.dll 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 53520 4.0.6200.0 4.0.6200.0 Microsoft ODBC Desktop Driver Pack 3.5
odbcjt32.dll 6/19/03 4:05:04 PM 270608 4.0.6200.0 4.0.6200.0 Microsoft ODBC Desktop Driver Pack 3.5
odbcstf.dll 3/24/99 4:00:00 AM 40960 3.510.3904.0 3.510.3904.0 ODBC Version 3.0 Custom Action Setup DLL
odbctl32.dll 9/18/00 9:12:40 PM 77824 3.50.3602.0 3.50.3602.0 ODBC Helper Function DLL
odbctrac.dll 2/20/03 10:39:36 PM 147456 3.525.1022.0 3.525.1022.0 Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Driver Manager Trace
mapisrvr.exe 10/01/98 4:00:38 PM 40208 5.5.2174.0 5.5.2174.0 Extended MAPI 1.0 for Windows NT
mapi.dll 10/01/98 4:00:38 PM 520128 5.5.2174.0 5.5.2174.0 Extended MAPI 1.0 for Windows 3
mapi32.dll 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 131072 1.0.2536.0 1.0.2536.0 Extended MAPI 1.0 for Windows NT
mapistub.dll 7/24/02 12:00:00 AM 131072 1.0.2536.0 1.0.2536.0 Extended MAPI 1.0 for Windows NT
Backup Exec Database Information on \\W2K:
Database Server: W2K
Database Instance: W2K\BkupExec
Database Name: BEDB
Database Size: 6.94 MB
Catalog Schema Version: 3.4
ADAMM Schema Version: 9.0000
Server Schema Version: 9.0000
SQL Server Login Mode: Windows NT
SQL Server Audit Level: none
NIC Information for \\W2K:
Adapter Name: {36E78612-C8C4-45A9-8B97-F851D2571791}
Description: Intel(R) PRO/1000 MT Network Connection
Index: 16777219
Type: Ethernet
Mac Address: 00-C0-9F-23-D9-B4
IP Address:
IP Mask:
Network ID:
DHCP Enabled: No
DHCP Server:
Uses WINS: No
Primary WINS Server:
Secondary WINS Server:
Software configuration information from \\W2K:
Enable RSM Support: 0x0
MachineGuid: <16 bytes of binary data follow>
33 82 7a 3e fc 44 bf 4d ac e7 65 51 c2 8f e0 85 3.z>.D.M..eQ....
RsmWait: 0x78
Enable SCSI LUN Reset: 0x1
Enable Robotic Library Tape Device Release: 0x0
Overwrite Media Response: 0x2
Insert Media Response: 0x3
Language: 0
Path: C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\
Calendar: Number of job recurrences in a day: 0x18
AddedToRNR: 0x1
CleanupDelay: 0x12c
RetentionPeriod: 0x15180
NameLookupDelay: 0x78
SapBroadcastDelay: 0x12c
ExpireTime: 0x384
UseSapSocket: 0x0
ExpireTime: 0x258
AdvertisementPort: 0x17d5
Catalog MMF Flush Threshold Entry Number: 0x32
Resource Catalog Include List:
Resource Catalog Exclude List:
Catalog Enable Ageing: 0x1
Catalog Days To Age: 0x5a
Catalog Enable Partialize: 0x1
Catalog Days To Partialize: 0x3c
Catalog Remote Server Name:
Catalog Aging Timer (Minutes): 0x168
Catalog Move Catalog Timer (Minutes): 0x1
Catalog Purge Memory Timer (Minutes): 0x1
Transfer Buffer Size: 0x4000
Unlock Buffer Flag: 0x1
Virtual Memory Size: 0x10000000
Process Affinity Mask Flag: 0x0
Catalog Bad Media Flag: 0x0
Catalog MMF Flush Threshold Size: 0x1
Path: C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\logs
BEMSDKLog: 0x0
BEMSDKLevel: 0x1
SGMon Enabled: 0x0
SGMon Components: 0x0
Enabled: 0x0
Flag: 0x0
To File: 0x0
File Name: debug.log
To Window: 0x1
Show All: 0x0
Num Debug Lines: 0x96
Notify Data Halted Time Out Seconds: 0x384
Data Connection Flush Timeout Seconds: 0x384
Enable SQL Support: 0x1
Enable Exchange Support: 0x1
GRFS Time Out: 0x5a
Use Push Agent: 0x1
Size of Push Agent Buffers: 0x84
Number of Push Agent Buffers: 0xa
NDMP connect open time out seconds: 0x1e
DoSingleVolumeSnap: 0x0
Backup Registry: 0x1
Backup Remote Storage: 0x0
Backup Removable Storage Management: 0x0
Backup Logical Disk Management State: 0x0
Backup Disk Quota Data: 0x0
Backup traverse local mount points: 0x1
Backup traverse remote mount points: 0x0
Auto Verify Backup: 0x1
Append Flag: 0x1
Skip Open Files: 0x0
Skip Open Wait Time: 0x1e
Backup Type: 0x1
Backup Files In Use: 0x1
Catalog Backup: 0x0
Backup Migrated Files: 0x0
Backup As Expanded: 0x0
Use Open File Option: 0x0
Use Virus Scan: 0x0
Clean Infected Files: 0x0
Backup Infected Files: 0x0
WSB Days Last Accessed: 0x1e
Insert Checksum Streams: 0x1
Print Log File: 0x0
Intelligent Image Method: 0x0
Apply Checkpoint Restart: 0x1
Fail Jobs On Corrupt Files: 0x1
Enabled: 0x0
Subnet Address: 0x0
Subnet Mask: 0x0
Automatically Obtain Subnet: 0x0
Physical Address:
Hardware - Enable: 0x1
Software - Enable: 0x0
Software - Level: 0x0
Software - Threshold: 0x10
Software - Expansion: 0x0
Domino Backup Method: 0x1
Recycle Log File: 0x0
DB Recovery Option: 0x0
Msec for wait: 0x0
Max Tranlog Extents: 0x46
Enable Offline Backup: 0x0
Temp Transaction Log Path: C:\TEMP
Enable Exchange Support: 0x0
Exchange Backup Method: 0xffffffff
No-loss restore: 0x1
Restore Public Folders: 0x1
Restore Private Mailboxes: 0x1
Engine NDMP Debug Level: 0x0
RANT NDMP Debug Level: 0x0
CreateDebugLog: 0x0
Log File Root: BEX
Number Of Sessions: 0x63
Print Log Session: 0x0
Log Mode: 0x0
Log Level: 0x1
Log Enable GUIDs: 0x0
Catalog Path: C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\Catalogs
Data Path: C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\Data
Disaster Recovery Alternate Data Path: C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\IDR\Data\
Disaster Recovery Data Path: C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\IDR\Data\
Disaster Recovery Path: C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\IDR\
XPause: 0x1
XPauseTime: 0x0
Enable Statistics: 0x0
Debug Flag: 0x0
Event Mask: 0x3
Locked Out Retries: 0xc
Locked Out Wait Time: 0xa
Create Skipped: 0x1
Verify Type: 0x1
Job - Run Job If Pre Command Fails: 0x0
Job - Run Post Command If Job Fails: 0x1
Job - Fail Pre/Post Command On Non Zero Return Code: 0x0
Job - Run Post Command if Pre Command Fails: 0x0
Job - Pre/Post Command Timeout: 0x1e
Soft Error Flag: 0x0
Catalog Level: 0x2
Use Backslash As Delimiter: 0x1
Extended Date Support: 0x1
Process Hidden Files: 0x1
Process System Files: 0x1
Sort BSD List: 0x0
Debug File Name:
Disaster Recovery Installed: 0x0
Default Device Guid: <16 bytes of binary data follow>
a0 2d 34 f7 e5 8d 51 44 ae ea 3d cb 89 ed 6a 30 .-4...QD..=...j0
Default Media Set Guid: <16 bytes of binary data follow>
09 00 00 00 e8 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
Next Job Wait Time: 0x3c
DelayBeforeMountTime: 0x0
MountPollTime: 0x1e
Put Family Name in Alternate Label: 0x0
StatusInterval: 0x1388
WaitToKillRunningJobs: 0x12c
WaitToKillDeviceManager: 0x12c
TapeAlert Level: 0x0
ObjectList: \system\q_*.* /s
\cdrom$$.rom\*.* /s
\queues\*.* /s
\snapshot\pool*.dat /s
\otm01 /s
\.NLS?License ID* /s
FsUseAsyncIo: 0x1
FollowHardLinks: 0x1
Restrict Anonymous Support: 0x0
HonorFilesNotToBackUp: 0x1
Cluster: %SystemRoot%\Cluster\MajorityNodeSet_FileMutex
%SystemRoot%\Cluster\MNS*\*.* /s
Mount Manager:
Services: CurrentControlSet\Services\*
Pending Rename Operations: CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\PendingFileRenameOperations
Rsm Database Import: CurrentControlSet\Control\NTMS\ImportDatabase
Mount Manager: CurrentControlSet\Control\DeviceClasses\{53f5630d-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}\
Prompt Restore Over Read Only Or Modified Files: 0x0
Auto Verify Restore: 0x0
Restore Existing Files: 0x3
Restore Registry: 0x0
Restore File Permissions: 0x1
Preserve Directory Tree: 0x1
Process Empty Dirs: 0x0
Restore Volume Restrictions: 0x0
RestoreCorruptFiles: 0x0
Restore Remote Storage: 0x0
Restore Removable Storage Management: 0x0
Restore Logical Disk Management State: 0x0
Restore Disk Quota Data: 0x0
Restore links and junctures to files and directories: 0x0
SQL Backup Method: 0x0
DBCC Check Before Backup: 0x0
Continue Backup on DBCC Error: 0x1
DBCC Check After Backup: 0x0
DBCC Check After Restore: 0x2
Enable SQL Support: 0x0
Recover SQL Database: 0x1
Standby SQL Database: 0x0
Replace SQL Database: 0x0
Force Named Pipe Backup/Restore: 0x0
Always Snap SQL: 0x0
Sytos Plus ECC Flag: 0x0
Use Fast File Restore: 0x1
Tape Format: 0x0
OTC Level: 0x2
DIL wait timeout: 0x5
DIL no wait timeout: 0x5
Use Fast Append: 0x1
Enable On-Tape Catalogs: 0x1
Number of buffers processed between LBA Rewrites: 0x5
Enable Exchange Support: 0x0
Working Product Code: {201E698C-B88E-41AE-8C46-3BBACADCD6E7}
Support Path: C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\{201E698C-B88E-41AE-8C46-3BBACADCD6E7}\
Reboot Install: 0x0
MSDE Installed: 0x1
Path 9.0: C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\
Source Path 9.0: C:\Veritas\WINNT\INSTALL\BE\
Language: 0
Product Code 9.0: {201E698C-B88E-41AE-8C46-3BBACADCD6E7}
Install Language: 0x409
Major Version: 0x9
Minor Version: 0x1
Build Major: 0x1253
Build Minor: 0x0
Upgrade Version: 9.1.4691
INF FILE: C:\WINNT\system32\drivers\oemtap0.inf
Registered OnLine: 0x0
MsecPipeTimeout: 0x3e8
MsecAdvInterval: 0x5265c00
TsHbeatInterval: 0xd8
Last Heartbeat: 0x1c5362d
Data: 0x0
Type: <01 00>
TStamp: 0x1c536e3
Data: 0x0
Type: <02 00>
SerNo: 0874942087035129
TStamp: 0x1c536e3
Flags: 0x10
Last Contact: 0x1c536e3
Protocols: 0x1
UseSPXII: 0x1
Timeout: 0x258
HandshakingTimeout: 0x78
MaxPacketSize: 0x216
TrySPXII: 0x1
HandshakingTimeout: 0x78
WorkBufferSize: 0x4000
DisconnectDelay: 0x2ee
CoalesceSends: 0x0
Media Server dynamic port range: 0-0
Remote Agent dynamic port range: 0-0
UseMediaServerPortRange: 0x0
UseRemoteAgentPortRange: 0x0
IsDatabaseMgr: 0x1
DataPartitionID: 0x0
DataPartitionGUID: <16 bytes of binary data follow>
a9 7e 60 65 24 6d 25 4c 9d f8 94 6c f3 e0 1b 78 .~`e$m%L...l...x
HasStartedSuccessfully: 0x1
OriginalInstalledValuesSet: 0x1
OriginalInstalledDBDeviceFile: C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\Data\BEDB_Dat.mdf
LastKnownSQLDBDeviceFile: C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\Data\BEDB_Dat.mdf
EmailTextLog: 0x0
Description: Backup Exec Server
Hist Jobs: 0x0
Alerts: 0x0
Status: 0x0
Enable SNMP: 0x1
Job Success Trap: 0x0
Pathname: C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\besnmp.dll
BaseEnterpriseOID: .
SupportedView: .
TraceFileName: besnmp.TRC
TraceLevel: 0x0
Pathname: C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\tapealrt.dll
Auto clean enabled: 0x0
Auto copy enabled: 0x0
TapeAlert enabled: 0x1
Traps enabled: 0x1
Enable SQL Support: 0x0
Flags: 0x0
Data Path Remote: \\W2K\C$\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\
Report Path Remote: \\W2K\C$\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\
Disaster Recovery Alternate Data Path Remote: \\W2K\C$\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\
Disaster Recovery Data Path Remote: \\W2K\C$\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\
Disaster Recovery Path Remote: \\W2K\C$\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\
Readme Remote Link: file://C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\readme%s.html
URL Backup Exec ReadMe Remote: file://C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\readme%s.html
URL Backup Exec ReadMe Local: file://C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\readme%s.html
URL Backup Exec Administrators Manual: file://C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\beadmin%s.pdf
URL Backup Exec Addendum: file://C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\beadminadndm%s.pdf
URL Backup Exec Release Notes: http://seer.support.veritas.com/docs/258104.htm
URL VERITAS Update: http://softwareupdate.veritas.com/
Enable SQL Shares: 0x1
Software Update Available: 0x0
UI Has Run Before: 0x1
Loader Driver Installed: 0x0
Inventory On Startup: 0x0
Startup Dispatch Pause Secs: 0x78
Dispatch Pause Secs: 0xa
List Files: 0x1
Use Password: 0x0
Display NetWare Servers: 0x1
Store User Credentials In Database: 0x1
Lock Password Database: 0x0
Show Mode Warning: 0x1
Group Name:
Include Subdirs: 0x1
Enable User Shares: 0x0
Enable System (Default) Shares: 0x1
Enable Microsoft Exchange Shares: 0x1
Search Limit: 0xfa
Search Tapes With Password: 0x0
Search Subdirectories: 0x1
Scheduled job count limit: 0x64
Scheduled job day limit: 0x7
Scheduled job next only: 0x1
Job Number: 0x0
OEM - Welcome Screen: 0x1
Event - Mask: 0x23
Alert - On Error: 0x0
Alert - Remote Job Completes: 0x1
Alert - Who List:
Network - Zones: 0x1
Network - NetWare: 0x0
Network - TCP/IP: 0x0
Network - AppleTalk: 0x0
PMI Flag: 0x0
Message Box Time Out Secs: 0x0
Scheduled Device Request Secs: 0xa
Software - AllowBoth: 0x0
Backup - HW Comp otherwise None: 0x1
Backup - HW Comp otherwise SW: 0x0
Backup - SW Comp: 0x0
Unknown Device Found: 0x0
Append No Overwrite: 0x0
Tech Support Website: support.veritas.com
Default B2D Location:
O: <216 bytes of binary data follow>
3a 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 3b 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 :.......;.......
3c 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 3d 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 <.......=.......
31 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 30 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 1.......0.......
3e 00 00 00 ff ff ff ff 98 02 00 00 ff ff ff ff >...............
45 00 00 00 ff ff ff ff 47 00 00 00 ff ff ff ff E.......G.......
41 00 00 00 ff ff ff ff a3 02 00 00 ff ff ff ff A...............
40 00 00 00 ff ff ff ff 44 00 00 00 ff ff ff ff @.......D.......
43 00 00 00 ff ff ff ff 46 00 00 00 ff ff ff ff C.......F.......
06 01 00 00 ff ff ff ff e1 02 00 00 ff ff ff ff ................
05 03 00 00 ff ff ff ff 3f 00 00 00 ff ff ff ff ........?.......
42 00 00 00 ff ff ff ff 52 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 B.......R.......
c1 56 00 00 02 00 00 00 c3 56 00 00 02 00 00 00 .V.......V......
c5 56 00 00 02 00 00 00 43 10 00 00 ff ff ff ff .V......C.......
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........
AK: <8 bytes of binary data follow>
67 54 a0 48 00 00 be 61 gT.H...a
LO: <52 bytes of binary data follow>
34 00 00 00 30 38 37 34 39 34 32 30 38 37 30 33 4...087494208703
35 31 32 39 d4 07 0a 00 04 00 1c 00 00 00 00 00 5129............
00 00 00 00 3c 00 00 00 6f 04 00 20 40 00 00 00 ....<...o.. @...
b9 d9 cb f0 ....
MLO: <1636 bytes of binary data follow>
64 06 00 00 30 38 37 34 39 34 32 30 38 37 30 33 d...087494208703
35 31 32 39 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 5129............
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 d4 07 0a 00 04 00 1c 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 3c 00 00 00 6f 04 00 20 40 00 00 00 ....<...o.. @...
fd e7 f1 f0 ....
Data Path:
InstallPath: C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\
EISPort: 8080
Installation Directory: C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\ECM\
InstallPath: C:\Program Files\VERITAS\VxUpdate\
Last Taskbar HWND: 0x100b6
Installed Product Code: {EFE295A9-C617-4ECE-A191-14265F5BD7ED}
SCSI hardware configuration information from \\W2K
FirstBusScanTimeInMs: 0x0
DMAEnabled: 0x0
Driver: atapi
FirstBusScanTimeInMs: 0xbb8
DMAEnabled: 0x0
Driver: atapi
Identifier: HL-DT-ST CD-ROM GCR-8481B
Type: CdRomPeripheral
DeviceName: CdRom0
Interrupt: 0x11
IOAddress: 0xfcd00000
Driver: mraid2k
Identifier: SDR GEM318P 1
Type: OtherPeripheral
InquiryData: <36 bytes of binary data follow>
03 00 02 02 31 00 00 00 53 44 52 20 20 20 20 20 ....1...SDR
47 45 4d 33 31 38 50 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 GEM318P
31 20 20 20 1
Identifier: RAID DummyDevice 05XX
Type: OtherPeripheral
InquiryData: <36 bytes of binary data follow>
1f 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 20 52 41 49 44 20 20 ........ RAID
20 44 75 6d 6d 79 44 65 76 69 63 65 20 20 20 20 DummyDevice
30 35 58 58 05XX
Identifier: PERC LD 0 PERCRAID
Type: DiskPeripheral
InquiryData: <36 bytes of binary data follow>
00 00 02 02 fa 00 00 32 50 45 52 43 20 20 20 20 .......2PERC
20 4c 44 20 20 30 20 50 45 52 43 52 41 49 44 20 LD 0 PERCRAID
20 20 20 20
Interrupt: 0x1d
IOAddress: 0xdc00
Driver: Symmpi
Type: TapePeripheral
DeviceName: Tape0
InquiryData: <56 bytes of binary data follow>
01 80 03 02 33 00 01 38 41 52 43 48 49 56 45 20 ....3..8ARCHIVE
50 79 74 68 6f 6e 20 30 36 34 30 38 2d 58 58 58 Python 06408-XXX
39 31 30 30 00 00 00 00 00 17 00 00 00 20 20 20 9100.........
20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
Identifier: ARCHIVE Python 06408-XXX9100
Windows Sockets Information for \\W2K
ErrorControl: 0x1
Start: 0x3
Type: 0x4
Transports: Tcpip
Setup Version: 0x1009
Provider List: NetBIOS
Known Static Providers: Tcpip
WinSock 1.1 Provider Data: <900 bytes of binary data follow>
0e 10 00 00 11 00 00 00 14 00 00 00 14 00 00 00 ................
05 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 00 fa 00 00 0e 03 00 00 ................
09 12 00 00 11 00 00 00 14 00 00 00 14 00 00 00 ................
02 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 00 fa 00 00 98 02 00 00 ................
0e 10 00 00 11 00 00 00 14 00 00 00 14 00 00 00 ................
05 00 00 00 ff ff ff ff 00 fa 00 00 22 02 00 00 ............"...
09 12 00 00 11 00 00 00 14 00 00 00 14 00 00 00 ................
02 00 00 00 ff ff ff ff 00 fa 00 00 ac 01 00 00 ................
0e 10 00 00 11 00 00 00 14 00 00 00 14 00 00 00 ................
05 00 00 00 fe ff ff ff 00 fa 00 00 36 01 00 00 ............6...
09 12 00 00 11 00 00 00 14 00 00 00 14 00 00 00 ................
02 00 00 00 fe ff ff ff 00 fa 00 00 c0 00 00 00 ................
5c 00 44 00 65 00 76 00 69 00 63 00 65 00 5c 00 \.D.e.v.i.c.e.\.
4e 00 65 00 74 00 42 00 54 00 5f 00 54 00 63 00 N.e.t.B.T._.T.c.
70 00 69 00 70 00 5f 00 7b 00 41 00 32 00 36 00 p.i.p._.{.A.2.6.
34 00 44 00 42 00 42 00 44 00 2d 00 39 00 34 00 4.D.B.B.D.-.9.4.
44 00 31 00 2d 00 34 00 43 00 38 00 38 00 2d 00 D.1.-.4.C.8.8.-.
42 00 41 00 43 00 37 00 2d 00 35 00 33 00 41 00 B.A.C.7.-.5.3.A.
44 00 46 00 45 00 38 00 32 00 36 00 39 00 33 00 D.F.E.
30 00 7d 00 00 00 5c 00 44 00 65 00 76 00 69 00 0.}...\.D.e.v.i.
63 00 65 00 5c 00 4e 00 65 00 74 00 42 00 54 00 c.e.\.N.e.t.B.T.
5f 00 54 00 63 00 70 00 69 00 70 00 5f 00 7b 00 _.T.c.p.i.p._.{.
41 00 32 00 36 00 34 00 44 00 42 00 42 00 44 00 A.2.6.4.D.B.B.D.
2d 00 39 00 34 00 44 00 31 00 2d 00 34 00 43 00 -.9.4.D.1.-.4.C.
38 00 38 00 2d 00 42 00 41 00 43 00 37 00 2d 00 8.8.-.B.A.C.7.-.
35 00 33 00 41 00 44 00 46 00 45 00 38 00 32 00 5.3.A.D.F.E.8.2.
36 00 39 00 33 00 30 00 7d 00 00 00 5c 00 44 00}...\.D.
65 00 76 00 69 00 63 00 65 00 5c 00 4e 00 65 00 e.v.i.c.e.\.N.e.
74 00 42 00 54 00 5f 00 54 00 63 00 70 00 69 00 t.B.T._.T.c.p.i.
70 00 5f 00 7b 00 39 00 32 00 31 00 34 00 33 00 p._.{.
46 00 43 00 37 00 2d 00 33 00 35 00 45 00 45 00 F.C.7.-.3.5.E.E.
2d 00 34 00 44 00 31 00 42 00 2d 00 41 00 33 00 -.4.D.1.B.-.A.3.
35 00 43 00 2d 00 43 00 42 00 39 00 45 00 39 00 5.C.-.C.B.9.E.9.
34 00 46 00 31 00 30 00 32 00 43 00 44 00 7d 00 4.F.1.0.2.C.D.}.
00 00 5c 00 44 00 65 00 76 00 69 00 63 00 65 00 ..\.D.e.v.i.c.e.
5c 00 4e 00 65 00 74 00 42 00 54 00 5f 00 54 00 \.N.e.t.B.T._.T.
63 00 70 00 69 00 70 00 5f 00 7b 00 39 00 32 00 c.p.i.p._.{.9.2.
31 00 34 00 33 00 46 00 43 00 37 00 2d 00 33 00 1.4.3.F.C.7.-.3.
35 00 45 00 45 00 2d 00 34 00 44 00 31 00 42 00 5.E.E.-.4.D.1.B.
2d 00 41 00 33 00 35 00 43 00 2d 00 43 00 42 00 -.A.3.5.C.-.C.B.
39 00 45 00 39 00 34 00 46 00 31 00 30 00 32 00 9.E.9.4.F.1.0.2.
43 00 44 00 7d 00 00 00 5c 00 44 00 65 00 76 00 C.D.}...\.D.e.v.
69 00 63 00 65 00 5c 00 4e 00 65 00 74 00 42 00 i.c.e.\.N.e.t.B.
54 00 5f 00 54 00 63 00 70 00 69 00 70 00 5f 00 T._.T.c.p.i.p._.
7b 00 33 00 36 00 45 00 37 00 38 00 36 00 31 00 {.3.6.E.
32 00 2d 00 43 00 38 00 43 00 34 00 2d 00 34 00 2.-.C.8.C.4.-.4.
35 00 41 00 39 00 2d 00 38 00 42 00 39 00 37 00 5.A.9.-.8.B.9.7.
2d 00 46 00 38 00 35 00 31 00 44 00 32 00 35 00 -.F.8.5.1.D.2.5.
37 00 31 00 37 00 39 00 31 00 7d 00 00 00 5c 00}...\.
44 00 65 00 76 00 69 00 63 00 65 00 5c 00 4e 00 D.e.v.i.c.e.\.N.
65 00 74 00 42 00 54 00 5f 00 54 00 63 00 70 00 e.t.B.T._.T.c.p.
69 00 70 00 5f 00 7b 00 33 00 36 00 45 00 37 00 i.p._.{.3.6.E.7.
38 00 36 00 31 00 32 00 2d 00 43 00 38 00 43 00
34 00 2d 00 34 00 35 00 41 00 39 00 2d 00 38 00 4.-.4.5.A.9.-.8.
42 00 39 00 37 00 2d 00 46 00 38 00 35 00 31 00 B.9.7.-.F.8.5.1.
44 00 32 00 35 00 37 00 31 00 37 00 39 00 31 00 D.
7d 00 00 00 }...
WinSock 2.0 Provider ID: <16 bytes of binary data follow>
30 18 5f 8d 73 c2 cf 11 95 c8 00 80 5f 48 a1 92 0._.s......._H..
WinSock 2.0 Provider ID: <16 bytes of binary data follow>
a0 1a 0f e7 8b ab cf 11 8c a3 00 80 5f 48 a1 92 ............_H..
IsoTp: <16 bytes of binary data follow>
b0 cb e4 89 c1 b9 cf 11 95 c8 00 80 5f 48 a1 92 ............_H..
McsXns: <16 bytes of binary data follow>
b1 cb e4 89 c1 b9 cf 11 95 c8 00 80 5f 48 a1 92 ............_H..
AppleTalk: <16 bytes of binary data follow>
a0 17 3b 2c df c6 cf 11 95 c8 00 80 5f 48 a1 92 ..;,........_H..
LanmanWorkstation provider information for \\W2K
Name: Microsoft Windows Network
ProviderPath: %SystemRoot%\System32\ntlanman.dll
DeviceName: \Device\LanmanRedirector
Microsoft SQL Server information for \\W2K
SharedMemoryOn: 0x1
ProtocolOrder: tcp
W2K\BkupExec: -33423352:lpc:W2K\BkupExec
DefaultPort: 0x599
DefaultServerPort: 0:1433
DefaultClientNIC: 0
RecognizedVendors: Giganet, ServerNet II
Windows NT version information for \\W2K:
Product: Windows NT Advanced Server
Version: 5.0
Build: 2195 (Service Pack 4)
Build type: Multiprocessor Free
CPU type: x86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 7
CPU count: 2
Contents of ini file - C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\DLOBuildInfo.ini
File Server Information for \\W2K
Server platform: Windows NT version 5.0
Server type flags: 0x0204162f
SQL Server
Domain controller
Time server
Print server
RAS Server
Windows NT
Master browser
Shared directories on \\W2K
Share name Sh flags Local path
------------ -------- ----------------------------
D$ 80000000 D:\
print$ 00000000 C:\WINNT\System32\spool\drivers
NETLOGON 00000000 C:\WINNT\SYSVOL\sysvol\mutchler.com\SCRIPTS
apps 00000000 D:\apps
users 00000000 D:\users
ADMIN$ 80000000 C:\WINNT
SYSVOL 00000000 C:\WINNT\SYSVOL\sysvol
VPLOGON 00000000 C:\PROGRA~1\NAV\logon
C$ 80000000 C:\
VPALERT$ 00000000 C:\PROGRA~1\NAV\alert
File System information for \\W2K
Device Filesys FS flags Len Cluster Total clus Free clus Total MB Free MB
-------------------------------------------------- ------- -------- --- ------- ---------- --------- -------- -------
\\?\Volume{12040080-9ceb-11d7-b0d2-806d6172696f}\ FAT16 00000006 255 2048 20017 15228 39 29
C:\ NTFS 000700ff 255 512 25173854 8924386 12291 4357
D:\ NTFS 000700ff 255 4096 14597052 8315574 57019 32482
Memory Statistics for W2K
Total Physical Memory: 1073201152 bytes
Available Physical Memory: 595480576 bytes
Total Page File: 2581508096 bytes
Available Page File: 2187071488 bytes
Total Virtual Memory: 2147352576 bytes
Available Virtual Memory: 2109476864 bytes
Backup Exec Agents as seen by \\W2K
Agent name Proto Type Address
-------------------------------------- ----- ---- --------------------------
Driver services on \\W2K:
Service name Startup Status Service display name
------------ ------- -------- --------------------
4mmdat--VRTS SYSTEM Running 4mmdat--VRTS
ACPI BOOT Running Microsoft ACPI Driver
afamgt BOOT Running afamgt
AFD AUTO Running AFD Networking Support Environment
atapi BOOT Running Standard IDE/ESDI Hard Disk Controller
Beep SYSTEM Running Beep
BrSerial AUTO Running Brother Serial Driver
Cdrom SYSTEM Running CD-ROM Driver
Compbatt BOOT Running Microsoft Composite Battery Driver
dcesm AUTO Running dcesm
DfsDriver BOOT Running DfsDriver
Disk BOOT Running Disk Driver
Diskperf BOOT Running Diskperf
Fips AUTO Running Fips
Ftdisk BOOT Running Volume Manager Driver
Gpc MANUAL Running Generic Packet Classifier
HidUsb AUTO Running Microsoft HID Class Driver
i8042prt SYSTEM Running i8042 Keyboard and PS/2 Mouse Port Driver
IntelIde BOOT Running IntelIde
isapnp BOOT Running PnP ISA/EISA Bus Driver
Kbdclass SYSTEM Running Keyboard Class Driver
KSecDD BOOT Running KSecDD
mnmdd SYSTEM Running mnmdd
Mouclass SYSTEM Running Mouse Class Driver
MountMgr BOOT Running MountMgr
mraid2k BOOT Running mraid2k
MRxSmb SYSTEM Running MRxSmb
Msfs SYSTEM Running Msfs
Mup BOOT Running Mup
NDIS BOOT Running NDIS System Driver
Ndisuio MANUAL Running NDIS Usermode I/O Protocol
NDProxy MANUAL Running NDIS Proxy
NetBIOS SYSTEM Running NetBIOS Interface
NetBT SYSTEM Running NetBios over Tcpip
Npfs SYSTEM Running Npfs
Null SYSTEM Running Null
Parport SYSTEM Running Parallel port driver
PartMgr BOOT Running PartMgr
ParVdm AUTO Running ParVdm
PcdrNt MANUAL Running PcdrNt
PCI BOOT Running PCI Bus Driver
PCIIde BOOT Running PCIIde
RasAcd SYSTEM Running Remote Access Auto Connection Driver
Rdbss SYSTEM Running Rdbss
Serial SYSTEM Running Serial port driver
SymEvent MANUAL Running SymEvent
Symmpi BOOT Running Symmpi
Tcpip SYSTEM Running TCP/IP Protocol Driver
TermDD AUTO Running Terminal Device Driver
VgaSave SYSTEM Running VgaSave
vxboot BOOT Running vxboot
vxio BOOT Running Array Manager Device Driver
Service name Startup Status Service display name
------------ ------- -------- --------------------
4mmdat MANUAL Stopped 4mmdat
Abiosdsk DISABLED Stopped Abiosdsk
abp480n5 DISABLED Stopped abp480n5
adpu160m DISABLED Stopped adpu160m
Aha154x DISABLED Stopped Aha154x
aic116x DISABLED Stopped aic116x
aic78u2 DISABLED Stopped aic78u2
aic78xx DISABLED Stopped aic78xx
ami0nt DISABLED Stopped ami0nt
amsint DISABLED Stopped amsint
asc DISABLED Stopped asc
asc3350p DISABLED Stopped asc3350p
asc3550 DISABLED Stopped asc3550
AsyncMac MANUAL Stopped RAS Asynchronous Media Driver
Atdisk DISABLED Stopped Atdisk
ati2mpad MANUAL Running ati2mpad
Atmarpc MANUAL Stopped ATM ARP Client Protocol
audstub MANUAL Running Audio Stub Driver
BusLogic DISABLED Stopped BusLogic
cd20xrnt DISABLED Stopped cd20xrnt
Cdaudio SYSTEM Stopped Cdaudio
Cdfs DISABLED Running Cdfs
Changer SYSTEM Stopped Changer
Cpqarray DISABLED Stopped Cpqarray
cpqarry2 DISABLED Stopped cpqarry2
cpqfcalm DISABLED Stopped cpqfcalm
cpqfws2e DISABLED Stopped cpqfws2e
dac960nt DISABLED Stopped dac960nt
deckzpsx DISABLED Stopped deckzpsx
dmboot DISABLED Stopped dmboot
dmio DISABLED Stopped Logical Disk Manager Driver
dmload DISABLED Stopped dmload
E1000 MANUAL Running Intel(R) PRO/1000 Adapter Driver
Fastfat DISABLED Running Fastfat
Fd16_700 DISABLED Stopped Fd16_700
Fdc MANUAL Running Floppy Disk Controller Driver
fireport DISABLED Stopped fireport
flashpnt DISABLED Stopped flashpnt
Flpydisk MANUAL Running Floppy Disk Driver
HidBatt MANUAL Running HID UPS Battery Driver
HPZid412 MANUAL Stopped IEEE-1284.4 Driver HPZid412
HPZipr12 MANUAL Stopped Print Class Driver for IEEE-1284.4 HPZipr12
HPZius12 MANUAL Stopped USB to IEEE-1284.4 Translation Driver HPZius12
ini910u DISABLED Stopped ini910u
IpFilterDriver MANUAL Stopped IP Traffic Filter Driver
IpInIp MANUAL Stopped IP in IP Tunnel Driver
IpNat MANUAL Stopped IP Network Address Translator
ipsraidn DISABLED Stopped ipsraidn
IRENUM MANUAL Stopped IR Enumerator Service
lbrtfdc SYSTEM Stopped lbrtfdc
lp6nds35 DISABLED Stopped lp6nds35
Modem MANUAL Stopped Modem
mraid35x DISABLED Stopped mraid35x
MSKSSRV MANUAL Stopped Microsoft Streaming Service Proxy
MSPCLOCK MANUAL Stopped Microsoft Streaming Clock Proxy
MSPQM MANUAL Stopped Microsoft Streaming Quality Manager Proxy
Ncrc710 DISABLED Stopped Ncrc710
NdisTapi MANUAL Running Remote Access NDIS TAPI Driver
NdisWan MANUAL Running Remote Access NDIS WAN Driver
NetDetect MANUAL Stopped NetDetect
Ntfs DISABLED Running Ntfs
NwlnkFlt MANUAL Stopped IPX Traffic Filter Driver
NwlnkFwd MANUAL Stopped IPX Traffic Forwarder Driver
openhci MANUAL Running Microsoft USB Open Host Controller Driver
Parallel MANUAL Running Parallel class driver
PCDRDRV MANUAL Stopped Pcdr Helper Driver
PCIDump SYSTEM Stopped PCIDump
Pcmcia DISABLED Stopped Pcmcia
PptpMiniport MANUAL Running WAN Miniport (PPTP)
Ptilink MANUAL Running Direct Parallel Link Driver
ql1080 DISABLED Stopped ql1080
Ql10wnt DISABLED Stopped Ql10wnt
ql1240 DISABLED Stopped ql1240
ql2100 DISABLED Stopped ql2100
Rasl2tp MANUAL Running WAN Miniport (L2TP)
Raspti MANUAL Running Direct Parallel
RCA MANUAL Stopped Microsoft Streaming Network Raw Channel Access
rdpdr MANUAL Running Terminal Server Device Redirector Driver
redbook SYSTEM Stopped Digital CD Audio Playback Filter Driver
SCSIChanger SYSTEM Stopped SCSIChanger
serenum MANUAL Running Serenum Filter Driver
Sfloppy SYSTEM Stopped Sfloppy
sglfb SYSTEM Stopped sglfb
Simbad DISABLED Stopped Simbad
Sparrow DISABLED Stopped Sparrow
spud MANUAL Running Special Purpose Utility Driver
Srv MANUAL Running Srv
stdatw2k MANUAL Stopped stdatw2k
swenum MANUAL Running Software Bus Driver
symc810 DISABLED Stopped symc810
symc8xx DISABLED Stopped symc8xx
sym_hi DISABLED Stopped sym_hi
tga SYSTEM Stopped tga
Udfs DISABLED Stopped Udfs
ultra66 DISABLED Stopped ultra66
Update MANUAL Running Microcode Update Driver
usbhub MANUAL Running Microsoft USB Standard Hub Driver
usbprint MANUAL Stopped Microsoft USB PRINTER Class
usbscan MANUAL Stopped USB Scanner Driver
USBSTOR MANUAL Stopped USB Mass Storage Driver
Wanarp MANUAL Running Remote Access IP ARP Driver
Win32 services on \\W2K:
Service name Startup Status Service display name
------------ ------- -------- --------------------
Alerter AUTO Running Alerter
APCPBEAgent AUTO Running APC PBE Agent
APCPBEServer AUTO Running APC PBE Server
BackupExecAgentAccelerator AUTO Running Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows Servers
BackupExecAgentBrowser AUTO Running Backup Exec Agent Browser
BackupExecDeviceMediaService AUTO Running Backup Exec Device & Media Service
BackupExecJobEngine AUTO Running Backup Exec Job Engine
BackupExecNamingService AUTO Running Backup Exec Naming Service
BackupExecRPCService AUTO Running Backup Exec Server
BITS MANUAL Running Background Intelligent Transfer Service
Browser AUTO Running Computer Browser
dcevt32 AUTO Running Dell OpenManage Server Agent Event Monitor
dcstor32 AUTO Running Dell OpenManage Server Agent
DefWatch AUTO Running DefWatch
Dfs AUTO Running Distributed File System
Dhcp AUTO Running DHCP Client
DNS AUTO Running DNS Server
Dnscache AUTO Running DNS Client
Eventlog AUTO Running Event Log
EventSystem MANUAL Running COM+ Event System
IISADMIN AUTO Running IIS Admin Service
Intel PDS AUTO Running Intel PDS
IsmServ AUTO Running Intersite Messaging
kdc AUTO Running Kerberos Key Distribution Center
lanmanserver AUTO Running Server
lanmanworkstation AUTO Running Workstation
LexBceS AUTO Running LexBce Server
LicenseService AUTO Running License Logging Service
LmHosts AUTO Running TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper Service
Messenger AUTO Running Messenger
mr2kserv AUTO Running mr2kserv
Netlogon AUTO Running Net Logon
Netman MANUAL Running Network Connections
Norton AntiVirus Server AUTO Running Symantec AntiVirus Server
NtFrs AUTO Running File Replication Service
NtLmSsp MANUAL Running NT LM Security Support Provider
NtmsSvc AUTO Running Removable Storage
PlugPlay AUTO Running Plug and Play
PolicyAgent AUTO Running IPSEC Policy Agent
ProtectedStorage AUTO Running Protected Storage
RasMan MANUAL Running Remote Access Connection Manager
RemoteAccess AUTO Running Routing and Remote Access
RemoteRegistry AUTO Running Remote Registry Service
RpcLocator AUTO Running Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator
RpcSs AUTO Running Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
SamSs AUTO Running Security Accounts Manager
Schedule AUTO Running Task Scheduler
seclogon AUTO Running RunAs Service
SENS AUTO Running System Event Notification
Server Administrator AUTO Running Secure Port Server
SMTPSVC AUTO Running Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP)
Spooler AUTO Running Print Spooler
StiSvc AUTO Running Still Image Service
TapiSrv MANUAL Running Telephony
TermService AUTO Running Terminal Services
TermServLicensing AUTO Running Terminal Services Licensing
TrkSvr AUTO Running Distributed Link Tracking Server
TrkWks AUTO Running Distributed Link Tracking Client
VxSvc AUTO Running Disk Management Service
W32Time AUTO Running Windows Time
W3SVC AUTO Running World Wide Web Publishing Service
Wmi MANUAL Running Windows Management Instrumentation Driver Extensions
wuauserv AUTO Running Automatic Updates
WZCSVC MANUAL Running Wireless Configuration
Service name Startup Status Service display name
------------ ------- -------- --------------------
AppMgmt MANUAL Stopped Application Management
cisvc MANUAL Stopped Indexing Service
ClipSrv MANUAL Stopped ClipBook
dmserver DISABLED Stopped Logical Disk Manager
ECM Service MANUAL Stopped ExecView Communication Module (ECM)
Fax MANUAL Stopped Fax Service
mnmsrvc MANUAL Stopped NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing
MSDTC MANUAL Stopped Distributed Transaction Coordinator
MSIServer MANUAL Stopped Windows Installer
MSSQLServerADHelper MANUAL Stopped MSSQLServerADHelper
NetDDE MANUAL Stopped Network DDE
NetDDEdsdm MANUAL Stopped Network DDE DSDM
NetSvc MANUAL Stopped Intel NCS NetService
OWSTimer MANUAL Stopped Office Server Extensions Notification Service
RasAuto MANUAL Stopped Remote Access Auto Connection Manager
SCardDrv MANUAL Stopped Smart Card Helper
SCardSvr MANUAL Stopped Smart Card
SharedAccess MANUAL Stopped Internet Connection Sharing
SysmonLog MANUAL Stopped Performance Logs and Alerts
TlntSvr MANUAL Stopped Telnet
UPS DISABLED Stopped Uninterruptible Power Supply
UtilMan MANUAL Stopped Utility Manager
WinMgmt MANUAL Stopped Windows Management Instrumentation
Local Group Memberships for Backup Exec service account MUTCHLER\administrator on \\W2K
Net Group Memberships for Backup Exec service account MUTCHLER\administrator
Group Policy Creator Owners
Schema Admins
Domain Admins
Domain Users
Enterprise Admins
MUTCHLER\Administrator is a member of the following groups:
MUTCHLER\Domain Users
BUILTIN\Pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access
NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users
MUTCHLER\Administrator has the following privileges:
Act as part of the operating system
Create a token object
Bypass traverse checking
Manage auditing and security log
Back up files and directories
Restore files and directories
Change the system time
Shut down the system
Force shutdown from a remote system
Take ownership of files or other objects
Debug programs
Modify firmware environment values
Profile system performance
Profile single process
Increase scheduling priority
Load and unload device drivers
Create a pagefile
Increase quotas
Remove computer from docking station
Enable computer and user accounts to be trusted for delegation
Impersonate a client after authentication
Create global objects
Add workstations to domain
Environment variables for current session:
ALLUSERSPROFILE=C:\Documents and Settings\All Users
CLASSPATH=C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\ECM\bumodule.jar;C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\ECM\LOG4J-CORE.JAR;C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\ECM\LOG4J.JAR;.
CommonProgramFiles=C:\Program Files\Common Files
DellAgentPath=C:\Program Files\Dell\OpenManage\OMSA\bin
OMPATH=C:\Program Files\Dell\OpenManage\oma\bin;C:\Program Files\Dell\OpenManage\LU\bin;C:\Program Files\Dell\OpenManage\oldiags\bin
Path=C:\WINNT\system32;C:\WINNT;C:\WINNT\System32\Wbem;C:\Program Files\Dell\OpenManage\Array Manager;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Binn\;C:\Program Files\Dell\OpenManage\oma\bin;C:\Program Files\Dell\OpenManage\LU\bin;C:\Program Files\Dell\OpenManage\oldiags\bin;C:\Program Files\Dell\OpenManage\OMSA\bin;C:\Program Files\Support Tools\
PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER=x86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 7, GenuineIntel
ProgramFiles=C:\Program Files
USERPROFILE=C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator
What am I missing?