Error 8007051b when using dlocommandu to restore files.
Text below is what shows in my command prompt in Windows 2000 Server running on VMWare Server. The whole backup is about 3GB, but it gets stuck on the third file. There are of course lots of free space on the different target drives I have tried. I am logged in as the Administrator.
C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\DLO>dlocommandu -emergencyrestore "f:\dlo_data\company-User name" -w secret123 -ap f:\hello
f:\hello\orderdatorn\c_\documents and settings\Administrat÷r\Application Data\desktop.ini was restored
f:\hello\orderdatorn\c_\documents and settings\Administrat÷r\Application Data\Microsoft\CLR Security Config\v1.1.4322\security.config was restored
Compound Error copying f:\dlo_data\company-User name\.dlo\orderdatorn\c_\documents and settings\Administrat÷r\Application Data\Microsoft\CLR Security Config\v1.1.4322\[00g3788IVl3cUm000009Gc]security.config.cch: MultiCopier::_WriteDests.Write f:\hello\orderdatorn\c_\documents and settings\Administrat÷r\Application Data\Microsoft\CLR Security Config\v1.1.4322\security.config.cch 8007051b
Please check that the specified destination exists, is writable,
and has enough available disk space for this operation.
C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\DLO>