Error in backup job not described
Any know about the following error:
I make a backup job for Information Store of Exchange 2007, with GRT. The job ends with error: e0001904
Failure occurred querying the status of the editor. Publisher Name: Exchange Server, publisher ID: {76FE1AC4-15F7-987E-8E1ACB462FB7 4BCD-}, Last error: The VSS Writer failed, but the operation can be retried (0x800423f3), State: Error during For additional information about of this error, go to the link V-79-57344-6404 (Sorry the message is in Spanish and I put it in google translator).
The Event Viewer sent the same message with ID 34113
Well the link does not exist.
Carlos Espinoza
Hi Carlos,
If you're using AOFO, turn it isn't recommended to use AOFO when backing up databases.
That error refers to VSS which BE uses to snapshot the Exchange DB.
Do the following from a command prompt on the affected server:
1. type: vssadmin list writers
2. Check and make sure all your VSS writers are stable and running.
3. Any writers NOT stable and running are in error. A restart of the server normally fixes this. If not, and the OS is Server 2003, there is a VSS Rollup Patch you can download and run. If this still doesn't resolve it, follow the Symantec TN below to reregister the VSS *.dlls:
As always, also make sure your media server is fully patched and that you have push-installed these patches to any remote servers you have.