Forum Discussion

sammyc53's avatar
Level 5
18 years ago

Ever since 10/11/06, my backups take TWICE as long

Ever since 10/11/06, my backups take TWICE as long to complete. IE, our mail server, at 106GB, used to take 4-5 hours to complete. (Disk based backup).

Now, it consistently is over 8 hours.

We have about 8 other servers, and this is happening with them ALL.

I cannot think of any changes to our environment that might affect this. The servers get rebooted plenty. The restores (Yes, I test :), work fine.

The jobs never fail. (Knock on wood).

I did not apply any BE updates near that time either, BE has just been humming away for months!!!!

Any ideas? Any thoughts are welcome!


5 Replies

  • Sam,

    Just wanted to add my 2 cents. I'm seeing something similar. However I DID do windows updates, but not to my Backup Server. I did windows updates to my Domain Controllers, 1 Citrix Server, and 2 Web Servers and Exchange Servers. However since then I've seen a drastic increase in the amount of time to VERIFY a backup. I dont know if I'm seeing the same issue or not, but I figure more than one post may help bring visibility.
    I patched my Backup Server to 10.1 SP2 and Latest Windows Updates as a troubleshooting measure. However I have yet to re-deploy my remote agents. I am also doing disk-based backups... I go straight to local disks in the backup server, then I duplicate out to removable HDD's.

  • That's the exact same setup I use. The duplicate to the external hard drives have not been affected.

    My verify times are still the same. (1.5GB/min)

    It's the actual backup that moved from 500KB/min to 250KB/min.

    Thanks for your input. Windows Update is a great place to start digging.

    Does anyone know of any updates that could affect this?
  • This weekend, all my jobs took EXTREMELY long times to finish.

    My mail server backup that used to finish in 4 hours, took 25 hours.

    My file server backup took 25 hours too. Just flat files there....
  • Well, I have updated to the latest BE service pack, deployed all new RAWS agents, rebooted all servers, and ran ever sort of BE maint and diag tool available. Still no luck.

    Does anyone have any ideas?

    I guess I should just open up a support ticket.

  • FYI, I pinpointed the problem.

    Symantec AntiVirus 9.x

    Even with exclusions set to bypass all the backuptodisk locations, and BE folders, it was getting in the way.

    Uninstalled it, and BE was lightning fast. My backups easily cranked at over 1000 MB/min

    Got the new version of SAV (I think that the latest version of 9).

    Same issue arose after 1 day.

    Dell told me they see this happen all the time. Haven't figured out my solution yet. Perhaps another engine like Nod32, or maybe SAV 10.x

    Anyone seen this?