Exchange 2013 GRT Errors
I'm rolling out Exchange 2013 and the first challenge is to successful GRT back up. Every mailstore throws the following error.
V-79-57344-4617 - The backup-to-disk folder or the path for staging temporary data on the Backup Exec server must be on an NTFS volume. Do any of the following, and then submit the job again:
- Create a new backup-to-disk folder on an NTFS volume - Change the location of the current backup-to-disk folder to an NTFS volume - Change the path for staging temporary data. Click Tools, click Options, and then click Backup to change the path.
-BE 2014 server is 2008R2
-Exch 2013 server is 2012 R2
-I'm backing up to tape.
-The local staging disk is NTFS and has plenty of space.
-My Exch 2010 GRT backups to tape are working on the same BE 2014 server.
Any ideas are appreciated!!
As you are running an Exchange GRT backup to tape, the temp location for staging would be on the Exchange server and it would choose the volume which has max free space available.
Create the following registry key on the Exchange server ~
Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Symantec\Backup Exec For Windows\Backup Exec\Engine\Exchange
Right click and add a new String Value, "OnHostTemp".
Right click and set the value of OnHostTemp to "C:\Temp"
You can ofcourse set the value of OnHostTemp to any volume on the Exchange server which has sufficient free space.
Restart the remote agent service and rerun the backup.