exchange backup sets failed
I encountered exchange backup errors last night with the following message
Job ended: 18. mai 2012 at 00:28:58 Completed status: Failed Final error: 0xe000ff12 - A communications failure has occurred with an Exchange Store resource. Final error category: Resource Errors For additional information regarding this error refer to link V-79-57344-65298
In the job logs , it says Exchange store not responding for 6 databases. I tried checking the event logs on exchange server and it does not show anything specific. Also the VSS writers state seem to be stable.
Mmm...many reasons why RAWS fails (AV scanning the beremote.exe service; server restarts and the service is set to manual; something that needs to be patched to allow it to resume normal functioning). These are some of the things you need to check for, and sometimes, it corrupts, so an uninstall/push-install works.
Your VSS error is related to Windows. A server restart, or VSS *.dll reregister will sort this out normally, and if it occurs with the Windows backup utility, then it definitely is Windows-related. This would require a call with Microsoft, as it effectively rules out BE.