Exchange backup to tape 0 Bytes
I'm backup exchange to tape (appended to another file job on the same tape). It all completes with no errors. However when I come to view the backup set for exchange it displays as 0 Bytes. I've attached an image showing the various screens which relate to the specific backup. I believe I read on another post that the '0 Bytes' display is a bug, but I can't find that thread now.
GRT is disabled so I can't expand the store to see what is included and it's tricky for me to do a full restore elsewhere to test it's backed up ok. Exchange manager shows the store as being backed up and all the logs get cleared.
How can I be sure exchange is backed up safely to the tape?
...sorry, I left out the part there that it stages to disk WHEN RESTORING. Not backing up. If that were the case I'd never have had Exchange backups as most of the time the C:\ drive wasn't big enough to handle site Exchange server backups if it ever ran like that. My bad...I missed out on a part of it.
So no...the space required on C:\Temp (or any other manually designated drive) is for a GRT restore from tape ONLY. Not for backups.
And it doesn't require C:\Temp (or any other manually designated drive) if you are doing a GRT restore from a B2D as it is already on disk.
Sorry for the confusion, and thanks for pointing out my mistake!
Now, should turn off AOFO when backing up Exchange or any other DB, and enable it with data backups. You can read my article below on this: