Exchange Restore Query Failed
Hi !
We're running Backup Exec 2012SP4 for backing up a Exchange 2007 CCR cluster running on Windows x64. This has given us few problems, but during a restore request I got the other day I ran into a strange problem:
The mailbox I need to restore resides in a storagroup called SG00 (we have SG00-SG37). Allthough backup (boht full and incrementell) have run fine I'm only able to browse some of the backups. The backups that I'm able to browse also restores successfully, but there is a period of about 4 days that I can't restore and this is quite a problem for the user.
When I'm trying to view the content of the media I get the "Query Failed" error.
I'm really baffled by this and the user really need the data for the last 4 days.
I've tried to repair the database (including rebuilds etc) and restarting the server, but to no use.
I've enclosed a Word file with 2 printscreens. One pictures show inability to browse and the other shows succesfull backup.
Any ideas what might cause this?
Best regards
Petter Fossum
Have now found out the problem is isolated to GRT restore. A restore to a recovery group worked. Will close this thread.