Forum Discussion

Serge_Archambau's avatar
18 years ago

Excludes in BU 11d

Even if I added exclusions in the Excludes buit-in selection list, files and folders are still backed up. Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong?

Windows 2003 SP1
Backup Exec 11d Rev. 6325
Hotfix 2
Hotfix 6
Hotfix 9
Hotfix 11

Excludes in the buit-in selection:
\\*\*\Temp\*.* /SUBDIR /EXCLUDE
\\*\*\Recycler\*.* /SUBDIR /EXCLUDE
\\*\*\*.tmp /EXCLUDE
\\*\*\pagefile.sys /EXCLUDE

"Temp" and "Recycler" directories and *.tmp files are backed up. Pagefile.sys is not!
  • Well it might work in windows  but how do you get the excludes to work with netware drivers?.
    Have tried to use the wildcards but it dosent work at all on my network drives.
    an suggestions?
  • You need to modify the NOVELL.NKS file to make exclusions for NetWare backups. See the following for more info:
  • So you are telling me that the built in exclude selection lists dont apply to Novell Netware? at all? 
  • Ken,

    What if you wanted to exclude mutliple file types on all servers.  Do you have to create an exclusion for each file type or can you seperate the file wildcards with a coma?

    Path: \\*\*\**\
    File: *.pf


    Path: \\*\*\**\
    File: *.pf, *lg, *.lk, *.st